Hello Daniweb community,

I have an app that is built on custom MVC design pattern. The app is designed that when the controller is empty, that is when $url[0] is empty, then the app should automatically redirect to index. The code to do this is found on bootstrap.php and looks as follows:

function __construct() {

        $url = isset($_GET['url']) ? $_GET['url'] : null;
        $url = rtrim($url, '/');
        $url = explode('/', $url);


        if (empty($url[0])) {
            require 'controllers/index.php';
            $controller = new Index();
            return false;

In the same app i also have an index controller, and Index model and a base controller (that loads the base Model).

The index controller code snippet that causes the error looks like this:


    class Index extends Controller {
        public function __construct(){


        public function Index(){
            $this->view->userList = $this->model->userList();
            echo 'INDEX INDEX INDEX';



The index model looks like this:


class Index_Model extends Model{

    public function __construct(){


    public function userList(){

        $sth = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM user WHERE
                                 year = 2018 AND month = 'February'");

                return $sth->fetchAll();



and finally the base controller that loads the model looks like this:


class Controller {
    function __construct() {

        $this->view = new Views();


    function loadModel($name){

        $path ='Models/'.$name.'_model.php';
        if(file_exists($path)) {
            require $path;
            $modelname = $name . '_Model';
            $this->model = new $modelname();

I have been trying to figure out what might be causing this error with no much success. Most of the answers on the internet suggest a var_dump of $this->model which in my case returns a null. My question is why is this running when the url is http://localhost/Test/index but gives me an error when the url is http://localhost/Test and yet the code on the bootstrap explicitly says that when $url[0] is empty reroute to index controller?

problem in line number 12 of first code block


change above to


I have changed the line but there is no change.

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