145 Topics

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Member Avatar for cisumma

Hello I have a XML DB. I write the first element. I can not get the entries to (fragments) to write to the Database. I know I do not have the error handler setup right. The error stops the process on the transform. Is there some debugging techniques I could …

Member Avatar for cisumma
Member Avatar for dewdropz

Hi I have data in the following format that I need to write to a csv file. Student1 Mark1 Mark2 Mark3 Mark4 Mark5 Student2 Mark1 Mark2 Mark3 Mark4 Mark5 Student3 Mark1 Mark2 Mark3 Mark4 Mark5 Student4 Mark1 Mark2 Mark3 Mark4 Mark5 Student5 Mark1 Mark2 Mark3 Mark4 Mark5 I am writing …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for JamesGeddes

Hi Everyone, I need to write to a text file that is located on my website Currently, I have the following code to let me read from a text file on my website [CODE]HttpWebRequest reqFP3 = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("http://jamesgeddes.com/tracknan/phone3.txt"); HttpWebResponse rspFP3 = (HttpWebResponse)reqFP3.GetResponse(); Stream st3 = rspFP3.GetResponseStream(); using (StreamReader sr3 = new …

Member Avatar for softwareskill
Member Avatar for xHellghostx

Okay I am wondering what is a syntax to create a new property with read-write proprties, I read the book but it is not clear. Your help is appreciated

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for green-script

trying to make this script work: <script type="text/javascript"> var tmp='<html><head><title>popup</title>'; tmp+='<script type=text/javascript>'; tmp+='function nowTime(){'; tmp+='var oNowTime=new Date();'; tmp+='var iMonth=oNowTime.getMonth();'; tmp+='var iDate=oNowTime.getDate();'; tmp+='var iYear=oNowTime.getFullYear();'; tmp+='var iHours=oNowTime.getHours();'; tmp+='var iMinutes=oNowTime.getMinutes();'; tmp+='var iSeconds=oNowTime.getSeconds();'; tmp+='var iMilliSeconds=oNowTime.getMilliseconds();'; tmp+='var sNowTime=iHours+":"+iMinutes+":"+iSeconds;'; tmp+='return sNowTime'; tmp+='}'; tmp+='function nowDate(){'; tmp+='var oNowTime=new Date() '; tmp+='var iMonth=oNowTime.getMonth()+1'; tmp+='var iDate=oNowTime.getDate()'; tmp+='var iYear=oNowTime.getFullYear()'; tmp+='var iHours=oNowTime.getHours()'; …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for dasche

Hi all I need any tool which can write protect all externl storage devices in corporate network of more than 200 computers. thanks in advance

Member Avatar for erice242
Member Avatar for Daniel BE

Dear friends, I want to create a program that reads 10 numbers from the user and store it in a file namely Numbers.txt. After that I have to read each numbers and if it is a Even number then it should be stored in a file "Even.txt" otherwise it should …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for algrandjean1

Hello, I am having some difficulties getting my program to write the contents of an object to a file. First off, I am not sure if I should be writing the contents of the the object (e1, e2, e3) to the file or if I should be writing the contents …

Member Avatar for aradicev
Member Avatar for anoushka
Member Avatar for mahnaz0098

Hello when i use below program to write and read data from USB mass storage device(flash memory) i am getting following error. I've succeeded with usb_bulk_write() but can't utilize usb_bulk_read(). It returns an error. Set configuration usb_bulk_write: 12 bytes written 33 5b 2 1 0 5 1 3 7 f …

Member Avatar for Patiodude

I've got a website with a splash page where users select one of two languages in which to access the page, and have the option of ticking a "remember me" checkbox, which would write a cookie. On subsequent visits to the splash page, the cookie would be read, and the …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for ashishrevar

How to write in CSV file using PHP script? Actually I was also searching for that too. It is kind of easy task with PHP. fputs(handler, content) - this function works efficiently for me. First you need to open the file in which you need to write content using fopen($CSVFileName, …

Member Avatar for leviathan185
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

hi, does any one know about the pipe & filter architecture implemntation in C# have a question in that.

Member Avatar for anisha.silva
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

HI, I want to implemtna a file & filter architecture for reading data from a txt file and then removing the non alpahbatical words in it and display the 20 words in alphabatical order in the Consol window. how do i do it. appreciate a reply, thanks

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for iqbal2907

anybody help me "how to write our own (by user) scanf function so that it will works exactly as scanf function defined in liberary, what will be its declaration and definition ".

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for emmanuell

what programming language can i use so that i make my files on a cd not to be copied?(ie.copy protect?).please help

Member Avatar for np complete
Member Avatar for msrikanth

Hi Everyone, I need a perl script to create a word document in linux (in my system i have openoffice(oowriter) 1.1.5) with some text as header(left aligned) which is taken from a "file.txt". contents of the file.txt are HariKrishna 1200 Srikanth 1201 Madhav 2345 So based upon the no of …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for zxc123

I have a form with a textbox and I want that textbox to read from text file ,manipulate information in text file and write it to another text file. read each line and when see -- into line break and continue next line until to file end.this code have problem …

Member Avatar for k1robert
Member Avatar for Gribouillis

When working whith large data files, it may be desirable to output a sequence of bytes by large chunks. This snippet defines a file adapter class to handle this transparently. Writing bytes to an ChunkedOutputFile will automatically write the underlying file object by fixed length chunks.

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for edjo2001tz

Inline Code Example HereHi, the php code which <html> <body> <?php $fs =fopen("comments.txt",'a'); $jina = $_POST["fname"]; $message = $_POST["message"]; $time = date("d/m/y : H:i:s", time()) ; //limit leght characters //$message = wordwrap($message, 5); fwrite($fs,$message); fwrite($fs, "\n<i>Posted By </i> ".$jina." <i>on </i>"); fwrite($fs, $time); fwrite($fs, "<hr />"); $fs= fopen("comments.txt", 'r'); while …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for vinayphadke

Hello Guys, I was performing text file reading and writting operations and the job looked very simple as usual, yet it has not been solved successfully. We have got a simple text file **final.txt** which contains data like this:- **05/18/2012 02:12:66 8HRY hjhruehr737243 YES NO u34gewryge 698** i.e each value …

Member Avatar for gnath
Member Avatar for citizen5

Small part of my code: `GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &dwID);` `hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, dwID);` `string value =" [_this] exec \"\\newfolder\\scripts\\start.sqf\"";` `WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID) 0x09BA3F95, (LPVOID) &value, sizeof(&value), NULL);` I am 100 % sure it has to do with my `value` being a `string` but I haven't found anything helpful elsewhere, even though I've …

Member Avatar for citizen5
Member Avatar for jakezcop

int Finish()//outputs stored values to file { ofstream walletfile; walletfile.open("C:/accounts/wallet.acnt", ios::trunc); walletfile << wallet; walletfile.close(); ofstream accountfile; accountfile.open("C:/accounts/account.acnt", ios::trunc); accountfile << account; accountfile.close(); ofstream savingsfile; savingsfile.open("C:/accounts/savings.acnt", ios::trunc); savingsfile << savings; savingsfile.close(); return 0; } I am a brand new programmer, just learning from the web, i wrote this function as …

Member Avatar for jakezcop
Member Avatar for dinosaur123

Hello, I am having trouble with a program I am writing. The problem is that I need to take information from a text file, read it, and then output the information into another text file. I keep getting this output: > <ProductSummary>0015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A00015D7A0 </ProductSummary> I need it to output something like …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

trying to create fifo that can read and write. but some reason its not going below "O_RDONLY" line. any thoughts? char *fifo_name = "fifo"; #define 0666 int main() { int fd1; int fd2; //create fifo if(mkfifo(fifo_name,FIFO_MODE) == -1) { exit(1); } //open fifo for read if((fd1 = open(fifo_name, O_RDONLY)) == …

Member Avatar for hwoarang69
Member Avatar for zuzzles

So i came across this issue that I can run my applet fine and it creates my file (exe) until i attempt to do so in a browser (firefox, IE, etc). Its signed and asks for permission and gives no erros but it doesnt write to the file I want …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Gizzle72

I am trying to create a powerpoint quiz that tallies the scores, provides the results e.g. 95 out of 100 and the percentage %, then writes the users name and results to an excel spreadsheet. Oh, and all this has to be done using Office 2007 products. Can anyone help? …

Member Avatar for strongguy12345

Hello to all, haven't been on here in a while but recently been having major problems with trying to finish this second problem set my teacher has given me and the other students for the gr. 12 ics college coarse, currently im gr. 11 but this coarse had to be …

Member Avatar for strongguy12345
Member Avatar for JavaLearners123

Hello, I'm in my first year in software development program and need help with the following program. I've spent hours working on it. Any help is greatly appreciated. Write a java program that will open a file, read each of the records from the file, use that data to populate …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for arihantphp

Hey all ! I am wondering if there is any way by which we can take an input from a user using a html form and write it to a file inside a specific div tag in a specific file. for ex: I enter a Name in a form the …

Member Avatar for broj1

The End.