Anyone got any idea's for a hit counter for a webpage in asp .NET, using the VB code behind? Any help would be really appreciated.

ok I used the global.asax page for this one, got this information off, good site.

Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

'This variable Hits will store the # of visitors

Application("Hits") = 0

End Sub

Sub Session_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

'Lock the Application for concurrency issues


'Increment the counter

Application("Hits") = Application("Hits") + 1

'Unlock the Application


End Sub

Now to declare it in my webform...

This page has been viewed

Ok guys, this works but I would not by any means recommend it because it resests itself every time you rebuild the project, plus it resets whenever the server your site is on reboots or restarts, if anyone has a better alternative to this, please let me know. The next question I have is how do I replace the number on the hit counter, with a graphic, say it said 2 people have visited the page in plain text, I want that "2" to be an image of a 2, I've found a little on this but it's not working. Will post back if I find anything out.

Are you fermiliar with GDI+ in .NET? What you need to do is make a dynamic image. Make a new webform, give it an image content type, and in the page's code, create the graphic (using the hitcount you want), do a Response.Flush(), and then then write the Graphic using Response.Write (Maybe WriteStream). Then, in your webpage, just do <img> tags to your dynamic image webform ;-).

Also, to make the hitcount perminate, you'll want to use a file, a database, or registry key to keep track of the hitcount ;-).

Ok, I have been trying to find where I can make a perminant hit counter, most are by using text files (and I would definitely prefer them over a database). My problem now is, I can't find any code to make one! The little code I can find is poorly explained and I was wondering if one of you guys could maybe help me out here. God Bless!:cry:

Fixed this one also guys. Here is the code for my hit counter. There was also some code to create .gif images for the number images on the fly but... it proved a little difficult, I'll probably put them in version two of the website. The company website is nearly up :D the boss loves it, I'll keep you guys updated so I can get some feedback on my work, thanks! Here is the code

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
Dim nCount As Int32 = 0
nCount = GetCounterValue()
lblTest.Text = nCount.ToString()
End If
End Sub

Private Function GetCounterValue() As Int32

Dim ctrFile As StreamReader
Dim ctrFileW As FileStream
Dim sw As StreamWriter
Dim strPath As String = Server.MapPath("indexcount.txt")
Dim strCounterContents As String
Dim nCounter As Int32
If (File.Exists(strPath)) Then
ctrFile = File.OpenText(strPath)
strCounterContents = ctrFile.ReadLine().ToString()
nCounter = Convert.ToInt32(strCounterContents)
nCounter = 0
End If
nCounter += 1
ctrFileW = New FileStream(strPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)
sw = New StreamWriter(ctrFileW)
Return nCounter
End Function

and of course, don't forget the "Imports System.IO" (no quotations) at the top of the code. Happy coding guys! Thanks again Tekmaven!

Slade :cheesy:

But how to do the same in C#. For instance :

int hits = Int32.Parse(Application["Hits"]);

Will create a error
Error 2 Argument '1': cannot convert from 'object' to 'string' E:\Sh\ASP\cS HitCounter\Global.asax 26 32 E:\...\cS HitCounter\

ok I used the global.asax page for this one, got this information off, good site.

Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

'This variable Hits will store the # of visitors

Application("Hits") = 0

End Sub

Sub Session_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

'Lock the Application for concurrency issues


'Increment the counter

Application("Hits") = Application("Hits") + 1

'Unlock the Application


End Sub

Now to declare it in my webform...

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Ok guys, this works but I would not by any means recommend it because it resests itself every time you rebuild the project, plus it resets whenever the server your site is on reboots or restarts, if anyone has a better alternative to this, please let me know. The next question I have is how do I replace the number on the hit counter, with a graphic, say it said 2 people have visited the page in plain text, I want that "2" to be an image of a 2, I've found a little on this but it's not working. Will post back if I find anything out.

But how to do the same in C#. For instance :

int hits = Int32.Parse(Application["Hits"]);

Will create a error
Error 2 Argument '1': cannot convert from 'object' to 'string' E:\Sh\ASP\cS HitCounter\Global.asax 26 32 E:\...\cS HitCounter\

int hits = Int32.Parse(Application["Hits"].ToString());

int hits = (int)Application["Hits"];

would be better because the object is already an int

Write this code to your global.asax
Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Application("counter") = Application("counter") + 1
End Sub

and write these lines in your default homepage

Application("counter") = CType(Application("counter") + 1, Int32)

Everything will be fine then.

Enjoy the weekend.


so if we restart IIS then application variable will reset, our counter will be useless. suggest me ..

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