Hi can anyone help me tin asp.net. i want to make a sign up form with linking without returning back. if login successfully then go on welcome page otherwise login fails. just help me plzzz.

Would you like to use Microsoft Membership or have your own custom login? For a custom login, look at below. This sub relies on two textboxes and a submit button. The text boxes are the username and password. This is with an Odbc Database connection. If you use a MySQL connection, change the lines below (which I gave to you).

Sub btnLogin_Click(S As Object, E As EventArgs)
  Dim conLogin As OdbcConnection
  Dim cmdSelectLoginfo As OdbcCommand
  Dim dtrReaderLogin As OdbcDataReader
  Dim conStringLogin As String
  Dim SQLString As String
  Dim strUAID As String
  conStringLogin = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("ConnectionString")
  conLogin = New OdbcConnection( conStringLogin )
  SQLString = "SELECT UserID FROM Users WHERE UserName=? AND UserPassword=?"
  'MySQL:  SQLString = "SELECT UserID FROM Users WHERE UserName=@userName AND UserPassword=@userPass"
  cmdSelectLoginfo = New OdbcCommand( SQLString, conLogin )
  cmdSelectLoginfo.Parameters.Add("?userName", (txtUsername.Text.Trim()).ToString())
  'MySQL:  cmdSelectLoginfo.Parameters.Add("@userName",(txtUsername.Text.Trim()).ToString())
  cmdSelectLoginfo.Parameters.Add("?userPass", (txtPassword.Text.Trim()).ToString())
  'MySQL:  cmdSelectLoginfo.Parameters.Add("@userPass",(txtUsername.Text.Trim()).ToString())
  dtrReaderLogin = cmdSelectLoginfo.ExecuteReader()
  if dtrReaderLogin.hasrows then
    strUAID = cmdSelectLoginfo.ExecuteScalar()
    Session("UAID") = strUAID
    Session("Login") = "Logged"
    Response.Redirect ("/loggedin.aspx")
    Session("Login") = "Failed"
    Session("UAID") = ""
    Response.Redirect ("/loggedin.aspx?log=fail")
    'or have this post back and enable a label field with lblname.Visible = true and lblname.Text = "login failed try again."
  end if
End Sub

Quite complex one. Can be done in 8 line code.

But How Sandeep

I do it this way for myself as it one, looks cleaner, and two, is easier for me to debug.

The way he is talking about is that you can set almost all your values while at Dim, like below:

Dim conLogin As New OdbcConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("ConnectionString"))

this specific string reduces the code above by 4 lines, but people just have their own ways of doing it as it suits them better.

You can also elminite the parameters added by just including them directly into the SQL query like:

Dim cmdSelectLoginfo As New OdbcCommand( "SELECT UserID FROM Users WHERE UserName=" & ((txtUsername.Text.Trim()).ToString()) & " AND UserPassword=" & ((txtPassword.Text.Trim()).ToString()), conLogin )

this line reduces code by 5 lines. Use what is best for you for debugging. After making sure it works the way you desire, worry about using less code as it saves bandwidth and load time (but nothing you will most likely have to worry about as it is minimal unless you are dealing with capacities of millions of unique visitors each month.)

It in VB and give best performance.
In C# i am posting later.
Just add this code. if any query revert.

Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
        If Page.IsValid Then
            If DBFunction(txtUserName.Text.Trim(), txtPassword.Text.Trim()) Then
                Session("UserName") = txtUserName.Text
                FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(txtUserName.Text, False)

                lblMessage.Text = "Invalid Login!"
                lblMessage.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red

            End If

        End If
    End Sub

'Add thi function to connect to database.

  Function DBConnection(ByVal strUserName As String, ByVal strPassword As String) As Boolean
        Dim MyCmd As New SqlCommand("sp_ValidateUser", objConnection)
        MyCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
        Dim objParam1, objParam2 As SqlParameter
        Dim objReturnParam As SqlParameter
        objParam1 = MyCmd.Parameters.Add("@UserName", SqlDbType.VarChar)
        objParam2 = MyCmd.Parameters.Add("@Password", SqlDbType.VarChar)
        objReturnParam = MyCmd.Parameters.Add("@Num_of_User", SqlDbType.Int)
        objParam1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
        objParam2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
        objReturnParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
        objParam1.Value = txtUserName.Text
        objParam2.Value = txtPassword.Text
            If objConnection.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
            End If
            If objReturnParam.Value < 1 Then
                lblMessage.Text = "Invalid Login!"
                lblMessage.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red
                Return True
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            lblMessage2.Text = "Error Connecting to Database!" & ex.Message
            lblMessage2.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red
        End Try

    End Function

Add Stored Procedure  in you database QUERY ANALYZER:

CREATE  PROCEDURE sp_ValidateUser          	(
         		@UserName VARCHAR(50) = NULL,
         		@Password VARCHAR(50) = NULL,
         		@Num_of_User INT = 0
         	SET @Num_of_User = (SELECT COUNT(*) AS Num_of_User
         	FROM Members
         	WHERE UserName = @UserName AND Password = @Password)
         RETURN  @Num_of_User

you have to name you button btnSubmit
and textboxes

Thi VB Code wil automatically search for Default.aspx page. If Default.aspx is not in your poject, it will give error.
For session, To display Hi Sandeep ! , like this, u have to take a label on default and set

label1.text="Hi " & Session[UserName] & "!"

Doing it this way you also need to set authentication in your web.config. So if you come up with errors, check there first.

SheSaidImaPregy is right !
I forgot to add connection string,that you have to define in your web.config
or do like this in your page

Partial Class Login
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
    [U]Dim objConnection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=SANDEEPTHAKUR\SANDY;database=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI")[/U]    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

End Sub

SheSaidImaPregy is right !
I forgot to add connection string,that you have to define in your web.config
or do like this in your page

Partial Class Login
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
    [U]Dim objConnection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=SANDEEPTHAKUR\SANDY;database=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI")[/U]    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

End Sub

Yeah, but if you use this connection more than once (which I am sure of it), then define it in your web.config.

enjoy! :)

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