79 Topics

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Member Avatar for subhraakasuny

Hi Team, I have an excel which has multiple rows and each row can have multiple images associated with that , which are postioned on a specific cells of that particular row.I know while we are positioning a image on top of a cell, that is not associated with the …

Member Avatar for orichisonic
Member Avatar for alan.davies

Just wondering how DW is doing re posts. I pass by from time to time and peruse the webdev forum. Apart from code snippets from Dani, I see very little new stuff. Am I missing something? Is it just that forum that's showing old posts? Even when I turn off …

Member Avatar for alan.davies
Member Avatar for clarkkent021

Hi, I am trying to learn OOP with c++ with the help of Turbo C++ version 3.0 and "C++ Primer Plus" by stephen prata. according to the book, the NEW convention for including the iostream header file in c++ is in the following way: #include<iostream> but it causes an error …

Member Avatar for Aatulya
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hello! I am using nebeans ide. I have made two jframes in my project, jframe1 and jframe2. One for login information and one for admin page. My project ran succesfuly i.e when i enter correct information on login page then admin page is displayed. But one problem is that after …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hello to all! I made a small project using Netbeans8. I named my project smallCalcApp. And then i add a new JFrame File in my project and in that file I handled events of components which i put on form. When I run that file , it ran successfully and …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for whizkidash

Team, Presently i have some 20 files which i need to copy and store in the common directory. below is the example: script name: dir.sh cp /tmp/abc /home/abc/xyz cp /tmp/def /home/abc/xyz cp /tmp/hij /home/abc/xyz The above script is run, it copies the source files on the destination directory(xyz), wanted to …

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for fiddler80

I have a client who had hired a web developer to help him take his site to the next level. This developer moved 3 of his sites to a server that provides no tech support whatsoever. Now this web developer has sold his company and moved on to another job, …

Member Avatar for fiddler80
Member Avatar for davidjennings

Hi all, I am trying to compare output from DB The code below works on 1 check, but I require to do this on multiple products like so `if rowProduct("GRPCODE") <> "Cross Hire" or rowProduct("GRPCODE") <> "Boiler Ancillaries" then` etc but the above line does not work as I have …

Member Avatar for MaxMir
Member Avatar for nuller

fstream file; file.open("PasswordGenFile.dat",ios::out); In writing into a .dat file what does the following line mean? file.write((char *) this, sizeof(PasswordGenerator)); And how can i convert this bit of code if i want to write it into a .txt file?

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hello to all! My question is that can we develop a real time datawarehouse on VB.net? Or should i use Java? In other words, has VB.net such functionalities of features which can make a real-time data warehouse?

Member Avatar for Saboor880
Member Avatar for Builder_1

Simulate a patient’s lines using queues with enqueue ( ), dequeue ( ) and printQueue ( ) operations. Define a queue node in the following manner: typedef struct queueNode { int patientID; // Unique identifier; starts at 1; after 24 hours should be reset to 1 int checkupTime; // Random …

Member Avatar for Builder_1
Member Avatar for sbesch

I am interested in getting some opinions on the use of include files to sub-divide a large module into functionally related groups. What I'm interested in is opening a discussion on best practices and minimal requirements. Here's the scenario: I am working with a library with 200+ functions. They naturally …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw How can I delete a registry key for other program, I just checked my registry and the virus was registered under the same registry key of my other program and now I want to use java as also part of learning java and the method of accessing and …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

Alright, so I found a tutorial on how to use lists to make a "TreeList" type thing, basically a list, ordered or unordered, that has a nested list that is collapsible. However, it doesn't seem to be working for me. Here's some code that I'm sure you will figure out. …

Member Avatar for momonq1990

gud day! why my upload files not really uploading in my online server? im using this ref. http://www.tizag.com/phpT/fileupload.php but in offline its working the file upload was move to my localhost folder.

Member Avatar for hafiztn
Member Avatar for sushmaja.arumalla.9

I have to generate the mail to their mail address specified at the time of the registration to specify the username and password. So i tried the following code to send email but the email is not generated showing me either "Failure sending mail" or "Connection timed out". So please …

Member Avatar for Sulaiman_1
Member Avatar for sankubha

how to reduce memory usage of java application...it takes 18 mb memory when started,when i starts new thread it takes 47 mb of memory .After i closed the started thread ,the memory is not reduced to 18 mb. It still stays at 47mb of memory usage.

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Aya Safi

import java.util.Scanner; import java.lang.Math; public class Exercise1 { public static void main(String[] args){ double x,sum = 0.0 ; Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Enter the number : "); x = scan.nextInt(); for(double i=0;i<=(x+1);i++){ Math.pow(x, i); fact(i); double y = (Math.pow(x, i)/fact(i)); sum += y; } System.out.println("The e^"+x+" for "+x+" is …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for nikkoderic.aranas

How do I use other libraries in C++? Specifically using the PDCurses library in the latest version of Visual Studio Express? What's the general way to set a libray up, how to use it? Thank you for your time and patience.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ali4084

some one tell me that if we want to terminate this program on -1 then which condition we use.. please help... #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> main() { int arr[10],i,sum=0; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { cout<<"Enter values:"; cin>>arr[i]; sum=sum+arr[i]; } cout<<"Sum is equal to="<<sum; getch(); }

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for shehnaz20

please help me to generate maps based on given values from the database(eg longitude and latitude,depth,salinity etc) please help me wid the code.

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for parth2911

**i am tring to this way but answer is not write....thx...** #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { float a[10],m; int i,j,n,t; clrscr(); printf("how many number in array\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("enter %d number\n",n); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%f",&a[i]); } for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { for(j=i+1;j<=n;j++) { if(a[i]>a[j]) { t=a[i]; a[i]=a[j]; a[j]=t; } } } if(n%2==0) { m=a[(n/2)+((n/2)+1)]/2; } …

Member Avatar for parth2911
Member Avatar for H_beginner

Can any one tell me what I am doing wrong. I am sorting a single linked list. void ll::sort() { for(int i=0;i<size-1;i++) {node *cptr = fptr; for(int j= 0;j<size-1;j++) { if((cptr->no) > (cptr->nxt->no)) { if(cptr == fptr) { node *c2ptr = cptr->nxt; cptr->nxt=c2ptr->nxt; c2ptr->nxt=cptr; fptr = c2ptr; } else { …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for H_beginner

I am trying to plot a graph in matlab using c++. But the matlab is only giving me an empty graph. void portfolio::viewGraph() { double value[20]; //store portfolio value double time[20]; //store time int i=0,j=1; double cash,p; ifstream in_file("transactionhistory.txt", ios::in); string c; while(in_file>>cash>>p>>c>>c>>c>>c>>c) { value[i]=(p+cash); cout<<p<<endl; time[i]=j; cout<<time[i]<<endl; i++; j++; …

Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hello, Excuse me. I have been using vb 6.0 for more than one year.But now i want to use vb.net. i have setup of visual studio(2010) in my computer but yet i have not installed it on my pc. please tell me that how it will help me in working …

Member Avatar for Saboor880
Member Avatar for saja.omarii.7

Write C++ a program that reads a person's age in years and print his/her age group. See the table below. Age Group name 1 year Childhood 2-3 years Infancy 4-5 years Preschool-Age 6–12 years School-Age 13–17 years Adolescence 18–29 years Young-Adulthood 30–39 years Thirties 40–64 years Middle-Age 56–48 years Aged …

Member Avatar for saja.omarii.7
Member Avatar for happygeek

A survey of more than 700 tablet owners in US, UK and Australia has revealed some interesting insights into how people use their devices. The $195 Gartner 'Consumers Buy Media Tablets Based on Lower Prices and Better Quality, not Brand' report (gotta love that snappy title, huh?) unsurprisingly shows that …

Member Avatar for Kelly Burby
Member Avatar for cwarn23

PHP is a nice language with features a wide range of automated features for memory but when it comes to mass processing for things like calculating pi or processing a database that's a couple dozen Gigabytes then you may run into a few troubles if things aren't done correctly. This …

Member Avatar for Gaetane
Member Avatar for Ann_1

this keeps popping up in a separate tabe in Google Chrome. Yesterday, it had a cartoon picture of a curvaceous woman with brown skin and blond hair whose teeth were being extracted with a pliers. Underneath the pliers was the caption: "Belief"

Member Avatar for Jessica_4
Member Avatar for mutago

This chat sound notification script works on Internet Explorer, Safari and google chrome. But does not work on mozila firefox. can someone help me to fix that or an alternative that can work in all browsers <html><head></head> <script type="text/javascript"> var soundObject = null; function PlaySound() { if (soundObject != null) …

Member Avatar for LastMitch

The End.