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Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi Everone, How do I remotely access my computer - I want to be able to control the mouse and keyboard and view the screen in real time. I wanted to do this in Java, but the experts sent me here because Java is not platform dependent and C++ is. …

Member Avatar for adnan_6
Member Avatar for stupidenator
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi Everybody, I was wondering if there was a way to find the most common letter/number/special symbol in a string. Thanks!! Thanks again in advanced, C++

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi, i'm new 2 C#, so my question may seem stupid... but, what is the code to exit an application. I know in java it is: [CODE]System.exit(0);[/CODE] Thanx in advanced, C++

Member Avatar for vasanthmc2
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi, Is it possible to create a Java compiler? Could you make a Notepad-like application, save the code as a .java file, compile it into a .class file, and run it? Basically, I want to combine Notepad and Command Prompt. I just need help on the compiling part (and listing …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Yzk
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi guys! I've been using PHP for fun for a while, and now I'm interested in playing with some scraping. I know regex is the way to go. So I'm trying to scrape a page of 4chan. I want to grab the images and the title of the thread of …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for OurNation
Member Avatar for Ghost

When using C++, how do you find the REMAINDER of two numbers and store it in an integer. I think the answer is: [B]X % Y = Int Z;[/B] :idea: Please help. Thanks :lol: , C++

Member Avatar for wangchung
Member Avatar for Ghost

Ahh I posted something similar in the PHP forum, but this location might be more applicable. Sorry for the double post! I need one user to be able to pay another user, and I get a % of the transaction. What's the best system to use? Thanks!

Member Avatar for mark santa
Member Avatar for server_crash
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Hi Everyone! It's been a while since I've posted! Anyway, I'm building a website and I need one user to be able to pay another user, while a percentage of that money goes to me. Here's an example: Two Users: User A User B User A pays User B $100 …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Ghost
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi, I'm running my server on localhost. I'm trying to make a forum database program in php, but I can't get mysql to work! whenever I try to add a table, it says there isn't any database. How do I add a database to localhost? Thanks in advanced for your …

Member Avatar for tdoyle
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi: I just wanted to see the capabilities of java. Can you please post your favorite project (that you've made). If you want, please also post the source code. Thanx, C++

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi, I'm trying to fully automate my website, and I'm trying to delete a line from a file that matches the line in a given String. For example, I have a txt file named toApprove.txt containing a list of names such as: [CODE] John Joe George Jake [/CODE] The file …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi Everybody, Is there a way to have a picture of the 3 or 4 sq. pixels you're mouse is hovering over appear in the bottom of the screen? Thanx.

Member Avatar for volvo14
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi everybody: I want to make a java application, but I can't think of anything to make. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanx, C++

Member Avatar for rolypoly2308
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi, I'm trying to run my program in command prompt, but i get this error: [CODE] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Invaders [/CODE] Can anybody tell me what this error means? Thanx.

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi Everybody, I was wondering how to make a java image editing application. Basically, I really want to make a program that allows the user to drag and stretch images. I don't want the code. I'm only in search of a decent tutorial. Thanks in advanced for your help.

Member Avatar for manojnbn
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to compare two images for similarity (i.e. checking to see if signature is same as signature on a credit card). Thankx in advanced. -- C++

Member Avatar for JavaHelper
Member Avatar for Ghost

I have this code: [CODE]try { robot = new Robot(); robot.mouseMove(0,900); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK); }catch(Exception e){}[/CODE] And I want it to click the "Start" button on Windows computers. The mouse moves to the correct location, but does not click. Advice?

Member Avatar for Clawsy
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Member Avatar for wregan
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The source of my COPYRIGHTED tictactoe java game. It shows how to use multiple classes, methods, etc.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for sam1
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for shouvik
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Hi: I was wondering if anybody knew anything about creating your own programming language. Thanx

Member Avatar for zack999
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi everybody; is there a way to find system info (current time, date, processor speed, processor's RPM, Fan1's RPM, Fan2's RPM, etc)? I am making a program that gives you information about your computer. Thanx in advanced, C++

Member Avatar for jaka.ramdani