Dear pro web developers,

This is a basic web developer and wanna you to help me.
I want to make Forum site on my LAN what should I do and what should I use?
I see the most forum site which are exactly the same with the same template,are they open source and can I use them too?

Please help me.

Do what everyone else does which is the smart thing to do: use an existing forum script. The best is vBulletin. A good free one is phpBB.

Joomla seems to be well regarded also.

Thank you "stymiee" it can be a good start for me,I'm going to test it in my lan.

Have Fun and Good Luck

Joomla is a CMS not a BB.

Personally I reccomend SMF or PhpBB

Joomla is a CMS not a BB.

Yeah, they have forum modules, but it might be overkill if just a simple forum is all that is needed. Haven't worked with it any myself :)

Joomla is a bit bloated for a small intranet forum IMHO

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