
Before i do the attendance form system, I have to do the student registration form. But there is one problem. I tested the student registration form (register.php) and tried to register myself to the database, but my data did not register to the database. I've done the coding correctly in the form.

Can help me?

Download the attendance form system in zip file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B07_pOHhTox3RndrMWFqaHJWTzg/view?usp=sharing
Inside there is the database table called attendance.sql. You need xampp and you must import the table (attendance.spl) in phpmyadmin.

The first problem you have is an incorrect parameter. In the HTML you have the radio buttons called 'gender' but in the PHP $_POST you use 'Sgender'.

Second problem is that you refer to a table called 'users' which should be 'student' going by the MySql schema.
Third problem, change your first value in the sql statement from '' to null so the id column updates correctly.

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