I am working on a web-based app, and I need to implement a function whereby it checks the dates daily, and send reminder email automatically.

May I know how can I do that? I saw some websites that mentioned about Console Application and Windows Scheduler.
Is that what I need? If so, how can I link to my app?
Otherwise, what are the methods that are available?

I'm new to C# and asp.net, please help.

there are different options to send email automatically
1) you can use windows schedular in u r computer to send them
the following urls will help u :

2)u can achieve the same functionality using sql server,if u are using that in u r project.
first u need to configure the sql to send emails the procedure and requirements for a computer to send email are given below,hope it helps

Requirements for Domain User Account

All domain user accounts must have permission to:
Access and change the SQL Server directory (\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Mssql).-->the server account we r using should be db owner.
Access and change the .mdf, .ndf, and .ldf database files.
Log on as a service.-->go to control panel->administrator tools->services->local security settings->local policies->user rights assignment->double click we will get logon as service->check whether the account is included in the list displayed otherwise add
Read and write registry keys at and under:
-or- for any named instance: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server.
Microsoft>mssqlserver>right click and check for permisions and check whether u r account is listed or not
-or- for any named instance: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlset\Services\MSSQL$Instancename. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib. start>run>regedit>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>System>
currentcontrolset>services>mssqlserver>right click and check for permisions and check whether u r account is listed or not.
Even after checking permissions if u get error then it may be due to u r password.check whether u have typed correct password.if neccessary change u r password.
the detailed procedure for configuring sql mail is given in http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/wi...windows/?p=164

Hi, Thanks for your reply.
Erm, if I deploy this website app to the web-server,
I should be using method two. am I correct?

there are different options to send email automatically
1) you can use windows schedular in u r computer to send them
the following urls will help u :

2)u can achieve the same functionality using sql server,if u are using that in u r project.
first u need to configure the sql to send emails the procedure and requirements for a computer to send email are given below,hope it helps

Requirements for Domain User Account

All domain user accounts must have permission to:
Access and change the SQL Server directory (\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Mssql).-->the server account we r using should be db owner.
Access and change the .mdf, .ndf, and .ldf database files.
Log on as a service.-->go to control panel->administrator tools->services->local security settings->local policies->user rights assignment->double click we will get logon as service->check whether the account is included in the list displayed otherwise add
Read and write registry keys at and under:
-or- for any named instance: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server.
Microsoft>mssqlserver>right click and check for permisions and check whether u r account is listed or not
-or- for any named instance: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlset\Services\MSSQL$Instancename. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib. start>run>regedit>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>System>
currentcontrolset>services>mssqlserver>right click and check for permisions and check whether u r account is listed or not.
Even after checking permissions if u get error then it may be due to u r password.check whether u have typed correct password.if neccessary change u r password.
the detailed procedure for configuring sql mail is given in http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/wi...windows/?p=164

yes.if u want to use windows schedular .u should schedule in u r clients computer.if u r using sql server ,u can use the second method.its very easy to use also.u have a option called jobs in sql server that does the work very easy but before that u need to configure the sql mail.

Hi, thanks for your reply.
I am not able to install that to my clients' computer so I think I'll go for method two.

Erm, I need to ask you something.
My database is using MS SQL Server.
So if my users don't have to login to the system and the database is able to trigger the method (sending email accordingly) itself?

Sorry, I don't understand about database mail.

Thanks for your reply.

Hi.. I've developed the console application already.

Now I have a question.
In the end, the database which is attached to my web application will be deployed in a web server.

Will this console application (install in one of my user's PC) connect to that database?

The connection string is the same.

Is there anything I've to do or I can just install the exe file to my user's PC and it will be link to the database in the web server?

using sql server to send emails,i have tested locally in a lan network.it worked i have no idea how it works for a deployed website.'help' of sql sever is one of the best teaching guides,so check the topic 'multi server Administration',hope this works

Thanks for your reply.

actually I didn't use SQL server to send the email.

I need a function whereby i retrieve the email address if there is no response from the users' clients after 3 days.

My Console Application contained the sql statements and the Stmp mail..

It's working if I run.. But still, I'm not too sure if this is the method I should use.

Sorry to trouble you.

I was reading your problem and wanted to say that 'greeny' is right. However there is a problem with using a Console application and scheduler - many IT admins will not like that option. Running the scheduler requires and administrator's user and if that user changes his password or is deleted the process will stop running. Another option you might use is using a cache refresh process in .NET. Using that option how ever does not let you good control over the time the method runs. I think the SQL option is the cleanest but requires an friendly DBA :)

i am new to asp.net and can i have the details od automatic sending mail...
here iam using SQL server 2005 and sql 2000 so how can i do the above methods?
please explain in brief...

i am new to asp.net and can i have the details od automatic sending mail...
here iam using SQL server 2005 and sql 2000 so how can i do the above methods?
please explain in brief...


Please reread this entire thread before posting a question. A user has previously provided pretty explicit steps on how to accomplish this.

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