I have a site that I am working on for a friend. The test site is located at:


In the image galleries when you click on the large image it greys out the background but it does not fill the screen. I know it is probably just something simple but I just can't seem to see it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the site code for

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<title>AJW Photo</title>

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<div id="divShowImageLarge" style="display:none;"></div>
<div id="divPreload" style="display:none;">
<img id="Img1" src="../images/indicator.gif" onClick="fnClickImg();">
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            <div align="center" class="style1" id="divImageTitle">Click the Image to Return</div>
<div id="divImageLargeBorder" style="display:none;" onClick="fnClickImg();">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../include/ViewImages.js"></script>

<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

Here is the code for the include "ViewImages.js":

var iMarginVertical = 0;
var iMarginHorizontal = 0;
var xLeftMove = 0;
var yTopMove = 0;

function SetImg( sImg, sText )
    if ( sText == null ) sText = "";
        document.getElementById( "divPreload" ).style.display="block";
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        posToCenter( document.getElementById( "divPreload" ) );

        setOpacity( "divShowImageLarge", 0 );
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    var img = new Image();
    img.onload = fnLoadImg;    
    img.onclick = fnClickImg;
    img.src = sImg;

    function fnLoadImg()
        document.getElementById( "divImageLarge" ).style.width = img.width;
        document.getElementById( "divImageLarge" ).style.height = img.height;

        setOpacity( "divImageLarge", 10 );
        setOpacity( "divImageLargeBorder", 0 );
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        document.getElementById( "imgLarge" ).src = img.src;
        if ( sText != "" )
            document.getElementById( "divImageTitle" ).innerHTML = sText;
        /* resize img */
        /*var pageSize = new getPageSize();
        alert( img.width );
        if ( img.width >= pageSize.width )
            resizeImageToScreen( document.getElementById( "imgLarge" ) );
            document.getElementById( "divImageLarge" ).style.width = img.width;
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        posToCenter( document.getElementById( "divImageLarge" ), xLeftMove, yTopMove );
        //alert(document.getElementById( "divImageLarge" ).offsetWidth );
        ///alert( img.width );
        var iMV = iMarginVertical * 2;
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        document.getElementById( "divImageLargeBorder" ).style.width = img.width-iMV//document.getElementById( "divImageLarge" ).style.offsetWidth;
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        setOpacity( "divImageLargeBorder", 0 );
        var imagebox_op_level = 10;
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        for (var i=0;i<=imagebox_op_level;i++) {setTimeout("setIboxOpacity('divImageLargeBorder',"+i+")",30*i);}
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        document.getElementById( "divPreload" ).style.display="none";
        //document.getElementById( "divShowImageLarge" ).innerHTML="";
        posToCenter( document.getElementById( "divImageLarge" ), xLeftMove, yTopMove );
function fnClickImg()
    document.getElementById( "divShowImageLarge" ).style.display="none";
    document.getElementById( "divImageLarge" ).style.display="none";
    document.getElementById( "divImageLargeBorder" ).style.display="none";
    document.getElementById( "divPreload" ).style.display="none";

    function HideShowElements(sTagName,sStatus)
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        var oElm = null;
        for (i=0; i<aElm.length; i++)
            oElm = aElm[i];
            oElm.style.visibility = sStatus;

setOpacity = function (elemid,value)
        var e = getElem(elemid);
        e.style.opacity = value/10;
        e.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + value*10 + ')';

resizeImageToScreen = function(objImg)

    var pagesize = new getPageSize();

    var x = pagesize.width - 100;
    var y = pagesize.height - 100;

    if(objImg.width > x) { 
        objImg.height = objImg.height * (x/objImg.width); 
        objImg.width = x; 
        if(objImg.height > y) { 
            objImg.width = objImg.width * (y/objImg.height); 
            objImg.height = y; 

    else if(objImg.height > y) { 
        objImg.width = objImg.width * (y/objImg.height); 
        objImg.height = y; 
        if(objImg.width > x) { 
            objImg.height = objImg.height * (x/objImg.width); 
            objImg.width = x;

    return objImg;

posToCenter = function(elem, xx, yy )
    if ( xx == null ) xx = 0;
    if ( yy == null ) yy = 0;
    var scrollPos = new getScrollPos();
    var pageSize = new getPageSize();
    var emSize = new getElementSize(elem);
    var x = Math.round(pageSize.width/2) - (emSize.width /2) + scrollPos.scrollX;
    var y = Math.round(pageSize.height/2) - (emSize.height /2) + scrollPos.scrollY;    
    //alert( x + " - " + y );
    x = x + xx;
    y = y + yy;
    //alert( x + " - " + y );
    elem.style.left = x+'px';
    elem.style.top = y+'px';

getScrollPos = function()
    var docElem = document.documentElement;
    this.scrollX = self.pageXOffset || (docElem&&docElem.scrollLeft) || document.body.scrollLeft;
    this.scrollY = self.pageYOffset || (docElem&&docElem.scrollTop) || document.body.scrollTop;

getPageSize = function()
    var docElem = document.documentElement
    this.width = self.innerWidth || (docElem&&docElem.clientWidth) || document.body.clientWidth;
    this.height = GetPageHeight();//self.innerHeight || (docElem&&docElem.clientHeight) || document.body.clientHeight;

getElementSize = function(elem)
    this.width = elem.offsetWidth ||  elem.style.pixelWidth;
    this.height = elem.offsetHeight || elem.style.pixelHeight;

getElem = function(elemId)
    return document.getElementById(elemId);    

maintPos = function() {
    var ibox = getElem('divImageLarge');
    var iboxBorder = getElem('divImageLargeBorder');
    var box_w = getElem('divShowImageLarge');
    var pagesize = new getPageSize();
    var ua = navigator.userAgent;
    //alert( box_w.style.width + " - " + pagesize.width );
    if(ua.indexOf("MSIE ") != -1) {box_w.style.width = pagesize.width+'px';} 
    else {box_w.style.width = pagesize.width-16+'px';}

    //alert( box_w.style.height + " - " + document.body.scrollHeight );
    if(ua.indexOf("Opera/9") != -1) {box_w.style.height = document.body.scrollHeight+'px';}
    else {box_w.style.height = document.body.scrollHeight+0+'px';}
    posToCenter( ibox, xLeftMove, yTopMove );
    posToCenter( iboxBorder, xLeftMove, yTopMove );

function GetPageHeight()
    if (self.innerHeight) // all except Explorer
        screenY = self.innerHeight;
    else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight)    // Explorer 6 Strict Mode
        screenY = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
    else if (document.body) // other Explorers
        screenY = document.body.clientHeight;
    //document.getElementById( "contentall" ).style.height = screenY - 100;
    return screenY;

window.onscroll = maintPos;
window.onresize = maintPos;

The entirely grey background works how you want in opera (although the images appear too high on the page to be seen properly). The background is short in Firefox 2, but the image appears in the center of the page and is visible.

I've noticed this happen often (always) in Firefox when you use XHTML and 100% height (and/or background properties). This is not the correct behaviour. In these contexts, 100% should be the height of the navigator window or the contents of the body, whichever is largest.

There's not much you can do about it, except set an absolute height for the body; which is a pain because how big is a window?, or remove the XHTML doctype and let browsers assume their quirks modes

remove the XHTML doctype and let browsers assume their quirks modes

How would you change the document type this late in the game.

How would you change the document type this late in the game.

Probably; delete it from the top of the page and see what happens :mrgreen:

Personally, I'd try and work around it rather than remove it. If you set the body height to something like 1400 pixels using CSS; then 100%/backgrounds will work; but you'll have a long scrollbar on your pages.

I changed the document type and it is working correctly. Thanks so much for the tip.

Eek. Be careful that you check that the page still looks ok on all of your target browsers.

Try and look for a document type that doesn't cause ill effects but is still standardised, perhaps one of the latest HTML (4.0) ones.

Eek. Be careful that you check that the page still looks ok on all of your target browsers.

Try and look for a document type that doesn't cause ill effects but is still standardised, perhaps one of the latest HTML (4.0) ones.

I changed it to:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

Check it out now. I think it looks pretty good.


- Jonathan

I am trying to add links on the bottom of the large image to go to the next image in the large format. Any ideas?

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