Hi there people!
I need some help here. I have a scenario where I'd like users to pick any date from current date (today's date) to any date in the future. The user would not have access or be presented an opportunity to pick yesterday's date. I have some ideas swimming in my head (for instance loading up of dates into a dropdown listbox is one of them and I am actually wondering whether there is a standard control that works like that OR are there better alternatives) but want some input or other ideas from you guys .
I prefer suggestions in vb.net

What I already have is a calendar called from javascript code and unfortunately allows you to pick yesterday's date. thanks

DateTimePicker1.MinDate = System.DateTime.Today()
'put the above line on load of the form

Thanks for your reply john,

What I have in mind is that I want the dates loaded up from current date (todays date) up to a year in a drop down list box.

DateTimePicker1.MinDate = System.DateTime.Today()
'put the above line on load of the form

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