My hosting company no longer permits connection to any port other than standard ones and I am in the middle of a project that is best solved via sockets (I think).

I use a mysql database and connect to it via php. I need 4 people to use client sockets to connect to a server socket with access to the database. Small datapackets would be sent when necessary from clients to server and back. (I am building the interface in Flash but other methods not a problem).

I used to do a lot of this a while back with no problem but now I cannot find a hosting company that will let me do it.
2 full days spent calling, emailing companies and no joy!
Anyone know a hosting company that will permit it?
OR have things moved on and there is a better method?

Maky thanks in advance.


You'll need a dedicated server for that. No one wants other sites bringing the server down for everybody.

ever thaught about just hosting it on your LAN using xampp? (Firewall!!!)

thats what I do for college CGI/Perl development, not recommeneded for internet hosting but for development its great (comes out of the box with phpmyadmin etc...) configured

Check your housting company to support socket program. Simley check your hosting support perl & php application

Check your housting company to support socket program. Simley check your hosting support perl & php application

Sorry vssp I don't understand what you mean. My hosting does perl and php but do not allow access to 'registered ports' (those above 1023). So, how can I set up a server socket on the host's server?

Perhaps I have got it all wrong - please let me know.

Many thanks

My hosting company no longer permits connection to any port other than standard ones and I am in the middle of a project that is best solved via sockets (I think).

I use a mysql database and connect to it via php. I need 4 people to use client sockets to connect to a server socket with access to the database. Small datapackets would be sent when necessary from clients to server and back. (I am building the interface in Flash but other methods not a problem).

I used to do a lot of this a while back with no problem but now I cannot find a hosting company that will let me do it.
2 full days spent calling, emailing companies and no joy!
Anyone know a hosting company that will permit it?
OR have things moved on and there is a better method?

Maky thanks in advance.


I am not 100% sure what you need to do but my hosting company is computinghost.com you could try them. They seem to be pretty flexible about the the sockets you use.

Great - many thanks elderp - what a wonderful hosting company - real people who you can contact and they understand what you are talking about. May your connections be plentiful.

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