I want to Learn PHP and MySQL, plz tell me from where I have to start and is there any good software for php and mysql sites creation ?

Yes w3school is the best one for beginners

Please send the new form so only any one replay this quickly

Please send the new form so only any one replay this quickly

That makes no sense at all.

Check out xamp: http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html

It's really the easiest way to get PHP and mysql running together on your machine for you to play around with.

If you have a little programming background, PHP will be a breeze to learn. As for SQL, learn good table structure. Perhaps check out a book on UML and normalization.


he need only free host ok
make sence

I suggest you to refer www.tanguay.info for php installation. And for php beginners w3schools is suggestible

It’s so wonderful to see such a group with people who are so impassioned about Learn PHP. People just don’t understand how really important is to train PHP.
That’s why we should make sure that such the right info is available to anyone.
I truly believe that by reading it, others will be able to gain some useful information and knowledge for training your PHP in the right way. You can check it out at [snip]


What strikes me about this thread is the fact that so many people responded to this somewhat shallow question and the original poster never responded to any of it!!!
It's an interesting phenomena.
Maybe he/she discovered what Google is for? LOL

Member Avatar for diafol

I'm surprised that every contribution is based on web-based resources. I still find books extremely helpful. O'Reilly, Wrox (dead now?) have really good offerings. The good thing about books is that you can go to the Google page at the back and find relevant references. I like the CD-less versions, as you have to start coding for real - copying mostly to begin with and then editing bits and bobs as you go along.

Their main advantage is that they are peer-reviewed where code is checked, double-checked and checked again for good measure. This isn't to say that books are infallible or always offer the best solutions. Sadly, anybody can start a tutorial site and jam it with all sorts of crud that they haven't tested or perhaps they've pilfered from elsewhere (source 'unknown').

I use sites for more advanced or obscure stuff, but whenever I want to start learning a new language or technique I go to Amazon/local bookshop and get a nice book on it. I save up my pennies coz they ain't cheap.

I'm surprised that every contribution is based on web-based resources. I still find books extremely helpful. O'Reilly, Wrox (dead now?) have really good offerings. The good thing about books is that you can go to the Google page at the back and find relevant references. I like the CD-less versions, as you have to start coding for real - copying mostly to begin with and then editing bits and bobs as you go along.

Their main advantage is that they are peer-reviewed where code is checked, double-checked and checked again for good measure. This isn't to say that books are infallible or always offer the best solutions. Sadly, anybody can start a tutorial site and jam it with all sorts of crud that they haven't tested or perhaps they've pilfered from elsewhere (source 'unknown').

I use sites for more advanced or obscure stuff, but whenever I want to start learning a new language or technique I go to Amazon/local bookshop and get a nice book on it. I save up my pennies coz they ain't cheap.

I'm not saying that books aren't a great source, I have my share of books, being the neophyte that I am.
Google will bring you to the PHP site AND Amazon just as quick.
Barnes an Noble has a pretty good selection of technical books as well.

I know what you mean about the tutoral sites. I try to stay with the absolute authorities, such as W3, PHP , or MySQL online. Between the books and those sites, I manage...
Not that I am a guru by any stretch of the imagination, but I have seen some code offered on some bad tutorial sites that I KNOW will put me in a world of hacker hurt ,if used.
Maybe that was the intended purpose?
(I'm getting cynical now...)

You can try platforms that use WYSIWYG. The full guide on PHP/MySQL is at php tutorials

To get information about mysql and php you can google notes in the internet and you will get a lot of notes in soft copy. please try to get beginners notes and you will really enjoy them. As you read the tutorials practice the coding at the same time.

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