17 Topics

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Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I'm hoping that people will post unusual or little known facts here. It would be proper to include a link to a source for confirmation. Here's a start. Speedy Gonzales was banned by the Cartoon Network for being an offensive stereotype, only to be returned after mass protest by the …

Member Avatar for John_smith
Member Avatar for BustACode

I, and many others, desired a "switch" keyword in Python. For me it was to a desire to make some of my code more compact and readable, as I often have many user selected options for the code to weed through. So I set off on a journey to figure …

Member Avatar for Mark_37
Member Avatar for venk7

In a python script I gave a call in this way: do.call([cfg.tool_cmd("cuffdiff"), "-p", str(cfg.project["analysis"]["threads"]), "-b", str(cfg.project["genome"]["fasta"]), "-u", cfg.project["experiment"]["merged"], "-L", "%s,%s" % (str(cfg.project["phenotype"][0])[2:8],str(cfg.project["phenotype"][1])[2:7]), "-o", output_folder] + [cfg.project["samples"][0]["files"]["bam"] + ' ' + cfg.project["samples"][1]["files"]["bam"]], cfg.project["analysis"]["log_file"]) This gives the command: Command '['/usr/local/bin/cuffdiff', '-p', '5', '-b', '/scratchsan/venkatesh/TuxedoProject/data/genome/ce10.fa', '-u', 'pipeline/merging/merged.gtf', '-L', 'embryo,larva', '-o', 'pipeline/degenes', 'pipeline/SAMN00990702-1/mappings/accepted_hits.bam pipeline/SAMN00990702-2/mappings/accepted_hits.bam']' …

Member Avatar for venk7
Member Avatar for Tcll

what I'm basically trying to do is: x = struct( size=4, order='var0', # <<< struct.__call__( size, order, **vars ) var0 = bu32 # { 'var0': bu32, } ) data = x() # read data from imported file print data.var0 # should return a bu32 int if data.__class__ == x: pass …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for Mbusi

I installed Eclipse and it worked for few days and it nolonger openned giving error:- can someone help me (mbusi.ndlovu@gmail.com) Java was started but returned exit code=13 C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\javaw.exe -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6 -Xms40m -Xmsx512m -jar C:\Program Files\eclipse-java-luna-SR2-win32-x86_64\eclipse\\plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.la uncher_1.3.0.v20140415-2008.jar -os win 32 -ws win32 -arch x86_64 -showsplash C:\Program Files\eclipse-java-luna-SR2-win32-x86\\plugins\org.eclipse.platform_4 .4.2v20150204-1700\splsh.bmp -launcher C:\Program Files\eclipse-java-luna-SR2-win32-x86_64\eclipse\eclipse.exe -name …

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Member Avatar for sciwizeh

I'm porting some code from a book about ray tracing from C++ to Java, because I like java better and it seems like a decent way to learn how the code works. I ported the code for the Torus Primitive and all seemed well, until I tried to view it …

Member Avatar for tgreiner

In the course of my programming I have created a new class called Vector (yes I know that vector.h exists, but I like my version better, or at least I have until now). As part of my class, I have overloaded the = to use as an assingment function, as …

Member Avatar for tgreiner
Member Avatar for rouse

I’m trying to patch a routine and I finally found the problem. I am given the following string: [code] $query = "SELECT title, DATE_FORMAT(event_date, '%Y-%c-%e') AS event_date FROM $dbTable WHERE event_date LIKE '$year-$month%'"; [/code] In the month variable at the end, for the months January through September I am returned …

Member Avatar for rouse
Member Avatar for ranasingh1984

I was wondering if you could help me with a current issue I am having whilst developing an ER diagram. The problem I am having is with identifying the correct Entities. The scenario I am trying to complete is given below. I have also included a list of entities which …

Member Avatar for mtto44
Member Avatar for Mayukh_1

I have these files.. **str.h** #ifndef _str_h_ #define _str_h_ struct STRSTR { char* MainStr; char* SubStr; }; char* str_str(int, int, struct STRSTR* sample); void init(char*, struct STRSTR* sample); #endif /* _str_h_ */ **str.c** #include "str.h" #include <stdio.h> void init(char* str, struct STRSTR* sample){ sample->MainStr = str; } char* str_str(int index, …

Member Avatar for Mayukh_1
Member Avatar for mrkm1188

I have a chart that is being populated from a query in the vb code but when the chart is displayed there is an extra x-axis grid tick. How do i get the x-axis grid to only display the number of items being returned? **VB code: ** Public Function CLGenerateRevenueHistoryChart() …

Member Avatar for overwraith

So the other day I was just experamenting with some code, just for fun, and I ran into some difficulties. So I suppose my question is why the following code does not write to the original bigints array. I am sure I am doing something dumb, but please bear with …

Member Avatar for overwraith
Member Avatar for MarkDbro

Hey Im making an online store and cant figure out the section on inserting data into a table (in this case its inserting customer details into a customer table). Its the VALUES line that is displaying the error: mysql_query() expects parameter 1 to be string, resource given. I have looked …

Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos
Member Avatar for Robert_30

I have a dropdown list populated with files pulled from a directory using the PHP listed below that then gets displayed onto a form and am trying to figure out how I can delete them using a delete button in the form when they're selected and displayed. <input type="hidden" name="Action" …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Mark_33

So last night I was running a program that utilized 100% of my CPU for a while and my desktop crashed. It turned itself off, and the power light (next to the power button) was blinking slowly. Pressing the power button did nothing. The light remained blinking until I cut …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Edward_6

#Template for Program 6 #Complete the code in each module as discussed in #the Program 6 Instructions def main(): #initialize variables so incomplete code won't cause errors #can be deleted once code is finished totalRainfall = 0 minRainfall = 0 maxRainfall = 0 #prints the progam title and a blank …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for hitro456

I have a silverlight application with one report. It builds and runs fine in visual studio 2013. I deployed that web application on my localhost and it is throwing "The remote server returned an error : NotFound" error. I tried following things...none of them worked out - Build x86 and …

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The End.