4 Topics

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Member Avatar for greatman05

First off, this is a homework assignment. I am in a Software Engineering class and we're learning how to work with MFC. We're editing a basic calculator app. I don't know how to implement the backspace button (delete a single character from the edit box when the Backspace button is …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for aashishsatya

Hi, I'm an absolute beginner in Visual C++ (Express Edition 2010). I've just been trying out this very simple program, and I can't get to use the '\b' tag like I did when I used Turbo C++ v4.5. The cursor moves backwards, but the text does not get erased, as …

Member Avatar for LRRR
Member Avatar for SeniorAlexandro

Alright, I have Textbox where I want only Numbers and Letters and backspace allowed. I don't want copy and paste, or spacebar or other ascii charachters. Can anybody help me?

Member Avatar for SeniorAlexandro
Member Avatar for ARaza110

Can someone help me please. I am using a Scanner Class and want to count characters entered in the textfield. Unfortunately, backspace and any key (Ctr,Alt,Capslock) for that matter is counted as a character and that increments the counter by 1. Here is the code [code] String ab="^[A-Za-z0-9]+$"; public void …

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The End.