Hello everybody. I'm new to .NET and I would like to become a web developer in .NET environment.
I've searched a couple of times on the internet and found that have to learn VB Script or C# if i want to be a webmaster in ASP.NET .

I have inexperiance in programming and I just want to be a webmaster.
but not in PHP or Ruby.
Actually I'm not interested in Offline development so i decided to become a web developer.

basically my question is which programming language is ideal for ASP.NET ? and which one is easier to learn? I'm not going into programming deeply. (just web programming...)
Thanks in Advance.
PS: I'm a newbie in programming. so please don't get me wrong

If you have no programming experience, you might find VB (not VB Script) to be easier to learn. I'd recommend that you try both and see which one makes more sense to you. I personally prefer C#, but I have more of a background with similar languages, whereas I think VB looks funny since I've never really used any thing with a similar syntax.

If you go through some of the ASP.NET and Visual Web Developer walkthroughs on MSDN they should have equivalent samples in both C# and VB so you can see code segments side by side and try to determine which language fits you better.

oh thank you so much for the great answer. I have a visual Studio and only thing left is choosing the right language .
I totally agree with you. because I have no programming experience so I'll learn programming step by step :)
I'll go with VB first.
another Q?

If I know Visual Basic Can i learn ASP.NET with VB? Is VB enough for ASP.NET or does ASP.NET require C# or C++?

You can get by with just VB. Each time you add a page to your project, you can simply select whether to add it with VB or C# as the backend code. Note that you can add references (such as libraries) written in other languages and it will interoperate with your VB code just fine.

(another note: my screenshot shows J# as an option, but don't bother with it. I'm pretty sure it'll be gone in VS2008 anyways.)

yeah most sample apps for web development are in VB and C# so it doesnt matter (for some other proogramming areas such as DirectX there is very little in the way of VB documentation or code)

VB and C# can be used to make both windows and web applications. VB is easier to learn IMHO.

and yeah J# is a waste of time.

tnk you so much guys. I got an idea from you guyz. VB.:)
once again tnx a lot

um i can recommend a good book if you want to learn .NET

i learnt VB (for windows applications) using "Visual Basic 2005 Step By Step " by the author Michael Halvorson of Microsoft Press

if there is a version of this book aimed toward ASP.NET using VB then I would highly recommend it.

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