145 Topics

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Member Avatar for ThirstyCrow

hi, im a java beginner.i want to read multiple text files,say 100 files.i want to remove the stop words from each of the file and want to save the contents after the stop words removal into newer files. For instance, a file name.txt contains: my name is sash after the …

Member Avatar for ThirstyCrow
Member Avatar for rayden150

I tried to store several data an cant achieve it: [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h.> #include <stdio.h> #include "estructura.h" void guardar_cliente(cliente x) { FILE*f; f= fopen("data.txt", "w"); fwrite(&x, sizeof(x), 1, f); fclose(f); } [/CODE] I dont know whats wrong im using another cpp file and a header file …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for masterofpuppets

Hi all, I searched this topic and found a couple of posts but I couldn't find what I am looking for. Here's the problem - I am trying to send an image to a client (browser in this case) over a socket. After the image is received I am trying …

Member Avatar for masterofpuppets
Member Avatar for niggz

Hello. I have a problem writing to a file using for loop. here is the code: [CODE=cpp] /* the code should save numbers in a file something like this 1 5 2 8 3 7 4 6 */ //instead it gives just the last numbers it catches /* 4 6 …

Member Avatar for niggz
Member Avatar for thecoolman5

hi, i have this code: [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; int main (char argc) { for(;;) { fstream myfile; myfile.open("example.txt"); cout << "1: Write" << endl; cout << "2: Read" << endl; int n1; cin >> n1; if(n1 == 1) { string n2; getline(cin,n2); myfile << …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for yoni0505

I had a problem with some program I wrote that edit specific values within a specific file. When I saved the values, using fstream's write() function, everything between these values became null. I've looked again in the I/O tutorial - [URL="http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/files/"]http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/files/[/URL] and saw that they use memory block at the …

Member Avatar for yoni0505
Member Avatar for yoni0505

Hi I have a problem with a code I made, some save editor for some game. The code suppose to write 2 bytes to a specific offset in some file. The file's short integers are saved as little endian. everything works fine, but when one of the integers equal 10, …

Member Avatar for yoni0505
Member Avatar for BioJavaPhobic

I want to remove all lines in a text file that start with HPL_ I have acheived this and can print to screen, but when I try to write to a file, I just get the last line of the amended text printed in the new file. Any help please, …

Member Avatar for roswell1329
Member Avatar for Sturdy

Hi masters, I try to write and read file into txt file but i dont know how to do it. Anyone know how to achieve this? Please help me. any help will appreciated much. Best Regards

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for crackruckles

Hi all, i have a problem reading from a file in vb.net. I want to read from a file bit by bit so the file i write to is exactly the same, well almost because im planning on merging two files together but i can do that if i can …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for lacoffo

Hey all:) I'm learning Java and I'm having a little trouble on a polymorphic write-to-file function. Let me quickly explain my project: I have an abstract class Mammal, with non-abstract children Horse, Cow etc. I have a Main program that creates a couple Horses and Cows, and store these in …

Member Avatar for lacoffo
Member Avatar for adixovi

Hi, this is a clue game in prolog. [B][U]I'm posting it to thank everyone that takes the time to post and help people, like me.[/U][/B] The program is spanish, cause in from México, but it's a clue game. Features: Write and read *.txt files, and use their content to compare …

Member Avatar for Mark_48

Iam having trouble writing my results to a CSV file.The results i have are as follows -0.025 0.15 0.15 0.4 0.5 -0.05 0.1333333 0.2 0.4 0.5 -0.05 0.1333333 0.2 0.4 0.5 -0.05 0.1333333 0.2 0.4 0.5 -0.05 0.1333333 0.2 0.4 0.5 When i am writing them to the file it …

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for Qpido

Dear Helpful Members of Daniweb, I have been working on several projects to automate work in the company I am working for and have come to the following problem: I have a VBA6 program I have successfully programmed to calculate the costs of our fasteners and anchors, now it is …

Member Avatar for monarchmk
Member Avatar for Usmaan

Hi there, I'd firstly like to thank some of the daniweb members for helping me with my Hangman project. It's finally complete and I have uploaded it on my YouTube. Special thanks to [B]ddanbe, Xcelled194, Mitja Bonca and Momerath[/B]. Right, on to my next project. I'm making a Naughts and …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for The Road To Voi

So I've made a Task Scheduling application (for learning purposes). The program currently saves all the data in simple text form. I use Regex to split the data up and assign it to the appropriate variables. I don't really like this way of doing things as it seems messy and …

Member Avatar for williamrojas78
Member Avatar for exi

I'm trying to write some code that will write certain variables to a text file and create a simple record system. So when a button is clicked the variables are calculated and written to a text file. How can I set it up so that when the button is clicked …

Member Avatar for exi
Member Avatar for Nony2007

Hi All, I can connect C# to SQL and read SQL table but i am having problem in writing the outcome to text file. I really appreciate if you could assist me. this is the code. [CODE]//====================================== using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.IO; namespace Chapter07 { class OrdinalIndexer …

Member Avatar for Nony2007
Member Avatar for azibhai4u

Hiii all I am using java 1.6 and RXTXComm package (Javax.comm) package. I can read data from a electronic weighing machine. Now I have to set the weight as zero. I can tare this weight by sending T command to serial port. I had tried several times but no response …

Member Avatar for ferdousKhanom
Member Avatar for BirdaoGwra

Hi, It is my code: [CODE]mylist = [['fiss','giss'], ['e','h'], ['d','u'], ['c','t'], ['b','o'], ['a','z']] for alist in mylist: g = ' '.join(alist) print g f = open("write.txt", "w") f.write(g) f.close()[/CODE] How will I write all the words in the txt file. it is only writing the last line of the file. …

Member Avatar for Tommymac501
Member Avatar for moose333

Hello I am currently attempting to write the contents of a .hrm file into a datagridview and place each piece of data into its required column. This is the code I have at the moment which is currently just extracting some data from the .hrm file and placing it in …

Member Avatar for joelem

Hello everyone, I have successfully WRITTEN an array of complex numbers into .txt file using fprintf and scanf(). However, I have no idea how to READ this file. Please see the attached code and reply with your suggestions. Thank you in advance!! Joelem [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<math.h> #include<complex.h> int main() …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for thetechguy

How would I go about copying a robots.txt file from a webserver and then displaying that information?

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for ytrewq1

Hi, I have generated an array of random numbers and I'm trying to then write this array to a .txt file but the code I have written doesn't seem to do this correctly. Any help on this would be great. Here is what I have so far: import numpy as …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for mbehnaam

[B]Hi, I am beginner in Python and I'm looking for a method to write to a file by using Index. This is my program:[/B] ************************************************************** infile = open("land1.txt","r") outfile = open('out.txt', 'w') text = infile.read() infile.close() search = "<CgPoint" found=text.find(search) while found > -1: print search, "found at location", found …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi there I'm writing to a file so that it creates a back log of the data and time i did something. I've got the program so it writes the data that is needed and also the date and time. the problem is if you use the program more then …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for hazeeel

Hi guys! I need help here, When ever I write onto my text file, i get null and then the value.Please help me! I don't want the "null"! Here is how it looks like in Notepad++: null1: 0.22056311934213296 2: 3.017771771149946 null3: 1.508399104807777 4: 0.07575171145562612 null5: 5.187081012091999 6: 2.049001095182013 null null …

Member Avatar for hazeeel
Member Avatar for arshad115

Hi,I want to copy a few files to the Windows\winsxs folder ,but in windows vista/7 you cannot write files to that folder, apparently there is a user called "TrustedInstaller" only that user has write access to the folder. TrustedInstaller > Administrator. I tried to use "runas" for my process but …

Member Avatar for choover12

hello. I want to know how to read, write, and save databases. with control and virtually. i have seen some tutorials about databases they just don't help me. thank you

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for Krimi

hi im trying to create a small excel addin in VS2008 byt i cant figure out how to write lika a string or an int to a specific cell? for example: i want to write something in cell B1? how do i do that in the C# code? it must …

Member Avatar for SuperSid

The End.