7 Topics

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Member Avatar for nadiam

Hello, so I'm trying to create an augmented reality web based app following this tutorial : [Augmented Reality in 10 Lines of HTML](https://medium.com/arjs/augmented-reality-in-10-lines-of-html-4e193ea9fdbf) Im using xampp. The page is there but when I use the hiro image target nothing appears. My code is the same except that i changed the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for ndeniche

Lately I have been very interested in augmented reality applications and the many uses there can be for this kinds of apps, but there is very little information on the existing engines for object or image target recognition. As far as I've managed to investigate, the best (free, since there's …

Member Avatar for mustafaneguib

who here like me is interested in augmented reality apps for example like google glass, wikitude, tagwhat, etc... which apps if you do use? and why do you use them. what is it that you like about them? if you had a chance to work on an open source app …

Member Avatar for pato wlmc

Hello everyone, I'm trying to compile the "Simple VRML" example, from the ARtoolkit library. The problem is that when i try to compile it, it keeps telling me: [CODE]1>------ Build started: Project: UANLartoolkit, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>Linking... 1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libjpeg.lib'[/CODE] Now, thats kind …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for pato wlmc

Well, i'm really new to this programming thing, but i don't have a teacher or anything like that, i'm an autodidact so I really have a lot of questions on this matter. I'm trying to do a project using Augmented Reality. As far as I know, there are two main …

Member Avatar for myk45
Member Avatar for xheavenlyx

Before I ask the question I realize that selection of a programming language depends on the context of a problem at hand. Related to this I would like to know (if anyone) how many of you use which language for programming microcontrollers, embedded systems and even generally on PC. Here …

Member Avatar for stevephillips
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Augmented reality has been a bit of a Star Trek thing until now - you know, one of those things that seems a good idea but won't really work outside of a few sci-fi shows. Well, maybe it won't be for long. The [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8421684.stm"]BBC[/URL] is among the sources suggesting it's …

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The End.