145 Topics

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Member Avatar for Matthew N.

Hello, I'm trying to write data to an INI file, I've got some code to read it: [http://pastebin.com/Jpwf8XJM](http://pastebin.com/Jpwf8XJM). I've tried to modify this code to get it to be able to write to INI files, but I haven't had much success. I know there are DLL's designed for this, but …

Member Avatar for jehernandez757
Member Avatar for kberrianjr

I am currently working on a program to track my mile for my monthly expense report for work. Everything is working great, however, I can not for the life of me find a code to write 8 lines from the text file back into the listview on my form. I …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Deep Modi

I am having my friend USB, which contains the error while Formatting, copying, deleting, renaming, moving files from it. The error is `"The Disk is Write Protected"`, I don't Know why this all happens? I try to repair it with the google help and find some common solution and tried …

Member Avatar for aminachour
Member Avatar for SoftBa

Hi, I have started this project and come to the point where I can't figure out how to finish it. First Want to say that I'm noob for VB6 and programming in general, but I saw some examples and make it work this part of job I need. I will …

Member Avatar for dageci
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Part 3 of the taste of Swift explores class objects in Apple's Swift language. A class allows you to group methods (class functions) together that belong together. Class Person groups some information of people working in an office. Class Pay inherits class Person and adds pay information. Class File groups …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Magic8Computing

Hi, I have writen web sites before but have been asked to create a VB program, but dont know where to start so hoping someone can help me. I need to create a program that sits waiting for data from the serial port which is attached to a set of …

Member Avatar for Magic8Computing
Member Avatar for ryannnnn

**Read title.** username = base64.b64encode(username)+'\n' This is what I thought would have worked, but it comes up with an error, "TypeError: can't concat bytes to str", meaning that I cannot add +'\n' to the end of the code. If there is anyway anyone knows how to write the byte of …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for jBat

I'm not understanding why i'm able to read from the file but i can't write to it. The fstream is open in both modes. Once the program finishes i haven't changed the content of the file. Thank you in advance. #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <iostream> int main() { std::string …

Member Avatar for jBat
Member Avatar for elouch

hi all i've been strugling with this error. could someone help me. below is the code stremail = "some@email" For Each store In outlookapp.Session.Stores strchecking = store.DisplayName outlookfolder = store.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox) For Each objfolder In outlookfolder.Folders For Each obj As Object In objfolder If TypeOf (obj) Is Outlook.MailItem Then MsgBox(obj.Subject) End …

Member Avatar for elouch
Member Avatar for palstreet

Any one who has come across a good essay writing script or cloned website for use to create an academic writing website?

Member Avatar for Brian_3
Member Avatar for happygeek

Here’s the concept behind the smartpen: there are millions of pages of good old fashioned handwritten notes taken every day in business meetings and school lessons around the world. Unfortunately they remain trapped within the confines of the paper they are written upon. But what if you could easily share …

Member Avatar for akshay326893
Member Avatar for AccurateAG

Basic Craigslist NOTE: This article assumes you have an Wintel PC. If you have a Mac, then the ideas will be the same but you will need to figure out which programs you want to use. INGREDIENTS: You will need: 1. A PC with an internet connection plus: - A …

Member Avatar for Tharsi
Member Avatar for arty.net

I have written some code just to practice verbosity in python. Verbosity is embedded by means of the ArgumentParser module....however, I'd also like to write the stdout to file also when verbosity is disabled : #!/usr/bin/python from optparse import OptionParser from argparse import ArgumentParser import sys def printable1(): print "1" …

Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

Hello I am using jxls quite fine. I'm sort of on my last lap with exporting my data to a file. However all I want to know is, how do I display my collection in the same row please? I've manage to do this downwards in the same column, but …

Member Avatar for CoilFyzx
Member Avatar for Tinnin

Hi all, I'm trying to use the following code to see if a method exists and then use it if it does: $method_exists = method_exists('myclass', 'mymethod'); if ($method_exists && isset(myclass::mymethod('blah')) { but I am getting the following error: Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context I've looked …

Member Avatar for Tinnin
Member Avatar for rb1234567

Hi, I need to create a page where an admin can upload an excel worksheet in the .xlsx file format, this is then read and writen onto another php page. I'm new to PHP so I am confused by the code, I can find help on .xls but not accepting …

Member Avatar for patk570
Member Avatar for ghosh22

Hi I am a beginner programmer and I am really interested about learning new skills. So I need your help. I have a question regarding designing. I want to design a website where the user will be first shown couple of example page designs/template and then the user chooses one …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for LucyLogic

Hey guys, I need assistance with my program need to write a program that writes a series of random numbers to a file. Each random number should be in the range of 1 through 100. The application should let the user specify how many random numbers the file will hold. …

Member Avatar for LucyLogic
Member Avatar for tanatos.daniel

I want my XML file to look like this: <?xml version="1.0"?> <Student> <Name>Jax</Name> <Prenume>Teller</Prenume> </Student> I wrote the following code in C#: using System; using System.Xml; namespace ReadingXML2 { class Class1 { static void Main(string[] args) { XmlTextWriter textWriter = new XmlTextWriter(@"c:\users\danuts\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\BD - XML\BD - XML\XMLFile1.xml", null); textWriter.WriteStartDocument(); …

Member Avatar for tanatos.daniel
Member Avatar for dreking6

i am working on a project but this parts seems to stall me i want to be able to write to a text file to change just two lines of d file say line 1 and 3 using wxwidgets i will appreciate helps nd suggestions thanks

Member Avatar for dreking6
Member Avatar for Deegirl

Good morning community, Can someone help me with the IndexOf method to reverse the name: Don Paul to Paul, D

Member Avatar for Deegirl
Member Avatar for rgrs2007

Hi I am new to this forum and i was just wondering if the following scenario is implementable. Suppose a thread is reading a file and dividing it into chunks of data(lets say in the form of arraylist, where each line corresponds to a value in arraylist). Each chunk of …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for oredigger

I'm curious about write locks with MySQL and how they are prioritized with eachother. Specifically, I'm wondering if "low priority write" locks have lower priority than "normal" write locks, or if they are equal. The only documentation I can find states that the low priority locks have lower priority than …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for dirtydit27

Hello, I'm having a little trouble with a some code that I'm writing for homework. Basically, I'm taking two files that contain numbers and merging the contents into another file. The files do not have the same amount of numbers in them (one might contain 7 while the other contains …

Member Avatar for aakash121
Member Avatar for sndj

hi, I'm new in Java and Hadoop. I'm in need of MapReduce code for large EEG data file split in Java. Based on channels(electrodes attached on head) and time, data have to be splitted. In mapper file splitting takes palce and in reducer it process the splitted data. For parallel …

Member Avatar for grgrl

I would like to know how to take selected information from a listview and add them to a .dat file This is what i got so far but it is to save into a text file Sorry for any mistakes i am a noob Private _filepath2 As String = Application.StartupPath …

Member Avatar for grgrl
Member Avatar for paku_dnj

How to read a specific value from a text file and then save the value in another text file. Example: in data.txt file there is some values. Item Name : m-01 Item Brand : One Man Item size : XXL Item Price : 1000 Item vat : 15% these are …

Member Avatar for paku_dnj
Member Avatar for SoreComet

Hi Guys, I was trying to code in C for the following. You are given with 2 files, file1.txt and file2.txt. The contents of the file contain INTERGER values. Add the contents of the file and write them to another file file3.txt. My code is as follows #include <stdio.h> #include …

Member Avatar for SoreComet
Member Avatar for shubh09

Penguine release by Google made the Organic SEO and SEO writing more important; still we are witnessing some unethical practices to promote the website. Can we expect new update in 2013 to controll black hat seo or negative seo ?

Member Avatar for dreamcyberdci
Member Avatar for kmaguneyi

The End.