26 Topics

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Member Avatar for calebcook

Hi. I need to be able to display each day of the current month excluding Sunday in a format: month/day (eg. 11/11). So I want the output to be: [CODE]11/11 11/12 //excludes Sunday 11/14 11/15[/CODE] etc. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks

Member Avatar for Adriano_1
Member Avatar for Amiet_1

I have DatagridView on form. My database has three fields. - userId (bigint) - userName (varchar) - userDob (date) Now, on Form I have comboBox, which lists Months (Jan, Feb, March and so on...). I want my program to work like this. If I select any month on ComboBox, birthdays …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for Yeonng

Hi, I'm a beginner in Vb.net. I have a problem like this. My table name in dtabase is *tblsales* ![67f4b407a5443c6d48ba102a4779c9f2](/attachments/large/4/67f4b407a5443c6d48ba102a4779c9f2.JPG "67f4b407a5443c6d48ba102a4779c9f2") and i have 4 combobox in month and year ![81361dad1be3d14458ae4ad0a3aa9a55](/attachments/large/4/81361dad1be3d14458ae4ad0a3aa9a55.JPG "81361dad1be3d14458ae4ad0a3aa9a55") i need to find data between this 4 combobox. And this is the code i've tried before. For …

Member Avatar for Yeonng
Member Avatar for Jorox03

I am try to populate a JComboBox with the days of a particular month and year. I researched the problem and came up with this: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //code to respond to the buttons goes here if ( e.getSource() == cmbMonth || e.getSource() == cmbYear ) { cmbDay.removeAllItems(); …

Member Avatar for Jorox03
Member Avatar for ImZick

Hi how can i sort using Month i have January, February.... December i want to sort it out so the user will see it from January - December my column name is "Months" and it is in subitems(0) Thank you in a advanced

Member Avatar for ImZick
Member Avatar for anandschiru

Can anboby give some links for month picker and year picker in javascript.

Member Avatar for Bachu
Member Avatar for LastMitch

Hi I want to create a simple calendar on Smarty. I attached an image on how it looks so far. Here is my code **calendar.php** file: <?php require("libs/Smarty.class.php"); $smarty = new Smarty(); $date = "1/01/2013"; //January 01, 2013 $week_days = array("Sun"=>1, "Mon"=>2, "Tue"=>3, "Wed"=>4, "Thu"=>5, "Fri"=>6, "Sat"=>7); $total_day_of_month = get_total_day($date); …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

Dear All! I want to get my columns value into rows . i am taking sum of qty of each month . like this select sum(Case when month(invoicedate) = 1 then qty else 0 end) as janQty, sum(Case when month(invoicedate) = 1 then qty else 0 end) as febQty, sum(Case …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

Hey all, I am currently using the following to echo the 1st Current_month: echo "1st '.date('F').'."; So that would say, for example, 1st October. What would I need to do to echo the next month? In this case 'November'? Thanks for any help!

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for johnbo100

Hi all, My head is about to explode and I was wondering if anyone has ever found a solution to my problem. Using MYSQL and PHP I need to gather those people under 5 years of age and break up the ages into 6 month periods whilst keeping a count …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kn3rdmeister

I want to have a list of months and years when content was posted to my website. Example: /// **Archive** *July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012* /// Then, clicking one of list items takes you to a page with every post from that month. I know I should …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day Gentl'men! I just need a little help for date manipulation.here is the criteria.. I have **two date picker, dtfrom.value & dt2.value, and a variable called "viewtype".. ** **if viewtype="monthly"**, I want to create a listview column base on fromdate.value & todate.value..Example, if **fromdate.value="12/24/2012" and to.value="06/31/2013"**, I want to …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for djokerfan20

Hi everyone! This is the code that I have made, however, when I enter a date for example if I type : 12/12/2012 then the date for tomorrow displays a list of dates. I am unsure how to get it to only display the date of tomorrow. #include <stdio.h> int …

Member Avatar for djokerfan20
Member Avatar for tyu4

I'm completely lost with this assignment code. The objective is to modify this program that originally asked the user for an input 1-12 for a month, and it outputs the number of days in that month. The modifications would make it so that the user inputs the name of the …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for skannigan

As Part of an assignment one of the requirments is to convert a date into month format. that is the user must enter start month and year of employment and end month and year of employment for example 4 1980 till 7 2009 (mmyyy) these two dates must be coverted …

Member Avatar for skannigan
Member Avatar for boris90

I need a user to input int and get the name of the month in return. I have this: [CODE]/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package se211.dz14; import java.text.DateFormatSymbols; import java.util.Scanner; /** * * @author Boris */ …

Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp
Member Avatar for JavaPrograms

The issues with this program are: 1. File: D:\Unit 3 Data Type, Objects, Assignments\CreditCardBill.java [line: 20] Error: Type mismatch: cannot convert from double to int 2. File: D:\Unit 3 Data Type, Objects, Assignments\CreditCardBill.java [line: 21] Error: Type mismatch: cannot convert from double to int EDIT: I have tried type casting, …

Member Avatar for zeroliken
Member Avatar for bbman

Hey everyone, I have the following varaibles: $_POST['month'] $_POST['day'] $_POST['year'] I need them to be put into a string format such as '2012-02-15' (Year-Month-Day). Could someone please help me do this in php? I've tried a few times but can't connect them with the "-" successfully. Thanks for your help.

Member Avatar for bbman
Member Avatar for bala2111

I want to display last 6 months from the current month. For example This month is september, I want to display April, May, June, July, August, September Can anyone help me with this ?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Matth963

[CODE]import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Calendar; public class CheckIn{ Date today; void getArrivalDate() { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); try { System.out.print("Enter Date in dd/mm/yyyy format: "); String d = Keyboard.readString(); today = df.parse(d); df.format(today); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } void getDepartureDate(){ Calendar …

Member Avatar for Matth963
Member Avatar for lloydsbackyard

how to convert Month in words to its numeric equivalent.... example: <?php $month = 'JANUARY'; // code to convert the month JANUARY to its numerical equivalent... echo 'help please for the numerical JANUARY equivalent here'; ?> ----------------------------- SAMPLE OUTPUT 01

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for rhuffman8

I am still relatively new to Python and don't think I'm familiar/comfortable enough with my understanding of the datetime functions... I want to take just the current month from the datetime function so I can use the number to send the string of the month (ex, datetime would give me …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for jazzyb

I have table names 'payroll' with following data month , pay January , 1200 March , 1500 December , 2000 I want the following result Janury , 1200 February , 00 March , 1500 April , 00 May , 00 June , 00 July , 00 August , 00 September …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for doctorphp

Hi All. Now I am really stuck here. I am trying to develop a calendar which hilights the days date (which I have done) but now I am on to the really tricky bit (for me). I need the calendar to change each month and because the different months have …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for white feather

[CODE] maxDays = calendar.getActualMaximum(calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); System.out.println(maxDays); [/CODE] When looking through the javadocs it seems like this would work but it apparently doesn't. Any help on figuring why it doesn't or another way would be appreciated

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for John A

[URL="http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&taxonomyName=security&articleId=9013481&taxonomyId=17&intsrc=kc_top"]According to ComputerWorld[/URL], MySpace seems like the next target for the now-famous "month of bugs" project. The hackers are of course, anonymous, which is perhaps part of the fun of doing such a project. They say that they're going to expose a new bug every day for a whole month, …


The End.