7 Topics

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Three Google executives have been found guilty and given six month suspended sentences in a case revolving around the posting of a video to YouTube which shows a teenager with Down's Syndrome being bullied. According to the [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8533695.stm"]BBC[/URL] Google itself is none too happy with the verdict, quoting the Chief …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

If you were offended by that headline, or perhaps felt intimidated by it, then you are not alone. In fact, a new study published by the Journal of School Health has revealed that cyber-bullying is so common amongst teenagers who use the Internet a lot (so that's most teenagers then) …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The UK government has started a concerted [URL="http://yp.direct.gov.uk/cyberbullying/"]campaign[/URL] to stop what Schools Secretary, Ed Balls MP, refers to as a "particularly insidious type of bullying." According to government figures more than one third of teenagers between the ages of 12 and 15 have fallen victim to cyber bullies. Perhaps more …

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Rockstar Games is no stranger to controversy, after all the Grand Theft Auto series of hugely successful video games revolve around the concept of robbing and killing your way to victory. But with the confirmation that it will release the long delayed ‘Bully’ in October, originally slated for a PS2 …

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Member Avatar for Catweazle

Recently, the video games industry has been subject of more scrutiny than ever before. Pressure is mounting which threatens innovation within and surrounding the industry, yet 'rogue' games developer Rockstar Games, the catalyst for much of the negative opinion, continues to thumb it's nose at public opinion. The [url=http://www.rockstargames.com/libertycitystories/gta_lcs.html]website [/url]devoted …

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Member Avatar for Catweazle

In my [url=http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry276.html]previous article[/url] on this topic I made mention that.... [quote] Undue violence and gore in video games is of course a worthy topic of debate. But that debate MUST be conducted in a mature and considered fashion. There is no evidence whatsoever which conclusively demonstrates that video games …

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Member Avatar for Catweazle

With the ‘Hot Coffeegate’ scandal video game censorship has hit front page. Diversity in video games is under threat from such ‘notables’ as Hilary Clinton and the outspoken [url=http://www.stopkill.com/]Jack Thompson,[/url] who happily disregards the fact that most of the nonsense he spouts has been disproven by numerous studies. Whilst I’d …

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The End.