18 Topics

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Member Avatar for William Hemsworth

Hi all, I'm a very early user of Daniweb, and after a long break, and I'm hoping to participate a bit more in this forum again. I'm here specifically for some advice before starting a new project of mine. I'm an experienced C++ / Win32 developer, but seem to be …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for kedxu

If I am given the exact coordinates of three vertices in image-space (as in, the numbers are not integers, but can be rounded to find their location on the screen), how can I determine which pixels are inside the triangle and should be colored? If you look at the diagram …

Member Avatar for kedxu
Member Avatar for one-unicorn

hello everyone, I seek help please to find a program c + + that can read images from different types bmp, jpeg, png and put the pixels values in a vector, modified pixels valus, then saved the picture change to a different location, I inform you that I am working …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Naruse
Member Avatar for Archaismic

I have found a LOT of info on searching the screen for a pixel color, but none of it even remotely definitive (as far as i can tell, because i'm rather noobish) I understand programming on a fundemental level, but I'm new to C++ I'm hoping to figure out how …

Member Avatar for Archaismic
Member Avatar for spyhawk

i have a given picture and have to create a picture that is twice as wide as the given picture. For each pixel (x, y) in the original picture, the pixels (2 * x, y) and (2 * x + 1, y) in the new picture should be set to …

Member Avatar for NewbieXcellence
Member Avatar for Cenchrus

Hey guys, I'm looking for a python library that can. 1. Act as a simple paint editor. 2. calculate top, bottom, left, right most points of a picture I'm trying to make a simple handwriting recognition software based on the number of permutations possible for simple endpoints. Example: psudocode for …

Member Avatar for staticclass

Hi, I have an application with a treeview, with each node(child) linked to a file. I can read the file name and extension, and I want to put icons to the left of the treeview nodes. (see the picture) For example, if the file is .xls, I will put an …

Member Avatar for zachattack05
Member Avatar for anilashanbhag

The script is used in my newest chrome app [url]https://chrome.google.com/webstore/developer/detail/bomkcodcgmbjjhogdjophonfhgpegoni/[/url] Site: [url]http://codestrix.co.cc/pixels/[/url] The above script is a good to get stated with HTML5 canvas. Much of it is named so as to be self explanatory but any doubts you are more than welcome to post it here.

Member Avatar for anilashanbhag
Member Avatar for ThatGuy2244

I was wondering how I could display more than 256 colors with the VGA color palette. correct me if I'm wrong, but the reason that you can't display more than 256 colors at once is because each byte in video memory corresponds to one pixel on the screen. But because …

Member Avatar for ThatGuy2244
Member Avatar for Amadman114

Hi, I want to move a shape (label) when I press WASD around a maze. I got what I have so far off the net, but I cant figure out whats wrong with it. [URL="http://www.programmersheaven.com/mb/VBasic/223364/223860/re-basic-key-press-question-answered/"]Original code[/URL] [CODE] Public x 1 'This is whats wrong - it says "End of statement …

Member Avatar for Amadman114
Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hello, I have to continously update an image based on screen capture. So how can I memorize only the part of the image that changes from one picture to another (from one frame to another)(pixels?)... Think of a remote desktop. It's not a good thing to send a 200K desktop …

Member Avatar for mesho100200
Member Avatar for patkeraudren

In my projet, I can't find how to determine which image and pixel coordonate when I clicking image in 2 different ScrollArea. The result was showing in statusBar() area. (See screenshot) I put a code in txt file with 2 jpg use with it. Thanks in advance. [CODE] from PyQt4.QtCore …

Member Avatar for patkeraudren

In my projet, I can't find how to determine which image and pixel coordonate at clicking image in different ScrollArea. The result was showing in statusBar() area. (See screenshot) I put a code in txt file with 2 jpg use with it. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for patkeraudren
Member Avatar for tehbrozor

Hello! I am trying to display a FITS image, if your not familiar with the extension its fine (gtk.Image.new_from_file() isn't either). I can get my image data to a numpy array (2D (256x256 to be exact)) I am having the most difficult time getting this into a grayscale image. I've …

Member Avatar for tehbrozor
Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hi, I have a pixel array grabbed with [I]PixelGrabber[/I]. I done some computation with it and now I need make a BufferedImage from it. The problem is I can't make it very fast, just slow. I made an Image type object from it then I converted it to a BufferedImages …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Kligham

Hi, I was wondering how I can get the coordinates of a specific color from a window? Is it possible. I did some research, but I only found to get a color from coordinates, but I need it the other way around. Atm I have this, I don't know if …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hello, I have to update continously an image based on screen capture. So how can I memorize only the part of the image that changes (pixels)... because I don't want to take a scrrenshot every time... Think of a remote desktop. It's not good to send a 200K desktop screenshot …


The End.