
Can you please go through the HTML files and let me know where am I going wrong?

Page1.html :

<title>PAGE 1</title>
<form action="page2.html" method="get" name="LoginForm" id="LoginForm">
Username : <input name="username" size="20"> 
Password :<input name="password" type=password size="20">
<input type="submit" name="Login" value="Login" >
<input type="reset" name="Reset2" value="Reset">

Page2.html :

<title> Page2.html </title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function GetParam(rname)
var rstart=location.search.indexOf("?"+rname+"=");
if (rstart<0) rstart=location.search.indexOf("&"+rname+"=");
if (rstart<0) return ' ';
rstart += rname.length+2;
var end=location.search.indexOf("&",rstart)-1;
if (end<0) { end=location.search.length; }
var result='';
for(var i=rstart;i<=end;i++)
var c=location.search.charAt(i);
result=result+(c=='+'?' ':c);
return unescape(result);
<form name="page2" method=get action="page3.html">
<input type="hidden" name="uname" value=GetParam(username)>
<input type="button" name="button" value="click">

When I tried to invoke GetParam(Username) javascript function, it didnt get the hidden element "UNAME" value instead it returned "GetParam(username)" itself.Can you put your ideas into this?

In Page3.html, I should be able to get the Hidden Values and Name for INPUT "UNAME".Is there any concept available??


you're not calling the function, you're writing the function name. calling the function is only possible from a <script> block or from an event handler attribute...

to call the function when the page has loaded; you could do this:

<body onload="document.forms.uname.value = GetParam(username);">
...same as before...

alternatively, replace the input with;

<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<input type="hidden" name="uname" value="');

(beware of the quoting here, each document.write uses a ' to quote its parameter, but there are " quotes inside each parameter..)

both of those methods are a bit 'hacky' for various reasons; neither is perfect and neither will work without Js. I'd certainly advise using PHP or similar to get the form data and alter the page; it's not a good job for javascript.

sorry, my mistake, that first example should be:

<body onload="document.forms[0].elements['uname'].value = GetParam(username);">
...same as before...

I know I am late, but can be helpful for people seeking response for this kind of questions :) Here is one of the possible solution:
In your existing function

function GetParam(rname) {
//before returning
var unameElement = document.getElementById('unameid');
if (unameElement == null) {
 var udiv = document.getElementById('unamediv');
 var element1= document.createElement('INPUT');
}else {
//may be now you do not need return stmt

<form name="page2" method=get action="page3.html">
<div id="unamediv"></div>

4 1/2 years old post >_<

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