8 Topics

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Member Avatar for happygeek

The Google Experience Launcher, as it was, first arrived exclusively for the Nexus 5 towards the end of last year. That changed recently when the renamed Google Now Launcher (GNL) appeared in the Play Store as a standalone app for Nexus devices and those handsets running Google Play Edition (GPE), …

Member Avatar for Yasar_2
Member Avatar for Matthew N.

I have a Java program, which launches a app, but before starting, it checks for the version.txt file, and if it doesn't exist, or there is a newer version available off my site, it downloads it. Well, not quite. I've got the part that checks for updates, and file existence, …

Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp
Member Avatar for JwhateverJ

I'm writing an application launcher program. The launcher will launch applications based on the files found in the working directory. (Example: a folder containing files with the extensions .docx, .xlsx, .sln, and .txt, would give the user the option to launch Word, Excel, Visual Studio and Notepad loading any of …

Member Avatar for cox44
Member Avatar for vextorspace

I am trying to deploy an application that uses JOGL for 3D rendering, so it is platform dependant. If a user with 64 bit windows tries to run it with a 32 bit Java it hangs or crashes. The java installations on windows 7 seem to be varied and I …

Member Avatar for vextorspace
Member Avatar for dvidunis

hi, first of all im noob and 11 years old so don't blame me if something is wrong! i try to read a txt, see a version, read a txt on a server, see if on server newer and ask to update if yes. any suggestions? Oh and in C++ …

Member Avatar for \007
Member Avatar for RicardoE

Hello, you'll see I'm a gamer as well as a web/desktop developer and I have built so many application in both technologies. But yesterday I was amused by something I saw. I like to play this Combat Arms game from Nexon a very well developed FPS online action game, scince …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for detoxx

I'm currently in the process of creating a Windows application much like "Steam". The problem I'm having is that I need to be able to add new games to the list which auto generates a button and the code behind it. I have no idea how to do this. Can …

Member Avatar for detoxx
Member Avatar for Kruptein

How can I start a launcher from python? if I do: [icode]os.system("~/localhost")[/icode] it just returns a number (probably a process id or something) if this is not possible, how can I start from python a terminal window and execute a code in that terminal? (without closing the python script) Thanks …

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The End.