9 Topics

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Member Avatar for dilbert_here00

Hi, I was trying to access some functions from a dll using python ctypes, but not sure how to pass pointers to get it to work. Here is an example of what i am trying to call: GetAvailableDevices ( SdkHandle session, DeviceDetail * pDev_list, uint32_t * dev_list_size ) Parameters: [in] …

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Member Avatar for bilal_fazlani

[ICODE]listbx.Items.Add(New _ ListItem(BorderStyle.None.ToString(), BorderStyle.None)) listbx.Items.Add(New _ ListItem(BorderStyle.Double.ToString(), BorderStyle.Double)) listbx.Items.Add(New _ ListItem(BorderStyle.Solid.ToString(), BorderStyle.Solid))[/ICODE] can anyone please tell me how to do this in asp code.. in vb.net it adds the borderstyle as value... when i try that in asp.net it just adds string value. [ICODE]<asp:ListItem Text=Solid Value=Solid></asp:ListItem>[/ICODE] do I have to …

Member Avatar for runge_kutta

Hello, I am having trouble using ctypes to call a Dll function. In short, the function accepts a pointer to an array of structures....like: [CODE] int arrayFiller( USHORT sensorID, void *pRecord, int recordSize ); [/CODE] I have generated a pythonified version of the function by importing the Dll etc. We …

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Member Avatar for johnbo100

Hi All So I have 2 forms form 1 has a list of checkboxes on it form 2 needs to check if one of the form 1 checkboxes is checked. Please see the code below: texton is a value passed from a function parameter of type string [CODE] If (Form1.Controls.Item("checkbox" …

Member Avatar for johnbo100
Member Avatar for kruxena

Hi guys, can you please help me out. Scenario: I have 14 panels in my form, the user then input a number in the textbox. Then this textbox will now determine how many panels will be enable. My formula would be, userinputtextbox/0.5=panels to be open. Example: 3/0.5=6. So far this …

Member Avatar for kruxena
Member Avatar for Tech B

This is a facial recognition system. Supports one face so far. This is an example ported from C++ to python. To see the original and to obtain the dll used visit [URL="http://www.kyb.mpg.de/bs/people/kienzle/facedemo/facedemo.htm"]this site.[/URL] I do not take credit of the dll, only the ported python code. The comments in the …

Member Avatar for Tstrv
Member Avatar for pleasecompile

Hello, can someone please assist with my application... An automation system collects 512 measurement points per sensor. Each measurement point has dedicated OPC tag which I can read using OpenOPC for Python. However, with multiple sensors, the OPC server can lag. So, the automation system programmer created an "array of …

Member Avatar for pleasecompile
Member Avatar for Tech B

I am trying to access some functions with in a dll I downloaded. I know I need to use ctypes, but all the examples and tutorials use windll.kernel or windll.user32 respectively. How would I go about calling a function with in xyz.dll? EDIT: Never mind, with a bit more digging …

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Member Avatar for Tech B

I've been working on facial recognition and have obtained a dll that can recognize faces in an image, and gives cordinates aswell. It came with an example program written in C++ and I'm trying to port it to python. Here is the C++ code [CODE] #include "windows.h" #include "loadbmp.h" // …

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The End.