31 Topics

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Member Avatar for cppgangster

Hi I am developing using C/C++ window application using winapi. I will be using some standard STL containers and some win api functions provided by windows.h. I would like use the app on different windows versions such as windows 7 and 10. The apps will be builded for x86 architecture. …

Member Avatar for zigale
Member Avatar for cppgangster

Hi I am trying to get windows positioned in specific order as show below ![desired.PNG](/attachments/large/3/6447240b1491d04046fa904f31659f9b.PNG) but I am unable to get and get always this ![wrong.PNG](/attachments/large/3/71f4b92c4f40a6afeeab7e3c2f136526.PNG) the code below is shown HDWP cmdWnds; cmdWnds = BeginDeferWindowPos(col.size()); for (int i = 0; i < col.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) …

Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw. I'm new to C++ nor Win32 app dev. I want my app to stay open or running even if I'm not interacting with it. And how to write a close call. In VB to close it you just right: Close() How can I achieve these two? Also how …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Mr.M

I'm getting "error C2039: 'AllocSysString' : is not a member of 'System::Char' error. I'm trying to assign the result to a string variable. wchar_t str; return str.AllocSysString(); But I'm getting the above error.

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for shea279

OK so I'm using the function SetDlgItemText() to change the text in a static text control of my window. Problem is, when it updates from a longer string to a shorter string ("Sup Y'all" -> "Hi"), the previous, longer string persists leaving "Hip Y'all". However, remaining bit of the old …

Member Avatar for Дмитрий_5
Member Avatar for triumphost

Creating WinAPI windows and controls can be a pain and quite difficult/annoying at times. Most of the time, I find myself searching MSDN, DaniWeb, and StackOverflow. I hate having to use external libraries unless I absolutely have no other choice. Below contains code for creating WinAPI windows, Controls, Sub-Classing, and …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for nova37

i want to know that how can we keep an eye on one process that its alive or terminated , actually i have service which will always check my process if my process terminated then service will start it again so i want to know how to check process status …

Member Avatar for nova37
Member Avatar for nova37

i write one windows service working perfect , but when i check it in windows services list then its description tab is empty so i thought to add description to it , but do not know how to add description to it , so any body have any idea how …

Member Avatar for nova37
Member Avatar for vikuseth

For getting the share folder name i have been used the following code , here i am able to get the folder names . But the problem what i am facing is along with the share folder created by the user it gives some extra folder also , i don't …

Member Avatar for ktsangop
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, I was partaking in the global game jam (where you have to try to make a game in 48 hours). I got my game pseudo-finished, but I cannot get it to render the scene properly. Here is the code related to the rendering: Code for opengl initialization: glClearColor(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f,1.0f); float …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for mattster

Hi all, Am building a WinAPI project in Code::blocks and MinGW. I Downloaded some opensource source code, and tried to compile the snippet haveing done nothing to it, and I get *Syntax Error on line 6* for the following code: IDR_MENU MENU DISCARDABLE {//BEGIN POPUP "File" {//BEGIN MENUITEM "New", IDM_NEW …

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for cool_zephyr

hello everyone..i'm trying to create a simple window using Win API in visual studio 2010 using the code below #include <Windows.h> LPCTSTR g_lptstrClassName="myWindowClass"; LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { switch(msg) { case WM_CLOSE: DestroyWindow(hwnd); break; case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); break; default: return DefWindowProc(hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam); } return 0; } int WINAPI …

Member Avatar for adityatandon
Member Avatar for JQadrad

Hey all, I am working on a project with an FPGA but I need serial communication between the FPGA and the desktop since the memory of the FPGA is limited and I need to be able to send longer inputs to the FPGA by using buffers on the desktop. After …

Member Avatar for Rasool Ahmed

Hi gueys, I have question searched in google but without something that can help. **How to get the binary stream from files ( especially executable files) using winapi (CreateFile , etc)????** I learned in these days how to read write files using Createfile, ReadFile, WriteFile , etc and all these …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Abhineet.Ayan

Hi All, Why my QueueUserWorkItem is not at all working. My code is here: [CODE] typedef struct { PCHAR URL[MAX_URL] ; PCHAR DestinationPath ; }MAINDATA, *PMAINDATA ; int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { PMAINDATA pData ; BOOL bQuwi ; DWORD dwIndex ; PCHAR pURL ; pData = (PMAINDATA)malloc(sizeof(MAINDATA)) ; …

Member Avatar for DeanMSands3
Member Avatar for altXerror

ok. so i'm having trouble with the Windows API. i'm just learing how to use it, so i don't know much about it. anyways, i just wanted to create a window and have it displayed then catch the exit message and close, but VC Compiler is throwing errors. 1>c:\users\furrix\documents\visual studio …

Member Avatar for altXerror
Member Avatar for chubakueno

I have read [URL="http://bytes.com/topic/c/answers/891582-radio-button-groupbox-not-generating-wm_command"]http://bytes.com/topic/c/answers/891582-radio-button-groupbox-not-generating-wm_command[/URL] but when I try: [CODE] hwndFrame = CreateWindow( "BUTTON", "Test", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_GROUPBOX | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, 304, 112, 233, 63, hwnd, NULL, g_hInst, 0); if(hwndFrame == NULL) return 0; hwndBtnCerrar = CreateWindow( "BUTTON", "Close", WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_TABSTOP, 20, 20, 103, 17, hwndFrame, (HMENU)IDBTNCERRAR, g_hInst, 0); if (hwndBtnClose …

Member Avatar for strmstn

Hello, I have been struggling with this for hours now. Is there any way to completely remove the icon that is displayed in the upper left corner of a window in WPF, without setting the window style to ToolWindow? I have tried loading user32 and setting various WinAPI-styles with no …

Member Avatar for k.d.m
Member Avatar for Voidz

Hi, I have an array of hWnds, and I need to change each one of their background colors. They're all without a border(titlebar, and such). I've searched Google, and IxQuick, and I need an answer please. Thanks so much for the help.

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for darkbreaker

I am developing a network chat application, I am using Winapi, my main window is a dialog (created from a .rc file). I am looking into a way of doing an text box where my outuput text can be like this: [QUOTE] [COLOR="Green"]Welcome to ##### chat server![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Person1[/COLOR] says: Hi …

Member Avatar for darkbreaker
Member Avatar for kerp

Hi everybody, this text turned out to be rather long and maybe not so clear, please excuse me. I'm currently using the winsock library to send and receive data in an application made with WinAPI, I'm not using MFC. I'm using asynchronous sockets (I think that's what it's called) which …

Member Avatar for tawes01

I'm using Dev-c++ to make a dialog-based app. I had it working, but now I am getting an error: An Access Violation (Segmentation Fault) raised in your program. I have narrowed it down to the winmain function: [CODE]int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow) { if (iCmdShow …

Member Avatar for tawes01
Member Avatar for Hand

Hello I'm trying to make a window with Windows API. Whenever I run my application, the buttons look like Windows 98 buttons. How do I make the buttons look like XP buttons on Windows XP and Win7 buttons on Windows 7? My compiler is Mingw. [CODE]CreateWindowEx( 0, "BUTTON", "OK", WS_TABSTOP …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Graphix

Hey everybody, I am currently having difficulty using GetOpenFileName() and GetSaveFileName(). The keeps returning the error " undefined reference to `_GetOpenFileNameA@4' ". I can't seem to find a fault in my code, so is it the compiler or is it the code? I am using CodeBlocks. [CODE]void DoFileOpen(HWND hwnd) { …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for vadalaz

Hey guys, I've recently started learning WinAPI and I want to make a Tic Tac Toe game with it but I have a problem I have a main window ("field") and 9 child windows ("tiles") and I want to make the tiles clickable so that a click calls the Beep() …

Member Avatar for thelamb
Member Avatar for Graphix

Hello everybody, I am currently developping a GUI interface game for windows XP. I am currently having difficulty changing the background of a EDIT box created with CreateWindowEx(). It's default background is white (which is the color I want). But the user is not supposed to be able to adjust …

Member Avatar for gashtio
Member Avatar for strmstn

Hi. I have a richedit control and when dropping text from another control I would like to change the format of that text. I wonder which messages I should trap or how to do this in plain Winapi. (I have already subclassed the pasting message) Thank you.

Member Avatar for pato wlmc
Member Avatar for pato wlmc

Well, i'm developing a program, ( API ) and i'd like to use a [url=http://www.snap2objects.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/6.jpg]non standar font,[/url] for some section of my program. My question is, how can i do this, i mean, i supose i have to install the font on the user pc, but how do i do …

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Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hello, I'm trying to get from the screen, the region, or rectangle (the coordinated) of the part that is being painted. For example when I move some window or I have some action on the screen I want to get only that part of the screen image that is being …

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The End.