42 Topics

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Member Avatar for bijutoha

**Please, read my issue first then answer...** I'm using a free blogger template and I edited menu links... I mean made some pages and linked them to menus via HTML Edit. . Unfortunately, Now, I can't able to post to specific pages. So what should I do now?

Member Avatar for davidkroj

Hello, We are making a plan for Article submission but first i want to confirm with Audiance. Which type of article submission is good for website? As a guest on like these type of website http://www.techmagz.com/essentials-of-a-web-development-company/ rather than other some free submission website. If we submitted our one article one …

Member Avatar for Linda Schrier
Member Avatar for happygeek

Tumblr, the hugely popular blogging service which was bought by Yahoo! last month, has advised mobile users to change their passwords, and change them immediately. In a posting to the Tumblr staff blog, a spokesperson states "We have just released a very important security update for our iPhone and iPad …

Member Avatar for mildred2013
Member Avatar for DavidB

I have worked on a few blogs for several years and have treated them as a creative outlet. Haven't been concerned about getting followers or traffic. Presently, the "Blogroll" section of my blog is empty. However, I am now considering adding several URLs to this section. I don't plan to …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for salimajentli
Member Avatar for srinath reddy

hello, can anyone help me. my blog home page is not getting crawled by the google adsense crawlers. it is showing crawl errors for my home page. can anyone help me in this issue. my blog is [www.codershunt.com](http://www.codershunt.com)

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Michellekish

I am actualy here to seek some advice from those of you that own blogs and have SEO experiences. I have done some guest blogging becasue i thought that it will improve my own blog's page rank, but in this last page rank update, i have noticed no change. II …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for antoniamark

It’s no secret that if you want to get traffic to a website, you need to get it ranked well in search engines, especially Google. The first thing that needs to happen is to get your site indexed, meaning that the search engine’s spider has visited your site and has …

Member Avatar for jaffer154
Member Avatar for richfairfull

A sale begins with a relationship with a customer. What is the fastest way to establish that relationship. With social media or a blog? Blogs are relatively static and rely on the user to visit the Blog. Social media is immediate. Update alerts are pushed to the customer when they …

Member Avatar for netvani
Member Avatar for chriscentrally

(Newbie!) What features will the Web 2.0 webpage have? Will it be simple and clean (no one reads most of the copy). Will it have analytics built in for users? Will it have tools for engagement like Facebook? What do you think? I want to get your thoughts on what …

Member Avatar for netvani
Member Avatar for MktgRob

As I type this I realize I could be starting a major argument in this forum but what the hell. For people who blog as part of their online community, what is the best (in your opinion) blog platform to use? For myself, I have set up blogs on Blogger …

Member Avatar for technozone seo
Member Avatar for newsguy

It has been one of the great blogging success stories, not to mention literary mysteries. But now the true identity of the Diary of a London Call Girl blogger has been revealed, by Belle de Jour herself. The blog, based upon a secret life covering 14 months as a high …

Member Avatar for flasp
Member Avatar for slfisher

The troubled newspaper industry has been railing for years about how the Internet is destroying their business model, and taking actions such as paywalls and talking about [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220640.html"]changing [/URL]copyright law. Now, one newspaper is going further -- it's taking bloggers that posted its stories to court, with the result that …

Member Avatar for slfisher
Member Avatar for Niki_Fears

Blogetery.com, a free WordPress blog provider, was shut down earlier this month when their [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story297729.html"]entire server was mysteriously yanked [/URL]without warning or explanation. When the site went dark, over 73,000 user generated blogs disappeared and since then there has been little to no information as who was responsible for pulling …

Member Avatar for Major Variola
Member Avatar for Niki_Fears

On Friday, July 9th 2010 Blogetery.com went dark and over 73,000 user generated blogs disappeared without warning, without notice...and without any explanation whatsoever. Blogetery.com hosted thousands of WordPress based blogs that suddenly disappeared when their host, BurstNet abruptly pulled the plug in what has become one of the current mysteries …

Member Avatar for popin
Member Avatar for helios0684

Alright, let's try this again. I've started over from scratch and we have got the basic functions working. Everything so far has checked out, but I am still trying to get it to pull the right credentials. I can get it to pull one of the rows out of the …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for helios0684

Hey, I need help with setting up an authentication code. I am currently working on a project to build a blog server in python for an intro level python course. We are using the PESTO and POSTGRESQL wsgi and sql clients respectively. I am trying to authenticate against a user …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

I've been a freelance journalist for 20 years now, and can honestly say that the iPhone has changed the way I work more than anything since wireless Internet access came along all those years ago. But what are the essential iPhone apps that a jobbing journalist, or blogger for that …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for MktgRob

As I work with a number of different clients who are using e-mail campaigns (through Constant Contact as well as their corporate e-mail), Blogging and social media enagagement (twitter, FB, youtube) to drive leads to their e-commerce sites, I am curious to know which ones work the best and in …

Member Avatar for slfisher

Here's a switch. Instead of newspapers trying to protect the identities of the people posting to their websites, the newspaper is the one outing them. As [URL="http://www.stltoday.com/blogzone/the-editors-desk/the-editors-desk/2009/11/post-a-vulgar-comment-while-youre-at-work-lose-your-job/"]described[/URL] by editor Kurt Greenbaum of the [I]St. Louis Post-Dispatch[/I], someone posted a vulgar word in the paper's online commenting system, and re-posted it …

Member Avatar for prep
Member Avatar for MktgRob

Mashable is reporting that the top twitter trend to watch is some bloggers migrating to tweeting because they can get their point across in 140 characters or less. While I could see this among the bloggers who are more humor-based in their blogging I don't know that this is going …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital
Member Avatar for newsguy

Apparently, women are more than twice as likely to go online and vent when stressed than speak to their partners. That's according to the results of a recent survey which also suggests that when stressed many women go and blog instead of turning to alcohol or chocolate. The survey, conducted …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for MktgRob

A few threads back we were discussing possible FTC regs that would require bloggers to disclose if they were being compensated for blogging about products or services. Well, as is the case with the internet community, a solution has been created. [url]http://cmp.ly/[/url] The link above will take you to a …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]I have watched you on the shore Standing by the ocean's roar Do you love me, do you surfer girl ~Beach Boys, Surfer Girl [/I] [URL="http://wave.google.com/help/wave/closed.html"]Google Wave[/URL] invitations went out last week to 100,000 lucky people and I didn't get one. I'm stuck on the shore line while the fortunate …

Member Avatar for legolas558
Member Avatar for MktgRob

I am not talking to people on this forum, I am talking to one of my clients. No matter how much I give him advice and examples of how to write and engaging blog post or encourage him to find his own voice when talking about the products and services …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

The times of generating profits via blogs are probably limited. I remember even a few years ago when many bloggers touted making beyond 6 figure just by blogging. What do you think?

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for slfisher

The Maryland Court of Appeals has reversed a lower-court ruling that a website must reveal the names of anonymous posters during a defamation hearing, and has issued guidelines for how such requests should be made in the future. The court ruling laid out the following steps in its [URL="http://mdcourts.gov/opinions/coa/2009/63a08.pdf"]decision[/URL]: [LIST=1] …

Member Avatar for pgaik
Member Avatar for slfisher

178 Web posters who thought they were anonymous are being [URL="http://www.connordemond.com/LESHER-OMEGA_PETITION.pdf"]sued[/URL], and the website where they made the offending posts has been ordered to release information to help identify them. A couple, Mark and Rhonda Lesher, was accused of sexually assaulting a woman, and the websites for [URL="http://www.topix.com/forum/city/mckinney-tx"]McKinney[/URL], [URL="http://www.topix.com/forum/city/clarksville-tx"]Clarksville[/URL], and …

Member Avatar for jamescolin
Member Avatar for slfisher

A newly elected Idaho state legislator is considering drafting a bill to make anonymous blogging illegal. Ironically, the legislator in question is a retired newspaper editor. (Idaho has a "citizens legislature" that meets only three months a year; few of them are professional politicians.) Steve Hartgen, R-Twin Falls, was quoted …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

There's the start of a cult of the personality thing going on in the UK technology sphere. Traditionally people have done their research on a gadget before buying it by remarkably old-fashioned means; they look in a magazine, they check online, they ask friends and get a consensus. It's a …


The End.