896 Topics

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Member Avatar for shinsengumi

Hi everyone! I'm transferring my C program that I created from Linux to WindowsXP. I would like to know what I need to download/install in Windows in order to compile and successfully run the program? Also, will I need to change some parts of the source code? I used socket …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I was looking for a way to Start / Stop Windows Services residing in a remote machine using C# code, and found the following code sample. It works fine for me. It is coded using Impersonation Technique, which apparently requires both the machines (let's say A and B) have a …

Member Avatar for ikari

I've been having problems with web browsing that I think may be related to Javascript. I use forum sites like [url]www.ernya.com[/url] and there I get logged out every few minutes/seconds. I've found that clearing my cache regularly seems to help a little, but it doesn't fix the problem. Other forum/avatar …

Member Avatar for benqus
Member Avatar for kerp

Hi everybody, this text turned out to be rather long and maybe not so clear, please excuse me. I'm currently using the winsock library to send and receive data in an application made with WinAPI, I'm not using MFC. I'm using asynchronous sockets (I think that's what it's called) which …

Member Avatar for Camway

This may seems noobish but 3 questions I absolutely cannot figure out. I'm not sure how relevant it is but I'm using Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express. 1) How do I have a button, within a form, load another form within the same program. 2) How do you do the …

Member Avatar for LesF
Member Avatar for sachintha81

First some background on what I'm working on. I have a particular service (Windows only) running on my computer, which is built using C#. Other than Control Panel > Management Tools > Services, I can also use C# programming to Start/Stop/Restart the said service. I use ServiceController class in System.ServiceProcess …

Member Avatar for sachintha81
Member Avatar for vedel

Hey guys, it is possible to program a speech recognition in C++ without the Microsoft Speech SDK?

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for theoQ

While perusing Facebook, my avast anti-virus blocked a Win32 Alureon virus. Firefox crashed then computer went to blue screen with some words at top (don't remember what it said). No control. Disconnected power. Turned computer back on, computer starts, shows bios screen with F2 and F12 only, then goes to …

Member Avatar for arshad115

Hi,I want to copy a few files to the Windows\winsxs folder ,but in windows vista/7 you cannot write files to that folder, apparently there is a user called "TrustedInstaller" only that user has write access to the folder. TrustedInstaller > Administrator. I tried to use "runas" for my process but …

Member Avatar for caswimmer2011

Hey, I'm making a password program for my programming class. If the user doesn't get the password correct in 10 tries, then it says "Your hard drive is erased". (Obviously, it isn't erased). I've been looking for a code to end all programs running and close down everything and can't …

Member Avatar for haranaboy
Member Avatar for chrishtones

Since __uuidof is a C++ only operator, how would I retrieve the GUID of an object in C?

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for Machal

Hi! I have simple web application called App that is secured with Windows Authentication. I have set identity impersonate to true in web.config. There is only one page (Default.aspx) in App directory. When user enters the site ex.: [url]http://localhost/App[/url] the login window pops up. When user clicks Cancel, IIS redirects …

Member Avatar for simongh2
Member Avatar for shakssage

Hello. I've got a problem that I haven't been able to solve after a long time searching. It's a simple problem. I have two forms. 1) Form1 2) Form2 I need to get from Form1 to Form2 and vice versa. I can get from Form1 to Form2 easily, but I …

Member Avatar for shakssage
Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

So I made a few tutorial applications and understand the most basic Python concepts and I'm well on my way to become a Python addict, only one thing is standing between me and the road ahead. I'm trying to make my first "useful" Python application - a program that allows …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for khess

My wife purchased the 32GB [URL="http://www.apple.com"]Apple[/URL] iPad for my Father's Day gift. Fortunately, for me, you don't receive the iPad the day of purchase. Here's how it works: You buy the iPad, they send you an email when it arrives at the Apple Store, you have 24 hours to pick …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for mitchems

Hi all, There are not too many threads that I start, but I wanted to share with you all something I discovered last week that saved me tons of time. I have a program, which is way to long and complex to post here, that basically opens excel, reads data …

Member Avatar for pstrohma

Hello all, Does VC++ Express 10.0 even support the ability to get text from a text box? I've seen related threads having conflicting solutions, none of which actually work. Ex: must have SDK version x.y. This functionality seems to be so basic and necessary that solutions would be all over …

Member Avatar for pstrohma
Member Avatar for killbill07

Hey, I'm new here and I wanna know how can I use the default Windows folders in my code in VB 6. For example, in VB.Net I can use My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments shorcuts to know the path of folders like My Music, My Docs, etc. But I don't know how to do …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for bokr66

Hi, I have a problem with an VB aplication programmed in Visual studio 2005. Recently i was upgraded my computer with windows XP to Windows 7 Ultimate (fresh instalation). After that I made reinstallation Visual studio 2005 and service pack 1 for Vista/win7. My problem now is when I run …

Member Avatar for bokr66
Member Avatar for deadelgabar

hi, im having a graduation project which i should make a windows mobile application using visual studio 2005, and really i dont know what topic can i choose and the doctor doesnt want to provide me with a topic,, so if anyone can help just with a topic, because it …

Member Avatar for rahulbatra
Member Avatar for helpfullProgram

Hello fellow Daniweb members! Really this forum can't be what it is without you guy's... Just a quick question, can you incorporate the windows file explorer in a C++ application to save and open to a chosen file path? I am asking because I have seen it in other app's …

Member Avatar for nbaztec
Member Avatar for blackrobe

Hey there, I'm currently using NetBeans 6.8 running Cygwin GNU Bash version 3.2.49(23)-release. I'm having a problem running my program that uses pthreads, mutexes, and semaphores. After it creates 1 to 3-4 threads, it returns a Segmentation fault. I ran the program on a computer running Linux (using NetBeans as …

Member Avatar for shawnisalk

Hi, I'm trying to write a program for Windows that will control the mouse with the keyboard, but I'm not sure I understand how Windows works. My theory is that I will need to send mouse event messages for the mouse and hook the messages from the keys that are …

Member Avatar for shawnisalk
Member Avatar for ehrendreich

I am having a problem trying to save records in a parent / child data relation. I have to tables tblContacts & tblMember. There is a fk relation on the ContactID field. The tblContacts table is the master record. I am using a set up bound windows forms controls to …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for xan-ti

When under Windows 2008 Server with my C++-program (with a cicle) many directory are copiing, then the memory is increasing and remain at a high level. Waht can I do?

Member Avatar for doomfrawen

Hello friends, I am writing a program that behaves like a (Linux)shell (but it's not really a shell because it does not interpret commands itself). It will read some commands like in Linux shell and then run the command in the same window of course. The standard MSDOS shell does …

Member Avatar for doomfrawen
Member Avatar for tAALz

I need to execute a .exe file located in C:\Program Files\ABC\test.exe on my windows machine using PHP. I have installed WAMPP/XAMPP to run PHP. I have tried the exec() system() shell_exec() but I'm unable to run the file. [B]Can someone help me with the exact code?[/B]

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for choover12

i need help, i am making a web browser in vb 10 and i have a built in media player and i want to make a play list. i got it to work with a listbox but not anything else. For the menustrip [CODE] Private Sub PlaylistToolStripMenuItem_DropDownItemClicked(ByVal sender As System.Object, …

Member Avatar for choover12
Member Avatar for s0ur

HI All, My name is s0ur and I am not a programmer. Isn't that the first step to recovery? I am hoping that the experts can help a noob. I am trying to write a python script that will run on windows login. it should do the following: 1) ping …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for GMSI

I have windows XP version 5.1, SP 2. Tried installing Turbo C, on ruuning the install.exe, it does not take any input from keyboard. e.g. it says press Enter to continue. When I press Enter nothing happens. CAnt even close the install window. Have to kill it to close.

Member Avatar for Adak

The End.