809 Topics

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hi all, i am trying to connect an old apple monitor (this one: [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macintosh_Color_Display"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macintosh_Color_Display[/URL]) to my ph dv6000 laptop. i've got all the adaptors i need to make it work with a vga cable (14 pins, no 9th pin), but the colour is coming out all red tinted, and when …

Member Avatar for yotaparts

i recently got a mac, i have a HP scanner thats a piece of junk but i need to install it anyway. it is osx compatible. i have the install disk. the hp site doesn't seem to help. can someone give me detailed instructions. i'm lost.. thanks in advance :rolleyes:

Member Avatar for harold.giedt
Member Avatar for apcodonny

I have an airport extreme that I want to connect to my quest wirless router when i do connect the airport nothing happens i cannot get on the internet using the airport what am i doing wrong never had this problem when using verizon

Member Avatar for adi101
Member Avatar for jmflint

I'm at a loss. I have a Windows network (4 PC's plus 3 Macs). My Windows PCs all see each other and the Macs and successfully connect. One of my MBP (13") sees all Windows PCs and Macs. The other MBP (17") sees all but ONE of the Windows PCs …

Member Avatar for tje210
Member Avatar for goodnitegraci

I need to have my powerbook G4 connect to broadband wirelessly and a PC downstairs physically connected to the internet. I recently bought a Lynksus G broadband router (which I can very easily return) and have been going back and forth whether or not to get an airport base. My …

Member Avatar for ILikeSkidoo
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]15150[/ATTACH]Google went after Apple in a big way at [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story285274.html"]Google I/O[/URL] last week and I've been seeing a lot comments suggesting that Google has now surpassed Apple technologically. First of all, I don't think you can dismiss Apple's market power that easily. Secondly, Google made some announcements, which doesn't equal …

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Member Avatar for audiotechnob

Hi everybody, I am currently using a Apple ibook, G3, 900mhz for my music production.I am thinking of buying a new computer and I am tempted to go for a PC with thed Intel core duo processors.The one I am currently looking at is a DELL.Am i being completely mad …

Member Avatar for niadoj
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

There was a lot of pushing and shoving going on this week among the biggest players in technology. Google had its [URL="http://code.google.com/events/io/2010/"]I/O conference[/URL] and introduced several products and services aimed squarely at Apple, but that wasn't enough for them. Oh no, they had to rub Steve Jobs' nose in what …

Member Avatar for Jelousmee034
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I'm a huge fan of the president. I loved how his campaign used social media to help drive him to victory in 2008. I think he's generally a smart, well-informed and extremely articulate man, but today he said something incredibly stupid about the iPad and I have to say something. …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]14692[/ATTACH]Apple's feeling pretty good about itself lately and why shouldn't it? It sold [URL="http://www.tuaw.com/2010/05/03/apple-sells-one-millionth-ipad/"]a million iPads[/URL] in the first month. That means iPad sales reached a million units twice as fast as the original iPhone. The revenue spigot remains wide open and I'm sure investors are happy, but Apple has …

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Member Avatar for Ashnys

i try to install my pixma mp130 to my macbook pro using the setup cd but it says failed to install omniscanner. so i went online and searched for the drivers, and reinstalled mp navigator, scanner driver and scanner gear (i deleted the ones i installed previously). but when i …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Emails went around the world today confirming that the [URL="http://www.apple.com/iPad"]iPad[/URL] 3G is available to order either online or to buy in store. Admittedly they only went around the world to people who'd signed up to the American Apple website, and nobody outside that country can have one, but it's confirmation …

Member Avatar for khess

As everyone knows by now, the [URL="http://www.apple.com"]Apple[/URL] iPad has arrived. I don't have one nor do I want one. Even at $499, you couldn't run fast enough to [I]give[/I] me one of the stupid things--as we say in the South. I was hoping for something more when it came to …

Member Avatar for Selfish
Member Avatar for newsguy

With the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story273324.html"]iPad[/URL] taking off in such a big way that inevitably means for the business market as well as consumer, no matter how much [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story259354.html"]some might argue otherwise[/URL]. And that surely also means it will only be a matter of time before we get word of the first big …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]14446[/ATTACH]The iPad hasn't been out three weeks and already we are hearing reports that [URL="http://www.csmonitor.com/Innovation/Horizons/2010/0412/Google-Android-tablet-rumored-to-be-around-the-corner"]Google[/URL], [URL="http://byronmiller.typepad.com/byronmiller/2010/04/hp-video-shows-ipad-wannabe-teaser.html"]HP[/URL], [URL="http://www.pcworld.com/article/194431/will_dell_supersize_its_mini_tablet.html"]Dell[/URL] and [URL="http://byronmiller.typepad.com/byronmiller/2010/03/engadget-movie-shows-off-possible-microsoft-digital-journal.html"]Microsoft[/URL] are planning tablet computers of their own. Much like touch phones, these devices are not likely to be created equal and it got me thinking what these companies must do to …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for slfisher

Among those stranded by last week's new eruption of an Icelandic volcano was Jens Stoltenberg, prime minister of Norway, who on Friday found himself stuck in JFK, according to [URL="http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/2010/04/16/2010-04-16_volcanic_ash_strands_norway_prime_minister_jens_stotlenberg_in_nyc_airport_so_he.html"]news [/URL]reports. Fortunately, he'd just bought an iPad, and proceeded to conduct the daily business of the country in the airport …

Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

I'm supposed to do a report on a piece of hardware that is both electrical and mechanical, is the iPod touch's touch screen like this?

Member Avatar for SelahJadenCald
Member Avatar for machanix0l

My Imac has been stored for three years, tried to startup, push power button, machine beeps 3 times, no startup, power button flashes 1 long then 3 short flashes, any ideas?

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]14357[/ATTACH][B]Product[/B]: Apple iPad 32GB Wi-Fi [B]Web site[/B]: [url]http://www.apple.com[/url] [B]Price[/B]: $599 for reviewed model [B]Pros[/B]: Fantastic screen resolution, responsive touch screen, great battery life. [B]Cons[/B]: Need to connect to iTunes on a computer for first use, finger prints, not all app store apps are tuned for iPad, no Flash support. [B]Stars[/B]: …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for khess

Now there's a challenge for [URL="http://www.apple.com"]Apple[/URL] hardware fans who don't necessarily love the "upgraded" iPhone OS: Install Linux on it. It might be possible but the hard part is getting past the A4 processor. Is there a Linux kernel tweaked for it? Why would you want to run Linux on …

Member Avatar for babystrangeloop
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Apple's new golden gadget, the [URL="http://www.apple.com/ipad"]iPad[/URL], appears to have laid its first golden egg. There are reports abounding of it failing to connect to WiFi networks properly - and [URL="http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3304"]Apple appears to have confirmed them[/URL]. Clearly this is something that's hit only those territories in which the device is available, …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton
Member Avatar for khess

Mac OS X 10.5.6 is out today. Are you excited? According to all the Apple-oriented buzz, it's a much-anticipated release. It has lots of fixes and some cool enhancements but do you want to know what would sell me an Apple product? (And it isn't a hip new release of …

Member Avatar for AnnoyingOrange
Member Avatar for newsguy

[attach=right]14252[/attach]So after [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story265727.html"]all the hype[/URL] you've got an iPad, I guess you'll be wanting to break it then? Jailbreak it, that is, so as to set it free from Apple imposed restrictions and allow you to install non-approved software. Jailbreaking is popular amongst iPhone users, and has been since soon …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]14244[/ATTACH]The iPad hit the streets yesterday and reports have rolled in from bloggers, reporters and users. For the most part people seem very pleased with their new devices, but there have been some problems (as you would expect with any electronic device on its first day). Contrary to reports (including …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]14218[/ATTACH]I was having a conversation with my editor today and he brought up an interesting point about the iPad launch tomorrow. The personnel who are supposed to know the iPad cold, have to be able sell it, service it and train new customers on how to use it; have yet …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for newsguy

According to the often accurate [URL="http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/10/03/27/apple_says_new_ipad_orders_wont_ship_till_april_12th.html"]Apple Insider[/URL] the iPad has sold out. It claims that consumers who want an Apple iPad on the day of launch, that's April the 3rd in the US at least, are out of luck unless they have already pre-ordered. As of Saturday 27th March the …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for EddieC

As the world awaits for the release of Apple's Next Big Thing, developers are putting the finishing touches on applications to be ready for iPad's April 3 ship date. And Apple is getting ready too. The company yesterday began accepting submissions for iPad App Store, its online application outlet for …

Member Avatar for katarakz
Member Avatar for tmojz

I have a G4, dual processor 533 desktop computer. My internal hard drive is experiencing a fatal error therefore I bought a new one (not yet installed). I have the OS disk and my CS3 disk but I don't have the disc for my microsoft office suite. I copied everything …

Member Avatar for happygeek

I drive hundreds of miles every week, I write about technology for a living, I've been a TomTom user for years and I own an iPhone. It had to be done, I just had to review the TomTom satnav app for the iPhone. Being both an iPhone 3GS owner and …

Member Avatar for gregzeng
Member Avatar for happygeek

The Oscars 2010 had something new to add to the usual media frenzy, glamorous dresses and A-list celebrities: an iPad advert. Yep, Apple opted to get the mainstream iPad marketing campaign well and truly off the ground by debuting the iPad TV advert during the 82nd Academy Awards. If there …


The End.