After this line of code:
<cfif Password eq #Password# and UserName eq #UserName#>

If this info is right I want to Display a page called GetPictureFromUser. How do I do this?

<cfif Password eq #Password# and UserName eq #UserName#>
<cfinclude template="yourpagetoinclude.cfm">
<cflocation url="yourloginpage.cfm">

What is the difference between the template and using the url. The template worked although it displayed the information the same page which I guess is fine. The url displayed a blank page.

<cfoutput Query = "login">
<cfif Password eq #Password# and UserName eq #UserName#>
<cfinclude template="GetPictureFromUser.cfm">
<cflocation url="SignIn.cfm">

Just depends how you want to do it - up to you. Either display the info on the same page using cfinclude or send them off to another page using cflocation. Whatever pleases you.

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