Hey, I have created a searcher on my companies website that displays products that we sell. It displays the code, price, blah blah blah. basic stuff. but anyways i want to display some information for the product not on the page but on a tooltip like screen. I know a few ways i can do this: using layers, pop up screens, etc... etc.. but i was hoping someone would know of a better way that i could try (something new to do, i am alittle bored) I am not looking for the code, just a push in the right direction.

Anyways help would be greatly appreciated.

do you mean like how on daniweb, one can hover over athread in the board listing and see what people are talking about?

yeah, something along those line. like a alt tag that i could alter to make it look like a table cell. so basically like the thread popup on daniweb yeah.

That would make me hit my BACK button immediately. Those are ANNOYING!

I don't think i am explaining this very well. Here is a idea of what i want to create but am having trouble creating. I currently am using a layer to create something very similar, but i was hoping to us something that would work faster and better and respond to do all the work on mouse over instead on onClick. (the layer i am using you have to open and close, if i set to to mouseOver it is terrible when you are just moving to an item. again any help would be greatly appreciated

here is the idea i wish to create:

There are two ways to do it. The first is to use CSS and absolute positioning. You would create a hidden div and then use the a:hover css property to set it to be visible when the link is hovered over. This is the way that the dropdown menus in our silver navigation menu are generated.

The second way is to use Javascript / DHTML. A quick google search for javascript tooltip should result in a good few ways to accomplish this with relative ease. This is the way that the forum / thread description hovers are done.

wow, ok i was apperently searching for the wring thing. i spent 2 dad looking for this and i found it under 2 minutes with javascript tooltips. thank you very much that was very helpful.

There are two ways to do it. The first is to use CSS and absolute positioning. You would create a hidden div and then use the a:hover css property to set it to be visible when the link is hovered over. This is the way that the dropdown menus in our silver navigation menu are generated.

The second way is to use Javascript / DHTML. A quick google search for javascript tooltip should result in a good few ways to accomplish this with relative ease. This is the way that the forum / thread description hovers are done.

Hi please send me the code of an WebApplication(c#,ASP.net) in which on mouseover of a label a popup window should come, with some information like tooltiptext.

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