213 Topics

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Member Avatar for peguin1089

How do you write a Python program that takes DNA sequence and give number of ORFs found in the sequence?

Member Avatar for hughesadam_87
Member Avatar for gavriela

Hi, I'm a student of Java, and my first homework assignment is more advanced than our reading. So...I'm lost. This question is: Q5: Write a program that reads a list of exam scores from the keyboard. Using A=90 to 100, B=80 to 89, C=70 to 79, D=60 to 69 and …

Member Avatar for Er. Mukesh
Member Avatar for dafpower

Now before anyone says oh use JavaScript that is exactly what I'm using - what my problem is, is that from my understanding javascript is volatile just like RAM is there a way that this can be over come? What i'm trying to do is to have a JS loop …

Member Avatar for AMADH

Hello, I was hoping that someone can help me with this. I have this linking list working, but I have one problem, when I click on the link it shows up with the link like this winner.php?service=1&&year=2010 and honorable.php?service=1&&year=2010&award=1 this is for all years not just 2010, and what I …

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for r0n

hello everyone, got issue regarding reading duplicate records in a text file... i need to read the file and look for any duplicates data/keys in the text file and write them to another file (all the duplicates records)... how can i do that, in looping...:-/ any help...:) thanks!

Member Avatar for r0n
Member Avatar for FrancisLazo

I am a puzzled regarding the purpose of the countDown = coundDown -1; part of this program code. I mean I do not know why I should subtract the countDown by 1. What is it for??? Here is the program source code, the one highlighted is the one I'm confused …

Member Avatar for spoonlicker
Member Avatar for needsHelp!

as the title, i need to replace the dupilcated codes with loops! help me please! [CODE]from time import sleep timeDelay = .1 turtle.move(100,0) turtle.rotate(-7) Doraemon.move(60,0) Doraemon.rotate(-7) Panda.move(80,0) Panda.rotate(-7) Sun.rotate(2) sleep(timeDelay) turtle.move(100,0) turtle.rotate(1) Doraemon.move(60,0) Doraemon.rotate(1) Panda.move(80,0) Panda.rotate(1) Sun.rotate(2) sleep(timeDelay) turtle.move(100,0) turtle.rotate(1) Doraemon.move(60,0) Doraemon.rotate(1) Panda.move(80,0) Panda.rotate(1) Sun.rotate(-2) sleep(timeDelay) turtle.move(100,0) turtle.rotate(1) Doraemon.move(60,0) Doraemon.rotate(1) …

Member Avatar for needsHelp!
Member Avatar for joeyn

Good day! can you guys help me to have the code for this output? pleasee.. _ _ _ 1 _ _ 2 2 _ 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for zidane010h

hey guys,I'm soo beginner in C++ :$ .could you please explain logic of the loop [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x = 0, p = 5; while(x < p) { for(int i = 0; i < x; i++) { cout << "+"; } cout << "\n"; …

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Member Avatar for ndowens

I am writing a application for Arch Linux, actually I already wrote it, but I wanted to do it a little differently then the other. The origional one uses the goto statement. Here is the code: [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "\tAurDown v2.1\n" …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for rayden150

This program is supposed to print out prime numbers from 1 to 50: [CODE]public class Break{ public static void main(String[] args){ int i,j; System.out.println("Prime numbers between 1 to 50 : "); for (i = 1;i < 50;i++ ){ for (j = 2;j < i;j++ ){ if(i % j == 0) …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for Felipevd

Hi everyone! For months now I've been reader of this forum and it's now time for me to register and start contributing. Well, my problem is basically with arrays and loops, in a calculator project.. What I'm trying to do is to write all operations in a line i.e: ( …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for halil.burak

Frame complete game, only the outer edges of a square drawn on the table is a game played with 2 players. Sequence of a square drawn from the player wants to draw a non-edge. Underline that this edge of the square is not the last edge of the square is …

Member Avatar for moone009

Hello, I need help transforming a current script into on that can loop through some data for me. As you can see I currently have the ItemName and Address commented out "-- Set @ItemName = '95B046125' Set @Address = '195 WELLESLEY ST E'" and then I have to uncomment it …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for anqe_tb

Hi All, I've looked everywhere and cannot find a reason for this. I'm essentially try ing to loop through every row in a datagridview, and trying to remove the entire row, if a certain cell's value matches another value. Please find the code below. This is working, however is skipping …

Member Avatar for anqe_tb
Member Avatar for jonnypixel

Hi, I have 2 tables i am querying. The first table has 2 columns, one for folder ID and the other for Category ID. I want to query that table to get a loop of all the folder ID's based on the category ID chosen. Then i query the second …

Member Avatar for jonnypixel
Member Avatar for tdba.316

Hi~ I've been stuck with this exercise for quite a few days. It's in a book I'm currently self-studying, C++ primer plus. The exercise requires using C syntax, while the exercise which follows this one requires using string objects instead, so i guess this is the appropriate forum^^. It is …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for dlube

how would you write a for loop that calculates the total investment over 40 years if a one pays $500 each month but every 2 years the payment increases 10%?

Member Avatar for smrati.katiyar
Member Avatar for theG-Scott

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Let me start by saying I'm a php newb so be gentle! I have a form that is used to insert data into my database to display info and images in a portfolio section on my site. In the form, the input …

Member Avatar for theG-Scott
Member Avatar for enkidu75

I am making a program for my class where I handle equation problems such as: 2a-3b+5c=10 3a-2b-3c=-5 where the answer would be: 5a-5b+2c=5 This is what I have so far. It still isn't perfect cause I still haven't figured out the "=" part. I do have it performing the math …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for Roy1287

Hi. I'm new to this forum and to programming in general. This is my first programming class and it is in JAVA. I have been doing alright in the class, but am really struggling with this weeks program assignment. If you could help me out at all I would really …

Member Avatar for kramerd
Member Avatar for d00mhammers

Hello everyone, this is my first time here on this website and forum, and after reading through some of it, I think it's very helpful, so I would like to say thank you. I am facing a problem that I have been trying to solve for a few days so …

Member Avatar for arnab sinha
Member Avatar for dwhite459

I am trying to write a program that allows the user to input positive integers between 0 and 1000 and then outputs the highest value and the lowest value. The user should enter -1 to signify the end of their input. I am supposed to use a loop to achieve …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Iron-Man1138

This is program for figuring out cost of carpet at X length Y Width and Z cost/sqft (turned to yard). I am not very strong in looping yet, but I am pretty sure that is what has to be done here. Ideally at the end I want to ask the …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for halil.burak

Salary Works Department for use in a workplace, employees' salaries and to calculate the income tax cuts, the minimum number of net salary payments using money to make and required a program to get some statistical information. For this program the following data will be entered for each employee in …

Member Avatar for halil.burak
Member Avatar for cosnersx

Okay, I've just started learning C++ and I'm on the third chapter of my book which deals with control statements. Basically, I've learned how to create very basic text based games. [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <string> int main (void) { using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::string; string options = ""; …

Member Avatar for cosnersx
Member Avatar for baby_c

I have declared a global variable. But when i assign the "i" in the loop as the function parameter, the global variable does not chang. It seems that it creats another variable "i" and assigns it to that "i". Is it possible once i have declared the global "i"?? I'm …

Member Avatar for baby_c
Member Avatar for nix_xin

pls help me . . . give me some hints on how to do this program . . . a program that displays a mirrored-right triangle using asterisk. the program should ask the user to enter the number of rows and displays the mirrored-right triangle. the minimum is 3. there …

Member Avatar for Xufyan
Member Avatar for nix_xin

[TEX]. . . i need some tips on programming java with looping structure, tnx . . .[/TEX]

Member Avatar for brandonrunyon
Member Avatar for Tarkenfire

Alright, making a dice roller...because I need a dice roller. Anywho, in the process of testing it came across an exception that I can't figure out how to remedy. The exception gets thrown at line 33 below: Source code: [CODE]import random #PUT FAILSAFES IN THIS FUNCTION. #gets dice information def …

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The End.