17 Topics

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Member Avatar for dumicom

Hi, is there a simple way to convert the xls file to txt file to fit my program's code. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = [] y = [] t = [] fig = plt.figure() rect = fig.patch rect.set_facecolor('#31312e') **readFile = open('data.xls', 'r') sepFile = readFile.read().split('\n') readFile.close()** for idx, plotPair …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

Hello I am using jxls quite fine. I'm sort of on my last lap with exporting my data to a file. However all I want to know is, how do I display my collection in the same row please? I've manage to do this downwards in the same column, but …

Member Avatar for CoilFyzx
Member Avatar for Guillermo_1

import xlrd import re workbook=xlrd.open_workbook('planningSpreadSheet_20140120T124023_20140203-20140209.xls') sh=workbook.sheet_by_index(0) palabras=str(sh) for col in range(sh.ncols): for i in range(sh.nrows): caca=sh.row_values(i) print(caca) Hi , i try to do a seeker, read an xls file ,and find a word,(input()),and show all the content of the row

Member Avatar for BearofNH
Member Avatar for Abdul Waseem

Read first row from csv file and create table automatically according to it(csv file fields) in mysql. Looking for PHP script? I have tried this. <?php $arr = array(array(),array()); $num = 0; $row = 0; $handle = fopen("./contacts.csv", "r"); while($data = fgetcsv($handle,1000,",")){ $num = count($data); for ($c=0; $c < $num; …

Member Avatar for Bachu
Member Avatar for Magic8Computing

Hi, We have a intranet with thousands of excel spreadsheets, we have set all the browsers so they open any excel spreadsheet in excel itself not within the browser which is how we wanted it all, unfortunately someone has now developed a spreadsheet they would like to open in the …

Member Avatar for patk570
Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for nsteve

Hello friend, I have a registration form and a admin panel for that, In admin panel we can see the list of registered users. I can filter user details by search but i cannot export searched results to .xls or .csv format. kindly help me...!!! Thank you.

Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo
Member Avatar for Acidz

Hi, People... I have a question about reading xls files in python then parsing it to sqlDatabase. The thing is, that the xls file(pricelist) we as a company use are ordered and it's pretty easy to sort that out. The problem comes with xls files from other companies. (We are …

Member Avatar for Acidz
Member Avatar for belenos46

So, I'm currently trying to open a .xls/.xlsx file, tell it to run a macro to refresh the workbooks, and then save the file as a different file name, thus leaving the original untouched. Now, technically, it is working, because the last person who held my position wrote a dll …

Member Avatar for belenos46
Member Avatar for manu555

header("Content-type: application/msexcel"); header("Content-type: text/msexcel"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=bulkUpdate.xls"); $out = ''; $out .='code'; $out .="\t"; $out .='sold'; echo $out; exit; in above code xls file is generated but getting output from second row .i want it from first row

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Guipborges

Hi everybody. I have a simple problem. Need send the c++ output to excel(csv->xls or xls direct) in formated data. I can send the data to excel, but i canĀ“t format that like this: |_ col 1__|___col 2___|___col n____| row 1......|....2row 1 row 2......|....2row 2 row 3......|... 2row n What …

Member Avatar for Misheki

I have a working code that exports the datagrid into XLS. However, the datagrid results does not show on my aspx (html) page. It only shows on the page when I comment out the part that exports it to xls. I am not sure whether it should show by default …

Member Avatar for Misheki
Member Avatar for prateeksalian

hi, how to call exe file with some parameters from java and save the output of the exe file in a specified path. Please let me know immediately..its urgent!!! I am using the following code : I want to save the file after running this DPAnalysis.exe on jan.xls into my …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Prateek Salian

Hi All, I am creating an application in JAVA EE for my company where people can upload their .xls files into the fielsystem of the server. Then an administrator can integrate all the .xls files uploaded by the people into a [B]single .xls file.[/B]I am done with the uploading part …

Member Avatar for Prateek Salian
Member Avatar for axman1000

I have an XLS file. Let's assume that it has 1000 rows in all, with 10 columns. I would like to import rows 5 through 995 (say), and columns 1 though 7 and 10. How can I do this using an SQL query, either though OPENROWSET or BULK INSERT? I …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for Evicake

Hello, I recently started writing a small program for reading multiple xls files from one directory. While reading one file like this,works perfectly: [CODE]wb = xlrd.open_workbook("C:\\path\\FileName.xls") sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0)[/CODE] this one doesn't: [CODE]os.chdir("C:\\path") for fileName in os.listdir("."): wb = xlrd.open_workbook(fileName) sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0)[/CODE] I keep getting the same error: [COLOR="Red"]XLRDError: …

Member Avatar for Evicake
Member Avatar for bbman

Hi im desperately in need of some help here.. Im exporting my html page data to csv but i am unable to get the data onto a new column the code is as follows [B][COLOR="Red"]HTML FORM[/COLOR][/B] [CODE]<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="index.php"> <table class="formatTblClass"> <tr> <th colspan="6"><?=$message;?></th> </tr> <tr> <td width="68"><span>First …

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The End.