I want to know how to find the site no.of visitors maximum allowed ,

for example i want to develop a site ,but i don't know how many no.of users can acess the site maximum.

Is it possible to know and improve this visiting users capacity through PHP code.

I think google,Yahoo,amazon sites millions of users are browsing ,But the sites are not crashed.

How we can maintain the site like that

what are the development causes involved to develop and maintain site like that.


1) Write efficient code.

2) Take advantage of caching.

3) Get high powered servers.

1) Write efficient code.

2) Take advantage of caching.

3) Get high powered servers.

As a developer ,What are the things i have to consider for efficent code,


How to i identify the code is efficent one.

That's complex to answer. In most programming languages there are multiple way s to accomplish the same goal. But they aren't equal in terms of how much work they take the server to do. A common way to improve performance in a web application is to optimize your data queries. There are a variety of ways to optimize code and good programming book will cover it for its language.

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