Hi everyone,
i have a page that uses jquery ajax to get json from another page. However, instead of the ajax using sucess, it goes directly to error. I have a debug on the error to see what is the issue and i get "Parsing JSON Request failed."

page 1.php

$("#validate").click(function() {
    var tags = $("#coc_tag").val();
    var type = $("#type").val();
    var cleantag = tags.replace(/#/, "%23");

    switch(type) {
        case 'clan':
                url: "/coc/mirror.php?tag="+cleantag+"&type="+type,
                method: "GET",
                //dataType: "json",
                cache: false,
                success: function(data, textStatus){
                    //for testing.
                    $.each(data,function( key, value ) {
                        alert( key + ": " + value );
                error:function(x,e) {
                    if (x.status==0) {
                        alert('You are offline!!\n Please Check Your Network.');
                    } else if(x.status==404) {
                        alert('Requested URL not found.');
                    } else if(x.status==500) {
                        alert('Internel Server Error.');
                    } else if(e=='parsererror') {
                        alert('Error.\nParsing JSON Request failed.');
                    } else if(e=='timeout'){
                        alert('Request Time out.');
                    } else {
                        alert('Unknow Error.\n'+x.responseText);

here is the php page the outputs the json.

header('Content-type: application/json');
// extra curl stuff that i took out
$headr = array();
$headr[] = "Accept: application/json";
$headr[] = "Authorization: Bearer ".$token;

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headr);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 

$res = curl_exec($ch);
$data = json_decode($res, true);

$items = $data["items"];

class item {
    public $tag = "";

$test = new item();
foreach($items as $item) {
    $test->tag = $item["tag"];
    echo json_encode($test);

The output looks like this


Again, im getting the error trigger on the jQuery ajax.

Member Avatar for diafol

Not sure I understand. Are you getting data from a non-ajax run of the php script? If you had an ajax error, then you wouldn't get the data.

Anyway - this isn't valid json as you are returning multiple objects. If you added all the objects to an array that should work - then you can json_encode that and use the dataType: "json" in your ajax setup.

Member Avatar for diafol

There must be a simpler way of getting the data. A simple data structure to pass back may be:


That is, a simple array of what looks like id values.


$data = $data = json_decode($res, true);
$array = array_column($data['items'], 'tag');
echo json_encode($array);

No need for loops.

commented: "There has to be a better way!" (brought to you by Diafol) +12

Ok sorry, it was late last night when i posted this. Here is the JSON response from clash of clans website:

  array(45) {
    array(10) {
      string(9) "#VGLVGVVJ"
      string(5) "ariel"
      string(8) "coLeader"
      array(3) {
        string(15) "Titan League II"
        array(3) {
          string(94) "https://api-assets.clashofclans.com/leagues/72/llpWocHlOoFliwyaEx5Z6dmoZG4u4NmxwpF-Jg7su7Q.png"
          string(94) "https://api-assets.clashofclans.com/leagues/36/llpWocHlOoFliwyaEx5Z6dmoZG4u4NmxwpF-Jg7su7Q.png"
          string(95) "https://api-assets.clashofclans.com/leagues/288/llpWocHlOoFliwyaEx5Z6dmoZG4u4NmxwpF-Jg7su7Q.png"
    array(10) {
      string(9) "#90UVCJUU"
      string(9) "Satanillo"
      string(6) "leader"
      array(3) {
        string(17) "Champion League I"
        array(3) {
          string(94) "https://api-assets.clashofclans.com/leagues/72/9v_04LHmd1LWq7IoY45dAdGhrBkrc2ZFMZVhe23PdCE.png"
          string(94) "https://api-assets.clashofclans.com/leagues/36/9v_04LHmd1LWq7IoY45dAdGhrBkrc2ZFMZVhe23PdCE.png"
          string(95) "https://api-assets.clashofclans.com/leagues/288/9v_04LHmd1LWq7IoY45dAdGhrBkrc2ZFMZVhe23PdCE.png"

Just want to get the name and tag of each member and return them with json_encode back to page1.php.
i re-added the dataType: "json", and with your answer i was able to get a success response. Thanks alot on that.
I have been looking about about trying to loop through multidimenstional associative array, but without using foreach - from my level of knowledge - i wont be able to return them all without actually having the build the structure.
crude example:
echo "{"
echo "\"tag\"=>".$array = array_column($data['items'], 'tag').",";
echo "}";

Just want to say thanks diafol. Given the above output from above, i will work on this and post what ever i come up with.
i guess for night now, i can use each $k=>$v, but im still gonna tinker around. Thanks for the reply.

Member Avatar for diafol

Hi MIke - this simple 4-line function may be useful:

Shove in your json_decoded array (items level) and a mask array that has a list of the top level fields you need. This could be done just as easily with a individual items in a foreach loop, but intersect helps to simplify the code - may be marginally slower though.

//Simple top-level retriever

function cherryPick(Array $dataArray, Array $maskArray)
    $result = [];
    $myMask = array_flip($maskArray);
    foreach($dataArray as $item) $result[] = array_intersect_key($item, $myMask);
    return $result;

$mask = ['name', 'tag', 'trophies'];

echo "<pre>";
print_r(cherryPick($data['items'], $mask));
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