Dear all.
here is the code snippet for student database search.
whatever number i enter in the textbox,it says that student details r not found.
please verify it.

HTML code

Student Search
<form method="POST" action="http://localhost:7001/jsp/result.jsp">
<table align="center" width="50%" border="0" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4">
<th colspan="50" bgcolor="gray"><font face="arial" size="5px" color="black" align="left"><b>Student Details</b></font></th>
<td><font face="verdana" size="3px" color="black">Student Roll NO</font></td>
<td><input type="text" name="Per_ID" size="16"/>
<td colspan="50" align="left"><input type="submit" value="Search"/></td>



<%@ page language="java" 
import="java.sql.*,java.util.*" session="true" %>
<title>Student Details</title>
<% Connection con;
Statement stmt;
ResultSet rs;
String url = "Jdbc:Odbc:AMS1";
String query = "select * from Authenticate where Per_ID = " + request.getParameter("Per_ID") + " ";
String query_person = null;

catch(Exception e)
con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"user","user");
stmt = con.createStatement();
rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
Student exists !!!<br><hr>
query_person = "select * from Authenticate where Per_id = " + rs.getInt("Per_ID") + " ";
%> Student does Not exist !!!<br>

<table border="1" align="left" width="60%">
if(query_person != null || query_person != "")
rs = stmt.executeQuery(query_person);
<td>Person Identification</td>
<%= rs.getInt("Per_ID") %>
<td>Name [login_name, password]</td>
<%= rs.getString("Login_name") %>
,<%= rs.getString("Password") %>

<%= rs.getString("Type") %>

catch(Exception e)

please verify this and offer ur valuable comments
thanks in advance

don't do that kind of stuff in a JSP. Use a proper application architecture, JSPs should be used for display only and NEVER use scriptlets.

I agree with jwenting. Its a bad idea to do database programmiing in a jsp. But my guess is you won't stop doing it. So I would recommend puting system.out statements in your catchs to see if an exception is being thrown. I would also try and up your logging on your database to see exactly what is being requested. Overall, the logic looks ok, maybe the data being sent isn't correct.

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