18 Topics

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I have been learning NumPy arrays/matrices in Python. As I worked, I found that I desired a more readable form of 3d matrices. So I figured that writing one would be a good goal and learning exercise. The goal was to create a function that would print 3d NumPy matrices …

Member Avatar for Afi83

Hello, I have an one dimension numpy array with 1 to 5 numbers. I need to map these values to corresponding numbers between 0.76 to 1.24 with 0.12 interval. Then the problem is the find exact values in one array and fill the exact index in the second array. for …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for reham.mostafa.14268

I have two text files and I want to compare them and save the matched columns to a new text file. file1: 114.74721 114.85107 114.85107 2.96667 306.61756 file2: 115.06603 0.00294 5.90000 114.74721 0.00674 5.40000 114.85107 0.00453 6.20000 111.17744 0.00421 5.50000 192.77787 0.03080 3.20000 189.70226 0.01120 5.00000 0.46762 0.00883 3.70000 2.21539 …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for HiHe
Member Avatar for toll_booth

Hi everyone, I just downloaded and installed numpy, and I'd like to give it a try. But I can't seem to import it. When I try, this is what happens: Python 3.3.2 (v3.3.2:d047928ae3f6, May 16 2013, 00:03:43) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Taruna_1

Hi, I want to identify the datatypes of the te entire dataframe and group it as String, Number and Date. Required Output: Attributes Datatype A String B Number C String As of now I am using the code: for col_number in range(len(data_frame.columns)): datatype = data_frame[data_frame.columns[col_number]].apply(type).unique()[0] if (datatype is np.str or …

Member Avatar for Taruna_1

Hi, I have a list which contains strings in each value. I want the word count of each string and then I will have to find out the string with minimum word count and max. word count in that list. Help is much appreciated.

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Member Avatar for alexamicaa

I have NO IDEA how to use Python. Best answer if you write the full program! Please help me! I will be forever grateful! Accept / Reject Monte Carlo Part I: Goal: Write a python program that will: 1. define a function for a specific probability density function f(x), 2. …

Member Avatar for sepp2k
Member Avatar for Inshu

I have this programme to discuss and I think its a challenging one.. Here I have a yml file which contains the data for an image. The image has x,y,z values and intensity data which is stored in this yml file. I have used opencv to load the data and …

Member Avatar for Inshu

How to load a yml file in python and work with it ?? I used : import cv data = cv.Load("Z:/data/xyz_00000_300.yml") But when I print data.. it just gives the detail of the image like number of rows and columns etc.... I want read what is there in the pixel …

Member Avatar for fatalaccidents

Hey guys, I had a quick question. Let me try to explain what I'm trying to do here. I'm a bit new to numpy and I'm writing a parallelized code. It is working fine without the use of NumPy, but I'm trying to learn by getting it to work both …

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Member Avatar for fatalaccidents

Hey everyone, I'm trying to install numpy on a 64 bit SUSE linux (HPC) machine that I don't have root on. I've tried about a hundred different ways of doing it off of google and all seem to be failing at one stage or another. I'm starting by installing lapack …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Here is example how data can be summed to dictionary or you can use numpy.histogram to sum the data as weights of the categorized data.

Member Avatar for Stackheuw
Member Avatar for goocreations

Hi I've seen a function in numpy ([URL="http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.gradient.html"]http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.gradient.html[/URL]) for calculating the gradient of a 2-dimensional array. Numpy also provides 2 examples on that website (I'm more interested in the second one). I now want to use such a function in C++. Does anyone know if there is such a function …

Member Avatar for goocreations
Member Avatar for madval88

I have saved a 2D matrix in a numpy file (.npy) in python. Is there a way I can access the same from C++ and possibly read in the values in a stl vector? [URL="http://www.scipy.org/C++_Extensions_that_use_NumPy_arrays"]This [/URL] is vaguely relevant. But here you make the call from python. I want to …

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Member Avatar for durhamandy

I am trying to find the position of the maximum number in a 2D array. i have used .max() to find the max value but how do i find its position?

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Michael_Levin

hello! can you please help me with fast numpy transform. i have qimage (argb32) converted to numpy, so it's now an array of shape (128,128,4). and i want the fastest way to convert it to grayscale - the formula is (pseudocode): [CODE]lerp(PIX, dot(PIX, (0.299, 0.587, 0.114)), alpha)[/CODE] where PIX - …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for arareyna

Hi everyone.. I'm new to python, the more to matplotlib :( and I am hoping that I can get help from this community... :) I have a .csv file, first column is a time stamp with format HH:MM:SS, next 8 columns are values of different parameters. I want to plot …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis

The End.