457 Topics

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Member Avatar for Danarchy

I bought Disk Warrior and used it 4 times successfully. Then it started telling me, before replacing the directories, that to insure a failsafe replacement, that I needed to delete 98mb of 'contiguous' space for it to do so. Neither Alsoft nor Apple can tell me how to accomplish this. …

Member Avatar for Danarchy
Member Avatar for mdrobbins

How do I turn off the new message notification that appears on my screen every time an e-mail arrives in Thunderbird?

Member Avatar for George Page

I'm having trouble with flash player. I had no problem viewing flash on my Safari and IE but when I tried to upgrade to flash 9 everything went bad. First of all I couldn't download flash 9 update. When i tried it downloaded up till "4 items remaining" and it …

Member Avatar for tomin
Member Avatar for MiketheBook

Pages 09 seems to use a similar symbol & text substitution facility to Snow Leopard; why it doesn't use the OS's I don't know. But I found a way of entering another 2,000 typos in the OS's version through this web-site [url]http://db.tidbits.com/article/10567[/url] - very worthwhile. Now I want to do …

Member Avatar for j.ross

hi guys! just wanted to share that I've just grabed a trial version of NTFS for Mac OS X 8.0 Release Candidate from Paragon....and starting to try this... it provides support of Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard in 64 bit mode! you can have it from their site.

Member Avatar for j.ross
Member Avatar for yasaki

Download [url=http://www.applemacvideo.com/mkvmac/convert-mkv-to-avi-mac.html#188]MKV to AVI Converter for Mac[/url]. share to those who have the same problems with me.

Member Avatar for Nixriq

Guys, I need help importing mac mail to Outlook 2007. Any assistance, ideas will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. :)

Member Avatar for Fazza
Member Avatar for spacephrawg

I'm trying to find some VM software that can access more than 256mb of the video card. Parallels tops out at 256mb. It won't let you access more than that. The machine I intend to run this on will be an 8core mac pro workstation desktop with 8gigs of RAM …

Member Avatar for k2k
Member Avatar for michaelsham

Hi guys this is my first post and would like to know where can I learn to play poker. I was looking to buy a poker strategy books but was confused as i was not sure which book to refer at. I would appreciate if you guys can provide me …

Member Avatar for Alex_Poker
Member Avatar for newsguy

In 1987, Thomas Knoll developed a pixel imaging program called Display. It was a simple program to showcase grayscale images on a black-and-white monitor. However, after collaborating with his brother John Knoll, the two began adding features that made it possible to process digital image files. The program eventually caught …

Member Avatar for siennal

Children are often curious for sexually-explicit content and they may visit porn websites or chat with bad guys on MSN/AIM/Yahoo Messenger online. Parents are responsible for their children’s safety and being urged to remain vigilant over what internet websites their children may visit. Currently many parents have rules on what …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for hocit

Adobe� Acrobat� 9 Pro helps business and creative professionals communicate and collaborate more effectively and securely with virtually anyone, anywhere. Unify a wide range of content in a single organized PDF Portfolio. Collaborate through electronic document reviews. Create and manage dynamic forms. And help protect sensitive information. Acrobat 9 Pro …

Member Avatar for gurokevin

I have moved over from a PC and was wondering if there was a program that was like MS Publisher that could at read my old publisher files?

Member Avatar for sesdemarco
Member Avatar for mdrobbins

In messages received in Thunderbird I am starting to get strange symbols, such as shown below. ****************** me… The Geezers’ Crusade ***************** Has anyone else seen this problem? Is it Thunderbird or my machine (iMac OS x10.6)?

Member Avatar for mdrobbins
Member Avatar for michaelwebster

I work on a mac OSX 10 +. I an looking for some software that can enable me to change a word of text in a file ( php file or otherwise ) without having to open each file individually. Let me explain - I have a folder named 'code …

Member Avatar for wesili

After lending my comp to a friend in in order for him to use I.D. , I am now now having challenges using all the tools in said program. On my desktop is the In Design CS Icon as well as a 'plug-ins' folder for the program. -Program opens fine. …

Member Avatar for mcmc2010

Hi, I got a problem with opening files that have the suffix 'dmg.spanned'. I have tried all sorts of things to try and open these files but with no success. The DiskImageMounter will not open it, the Stuffit Expander didn't help and I have tried with different Zip and Rar …

Member Avatar for mcwoof

I've heard that OS 10.6 is fairly safe for the moment from mac specific bugs, but I want to make sure I'm not carrying around windows bugs as I'll be using this in a mixed environment. So which programme is best at protecting macs from windows viruses ? Cheers!

Member Avatar for Inverse
Member Avatar for amandachall

2010 is coming, do you perpare the new year card to express your greeting? DIY card with specific photos would be much better than cards you just pick up from any stores. Let's [URL="http://www.imediacreator.com/tutorial-photo/use-card-template-to-make-card-on-mac.html#175"]make a new year greeting card to welcome 2010[/URL]. Here you should perpare some things below: 1. …

Member Avatar for Inverse

Hello to everyone! I urgently need a good flash to video convertor that works under Mac OS. So, you are welcome to come up with your suggestions:)

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Lomoco

Is there any good free plug-ins that check the grammer along with the spelling in the text you select? Do you have to go in Word every time you want to check the grammar?

Member Avatar for gasp
Member Avatar for technopeasant

Hi, I'd like to install Adobe Creative Suite 1.1.1 on my G4. I'm currently running OS X 10.4.6. The software says its recommended for OS X v.10.2.4 through v.10.3 - does that mean I can't run it on my system? I know CS 4 is the most recent and best …

Member Avatar for gasp
Member Avatar for terimstokes

i moved my i photo library into the trash and emptied it. my pictures file, where photos are automatically saved, does not contain all of the photos imported. is there anyway for me to retreive the deleted photos from my harddrive? computer is g4 mac osx.

Member Avatar for Iren2
Member Avatar for wonx1312

I face something tough about Mac.It is five years old and works slower and slower,but I can't deal with it.One of my best friend on line told me to buy a new mac-os-software[, but it costs a little;I want to know whether it is worth to buy it? Is there …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for nicky70

hi, i've just signed up after coming here via google so not exactly a techie (though my husband is..) i have a MBP, using safari, the past few days it has stopped letting me open weblinks from within my emails (entourage) and if i try to use control f to …

Member Avatar for EddieC

After a swirl of rumors that Apple was in talks to acquire music-streaming service [url=http://www.lala.com/]Lala[/url], the [url=http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704342404574576544196064138.html?mod=WSJ_hpp_LEFTWhatsNewsCollection]Wall Street Journal reported[/url] yesterday that the companies had reached a deal. Exact terms were not disclosed. Lala, a four-year-old private company, offers a terrific Web-based [url=http://www.lala.com/#howitworks]music streaming and download service[/url] that lets you …

Member Avatar for mm4c3k

Hello! I use a Mac; however, I downloaded an avi file that uses the Indeo 4 (IV41) codec which is unavailable for Macs. Do you know of a software program that can convert the file (re-encode? if that's the proper term...) to another codec that will allow me to view …

Member Avatar for joeedel89
Member Avatar for dintymoore

Does anybody know what this screen means? [url]http://i415.photobucket.com/albums/pp231/kaaawa2000/huh.jpg[/url] Today I was using my G4 iBook to install OS 10.4.11 on a clamshell G3. The clamshell was in target mode connected to G4 through Firewire and I was using a Mac install DVD in the G4. After the G4 rebooted from …

Member Avatar for dintymoore
Member Avatar for urtrivedi

What is default DBMS system in MAC. Also is there any way to develope dbms application in windows and run that file on mac os. In short which is the dbms software which which can work on both mac and windows platform?

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for amanda110

Have you ever been thinking to make calendar by yourself? Use your own photo album as decorating picture and mark some special day with special tags rather than only red circle in the calendar. you will get the chance to [URL="http://www.imediacreator.com/tutorial-photo/use-calendar-template-to-make-calendar-on-mac.html#175"][B]use free calendar templates to make calendar on Mac[/B][/URL] for …


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