Hello guys!

Anyone that has an idea on how to store audio files in any format in MySQL database and downloading them when clicked during the retrieval or display of the said audio file, please help me. I've been looking it in the internet but mostly just storing images and retrieving them from the database. No storing and downloading of audio files. If you have an idea please help or please do give me a copy of your code if you have.
Thanks a lot.

Cheers to everyone! :)

It's better to store audio files in dir on your server and put path in MySQL field.

- Mitko Kostov

you can use move_uploaded_file

Thanks for your response. I'll try to implement the said function. Thank you very much. If anyone does have a different idea please help. :)

how to store music files in a database and retireve dem???

commented: If you are going to bump a 2 year old thread, at least make a contribution... +0
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