i'm currently learning php. i'm making a file for a friend instead of using the page that comes up when theres no index file in a folder.

i want the directories to come up first and then the files.

heres the essence of the code:

//$entry is the filename

while($entry = $dir->read()) { 
    if(($entry == ".") || ($entry == "..")) { 
if (!strpos($entry, ".")){ 
    //then it is a directory 
    //then file 
echo "<BR>"; 

you can see the output here: http://www.smuserver.net/c79studios

Are you just posting that for us to look at, or do you need help with it?

I just didn't see a question.... lol

i want the directories to come up first and then the files.

how would i do this?

(you can see the output here if that helps)

im not sure about that, maybe you could just start again from scratch and check everything as you go.

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