6 Topics

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Member Avatar for khess

I'm in search of Linux--which sounds odd since it seems that I should be able to find all the Linux I'd ever want but I want to know about [I]your[/I] favorite Linux gadget, project, invention, software, innovation or appliance. I want to know which ones are most important to you--which …

Member Avatar for vegyraupe
Member Avatar for khess

Everyone has their predictions for the new year but do they often prognosticate using an animated video? The folks over at [URL="http://www.rpath.com"]rPath[/URL] created a clever [URL="http://www.rpath.com/corp/predictions"]video[/URL] animation depicting their reasonable and humorous predictions for 2010. rPath might be best known for its [URL="http://www.rpath.org/ui"]online virtual appliance builder[/URL]. You can also [URL="http://www.rpath.com/corp/free-rbuilder"]download …

Member Avatar for khess

Today, Tuesday November 10, 2009, [URL="http://www.novell.com"]Novell[/URL] announces a Visual Studio plugin that allows support for non-Microsoft operating systems that use .NET code development on a platform known as [URL="http://go-mono.com"]Mono[/URL] via a new product called [URL="http://go-mono.com/monovs/"]Mono Tools for Visual Studio 1.0[/URL]. This is not a cost free toolset. In fact, it's …

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Member Avatar for khess

InterOp 2009 is a success by anyone's measure but it's been a mixed bag for me so far. Internet access on the show floor is almost non-existent. For a major tech show like this, it's absolutely ridiculous. You'd think that Internet access would be a standard feature of any technical …

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Member Avatar for khess

Welcome to Crystal Ball Sunday #8! Today's discussion focuses on Virtual Appliances which are small virtual machines designed for a very specific purpose. There are Virtual Appliance Email servers, VPN servers, Firewalls, Routers, Dial-in servers, DNS servers, CMS application servers, and the list goes on and on. I had this …

Member Avatar for khess

Welcome back to another Crystal Ball Sunday. Those of you who celebrate freedom on July 4 hopefully have had a safe and enjoyable holiday. Freedom comes in packages of all shapes and sizes and this week's Crystal Ball Sunday is about freedom in small packages: Embedded Devices. Embedded device refers …


The End.