5 Topics

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Member Avatar for Chuck2013

Hi, I have inherited a pair of applications: a client.exe and a server.exe. They run on different PCs and communicate through TCP/IP. The server comes with an OCX file: server.ocx. The client has its own OCX file: client.ocx. (I suspect there could be a mismatch between the two ocx files.) …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for vaishvik.nakhashi

How can I attach the OCX of WMP to my dialog based application? I want to use the methods of IWMPControls interface such as play() and pause(). I want to call these method by clicking the button given in the dialog box. Its Urgent...

Member Avatar for MaxRevenge

i made a couple of buttons in photoshop. then i animated them in flash cs3. as in when u click them they look pressed and look normal otherwise. then i played them in vb6 form using the shockwave flash control. thats all pretty and good. but thing is when i …

Member Avatar for nalasimbha

Hello, I am trying to use an OCX control in a console application and I have been doing some reading from the following post [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/cpp/threads/98162/page1"]http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/cpp/threads/98162/page1[/URL] In the following statement [CODE]HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Registration, 0, CLSCTX_ALL, IID__Registration, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&preg));[/CODE] hr has the value Class is not licensed for use. I tried registering …

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Member Avatar for itslucky

Hi Friends, My client give me a project to modify, but when I load the project I got the error about [COLOR="red"][B]"LORTCHTX.OCX" [/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR="red"][B]"AGAUGE.OCX"[/B][/COLOR]. It says could not loaded... :angry: anybody can help me to solve this problem...??? [B][U][COLOR="Green"]I have attached the snap shot of messages i recieved while …

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The End.