89 Topics

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Member Avatar for yunniesshi

Please help me with this I really need your help. Thank you so much. #define EMPTY __________ #define DELETED __________ #define max 1100 #define setSize 20 typedef struct { unsigned long ID; char Lname[16],Fname[24],MI; char course[8],year; }Student; typedef struct { Student Stud; int link /*used to link to next synonyms*/ …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for yunniesshi

Hi please help me with this. My head really hurts from attempting to answer this question. Thanks a lot! #define maxCells 1000 #define maxCS 11 #define maxIT 19 typedef struct { char LN[16], FN[24], MI; }nametype; typedef struct studtype { unsigned long ID; nametype name; char course[8]; int yr; }student; …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for findlay

Hello, Is there any way to access a large number of keys in a dictionary efficiently. Perhaps via indexing with an array of lookup values. Some pseudo code may help; dictionary={a:1, b:2, c:3 ...etc} lookup=[a, a, b, c, c ... etc] print dictionary[lookup] thanks, Joe

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for MonsieurPointer

Hi DaniWebbers, I would like to map a string to a Property using the Dictionary class. For example, I want to map "port" to a textbox's Text property, e.g. myDict.Add(tbPort.Text, "port"). How would I go about defining the dictionary? I've tried the following: * Private myDict As Dictionary(Of Property, String) …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for greatman05

This is homework. I am trying to implement a Dictionary ADT using a hash-table with a closed addressing scheme. The problem is that I'm required to make a hash table of Word classes. How can I do this? The class has to be templated. Here is what I have so …

Member Avatar for TheWolverine

Hi all, I've browsed the net trying to find a paradigm to describe what I'm looking for but haven't been successful. So I'll try to explain it as succinctly as I can. Right now, for my PhD research, I've set out a few applications that take input files that have …

Member Avatar for TheWolverine
Member Avatar for heinlein_

Hi, I have a little problem. I want to replace words in a text, but only 'whole words'. That is, I'm looking for a method that changes "cat", but not "catfood". I know how to do it using re.sub, like this: re.sub(r'\bword\b', 'change', text) Only problem is, I'm using a …

Member Avatar for heinlein_
Member Avatar for abc_defgh

Hi, I have dictionary Dictionary<string, string>. I need to serialize it so that during switching diferent forms. How can I do that. If any one can provide a sample code example would have been great help. Regards,

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for greatman05

Hello. What are some ways that one can work with (x,y) coordinate pairs in Python? I'm doing a homework assignment that requires me to create a program that can check for certain binary relations (reflexive, transitive, symmetric), and I'm having an issue coming up with the best approach for it. …

Member Avatar for greatman05
Member Avatar for .:n'tQ-boy:.

Hi mate, I am doing a mini program in java that let us look up word as a dictionary. I tended to use database to store words and their meanings, but my teacher suggested me using file (or xml). I chose using file (write a vector to file). Can u …

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for lfmconsummates

So this program is supposed to take a letter the user wants to replace, and store that in a dictionary. At the end, it asks the user to enter a message and it's supposed to decode it, cross-referencing the dictionary and replacing any letters within it to the newly assigned …

Member Avatar for lfmconsummates
Member Avatar for xopenex

Hello Everyone! So ive done some searching and havent been able to find what i need. Partly because i'm not sure exactly what words i should be googling! I am wanting to download gmail emails, and then display them in a spreadsheet like format. I know that emails have unique …

Member Avatar for xopenex
Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew

I keep getting this error and i don't understand why. [code]Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\University\Workspace eclipse\dictionares\src\dcts\dicts.py", line 105, in <module> fr_runt() File "E:\University\Workspace eclipse\dictionares\src\dcts\dicts.py", line 95, in fr_runt run.run() File "E:\University\Workspace eclipse\dictionares\src\dcts\dicts.py", line 58, in run self.data.write(file, key, value) File "E:\University\Workspace eclipse\dictionares\src\dcts\dicts.py", line 23, in write fh = …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for Joe34

I'm trying to simply match these letters using php, but it's kind-of a complex matching formula... First, I have two arrays and one string. The arrays contain letters and the string is a near match of those letters. $a - [Array] Must be <= 7 $b - [Array] Must be …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for pwolf

Stuck again, this time my problem is getting the dictionary to be sorted in ascending order. Please Advise! the following is what the task says: """ A sparse vector is a vector whose entries are almost all zero, like [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0]. Storing all …

Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for oli82

Hi, Thank you for your help in advance, i am trying to create a dictionary, the code below works fine if I have two columns in each row with no spaces, however one of the columns data natively has spaces in it e.g. Sarah me hy uuuuu at the moment …

Member Avatar for oli82
Member Avatar for AndresOend

Hi there, I'm writing my first Python script for a(n imperative) programming class at university, and I want to make it a little better. It's meant to be fairly short, 50 lines. I've written the basic 'mechanism' to look at the user input. Instead of simply printing every property of …

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Member Avatar for haanjae

hello all, i have some calculation codes class in my client side, how my server gonna get those values and display it in my server? i had created windows forms labels in server. know i have the calculation class and main client forms in my client side, and main server …

Member Avatar for Malaoshi

Hi, I am still new to C# and am working on an annotator: 1. Input some Chinese Text. 2. Click Button. 3. Output some Chinese Text - each word that's found in the dictionary get's a span-html-class around for later implementing it in a website. Here it the code for …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Malaoshi

Hi, I am currently working on a websiteproject for learning chinese. To help the readers to understand the texts better, I want to annotate the Chinese Characters with popup translations from the HanDeDict (German-Chinese Dictionary). I already downloaded the dictionary but the file seems to be too big to work …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for dsmush

Hi trying to recover an RSA encrypted 5 character word using a forward search dictionary attack in Python but having difficulty. The word was encrypted in 2 24 bit blocks (3648141 5604637) padding last block with a space e = 5 n = 21508387 table = {} for ptext in …

Member Avatar for eikonal

I've got a problem trying to replace keys (dictionary) that I have in a file, with its corresponding values. More details: an input file called event_from_picks looks like: EVENT2593 EVENT2594 EVENT2595 EVENT41025 EVENT2646 EVENT2649 Also, my dictionary, created by reloc_event_coords_dic() looks like: {'EVENT23595': ['36.9828 -34.0538 138.1554'], 'EVENT2594': ['41.2669 -33.0179 139.2269'], …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for sjgood

I am having trouble with a python homework question. The problem is the following: You are to write a program that counts the frequencies of each word in a text file (text.in), and outputs each word with its count to a file (word.out). Here a word is defined as a …

Member Avatar for JoshuaBurleson
Member Avatar for ljvasil

Hi all, I'm working on this problem where I want to get a dictionary list of all tree species with the count. That part has been worked out. With in the for loop for tree species, I also want to get the sum of DBH (diameter breast height) for each …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for hladdha.bhl2009

I am Making A program for malking a phonebook. for that i am storing a list in dictionary. Like this: [code] phbuk={} def add(): a=raw_input('Name :') b=raw_input('Email :') c=raw_input('Mobile :') name=[a,b,c] d=len(phbuk) phbuk[d+1]=name [/code] Now if i want to delete a particular record just by giving name then how can …

Member Avatar for JoshuaBurleson
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Here is capital letter style caesar crypted message. We can simply try all possible shifts for first few words (ignoring punctuations, which is left as is). If both first words succeed we assume we cracked it. You could also use Vigenère encryption, but keeping non-letters is less simple, our Vigenère …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for ankur3000

Hey guys, I need some help regarding a project involving dictionary based language translation. So what I have to do is, given a text in a foreign language (like Hindi), my program should match each word from a 'dictionary like file' and give the output in English, I don't have …

Member Avatar for sergent
Member Avatar for GeoBob

I want to create a function or a class method that will create a dictionary named by a variable that is passed in. By way of example, I'm creating a class method to read data from a table (in this case it's an ArcGIS table, but that's not critical) and …

Member Avatar for JoshuaBurleson
Member Avatar for bomko

hello! i have this problem with this code. I mean everything works just fine except i dont know how to change program to return me new value. in my program i had to make 2 functions. preberiKontakte() to get their names & id and izlusciOsebe(vrstica, kontakti) to get set of …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Cyl11

how would I go about assigning more than one value to a dictionary - rather like a list. for example I have students who each have courses. Each student name is a key (unique) e.g as a dictionary student = {"name":"course"} but students can have more than one course student …

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The End.