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Hello everyone,

I want to use Dazah app for single sign-in at my forum,, just as it works with the Daniweb. I'm currently doing installation, which I hope it should work, but I thought there will be some coding to get the integration working. I do have little knowledge of PHP and, I may not be able to do it. Can anyone give me an idea where to start or how to do this?


The Dazah web app Github project is an entirely standalone "tinder for business" -like app (similar to That isn't what you want based on the description that you gave here.

You're wanting to replace your forum's login system with Dazah. For that, you need nothing more than OAuth integration into your forum system. It seems (and correct me if I'm wrong) that you're using phpBB.

I did a quick Googl esearch and it looks like phpBB has OAuth support built-in, but only for Bitly, Facebook, and Google. (auth_link feature). You will need to find a plugin that offers OAuth support for any third-party OAuth-capable API. Then, Dazah integration should be simple from there.

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This may point the way forward to developing your own integration: . It's based on bitly, but may be able to be modified for Dazah.

I believe it refers to these files (on github phpbb3): (list of oauth service providers) (section on oauth - scroll down to see them)

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