hi please give me some advice i have a registrar system that used for a small colleges and schools.the system now works fine but i want to enter the student grade authomatically by scanning method anyone would give me some advice or help i will appreciet it.

thankes very much

You will need to describe what you are trying to do a little bit better as it is not very clear.

thankes for ur fast reply.The existing system has a grade insertion page manually(for each student you have to enter a letter grade with in the provided text box).But what i want is to enter grade of students that have taken the same course by scanning the grade list paper once.

So have them either all of the grades at once and then update all of the relevant records from that?

So have them either all of the grades at once and then update all of the relevant records from that?

Sounds complicated.
You'll need an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) Software first translate the scanned page into Text. (if they characters are hand written, this won't work)

Then you'll need a custom written TXT parser to parse the Text, and convert it into the format that is saved by your HTML Form (like the database, or text file where the grades are stored). Quite simple.

The hard part is setting up the OCR to accept input from PHP, the binary data from the scanned image. And sending that back to PHP.

Usually, if you have a command line OCR it would be just a system call from PHP:

exec('path/to/ocr/ -options 'image_file.png' >> output.txt');
$text_from_image = file('ouput.txt');

I've never used an OCR program before so I'm not 100% sure if its that simple or not..

You'd have to manually scan each page however, and upload the images via PHP..

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