39,389 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dani

I ran into a bit of a snag in my code, and I'm trying to make heads or tails as to whether this will work. From within my PHP script, can I write to a database using a MySQL connection in the middle of a transaction with a different connection? …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for juan_35

Can someone help me, my contact form does not working. It will send successfully, but the email recipient can't receive the message. Here is my code: <?php $email_to = 'name@example.com'; //the address to which the email will be sent $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $subject = $_POST['subject']; $message = …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

I want to post Pins using Pinterest API. I have tried to generate code using ChatGPT but it returns an error. Here is my code so far ... <?php $clientId = "xxx"; // Replace with your App ID $clientSecret = "xxx"; // Replace with your App Secret $redirectUri = "xxx"; …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for lojoxi

Hi Everyone, Web development can be both exciting and challenging, but having the right tools makes all the difference. If you're starting out or looking to improve your workflow, consider using popular frameworks like React or Vue for streamlined front-end development. On the back end, Node.js and Django are solid …

Member Avatar for simplixi
Member Avatar for ianhaneybs

I need some help with getting checkbox values sent to email using phpmailer I have not done it before so unsure how to do it, the current code I have is below $postData = $_POST; $oneway = $_POST['oneway']; $return = $_POST['return']; $htmlContent = '<h2>Contact Form Details</h2> <p><b>One Way:</b> ' . …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw, I want to get the keys and data of the php json response, heres the response I get {"content":{"1":{"title":"Present","start":"2025,01,29","end":"2025,01,29","backgroundColor":"#f39c12","borderColor":"#f39c12"}}} all I'm interested in starts from title.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for rasputin009

After the customer fills the form, the form data is sent to mysql and an email gets sent to me with the last form data that the customer submitted. But, the email "last mysql data" is not going as inline text. Please help me. Sample code is given below. ` …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for Sabby76

Hi I'd like to run a flashMovie in a .php page to the norm html. Fla's run ok, except they don't handle 3D object key command .swfs. [url]http://www.flashsandy.org/demos[/url] Click on 2nd image of a type of jet_copter Gavia AT-1008 as the best example of what is possible. Use keyboard arrows …

Member Avatar for hostbet
Member Avatar for Woodhales

As web development continues to evolve, AI-driven tools like automated coding assistants, machine learning-powered design systems, and intelligent testing frameworks are reshaping how we build websites and apps. At Red Star Technologies, we're witnessing firsthand how these innovations are making development faster, smarter, and more efficient. But with these advancements …

Member Avatar for Pebble94464
Member Avatar for Mapnoob

Hi guys/gals! I've read through a lot, great site but I'm stuck and have started pulling out teeth:( I would like to selectively display markers (that change everyday) on a Google map, using a a couple of checkboxes (areacode)and a selection list (prices). [CODE] <!--Based off of code from: http://tips4php.net/2010/10/use-php-mysql-and-google-map-api-v3-for-displaying-data-on-map/--> …

Member Avatar for hostbet
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

Hey, I am trying to connect to Twitter API version 1.0. I want to post a tweet on Twitter using API. I don't want to use any libraries because i am trying to learn. I have written some code with the help of ChatGPT. I am having issues with the …

Member Avatar for turhost
Member Avatar for ianhaneybs

I have some php code that says if index.php or main root then display some code and if not then show other code and it works on index.php but if it's just the domain name without index.php at the end, it don't work. I have the following code at the …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for pinkod02

How to figure out the paths, why the styles are not applied, the file is not found, I tried many methods, but as a rule nothing works, it happens that the main page applies styles, in other files there is none or there is no file at all, it is …

Member Avatar for Destiny Alicia
Member Avatar for ianhaneybs

I have a opencart 2.3 store and I have downloaded a extension that shows all products on one page, it creates a category called All and displays all products in that category. It's working all ok but I would like to have the product filter displayed in the left column …

Member Avatar for graceweb
Member Avatar for ianhaneybs

Hi I'm trying to make a system for someone I know and I have a customers page with a link to view orders and created another page to display the orders made for that specific customer name, I have got some php code on the page but it looks like …

Member Avatar for gottaloveit
Member Avatar for Classica Blue

Need webmaster fluent in php/mysql to make ongoing updates to my fairly simple e-commerce website. Please advise hourly rate and availability.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ianhaneybs

I am trying to make a system for office staff and delivery drivers so the office staff book the orders in and the delivery drivers are able to see what can see what orders there are for that day and for their lorry as will be multiple lorries/drivers. I am …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Mindmade
Member Avatar for Chole

This blog post will compare the two most popular cross-platform mobile app development frameworks, Flutter and React Native.The world of mobile app development is a complicated place with many competing frameworks. It can be hard to know which one to use, but this article will help you find out if …

Member Avatar for Sanket_17
Member Avatar for azapovjednik

Dear All, (first of all I am a beginner!!!) I have a project single-page web application (php, mysql, jquery, angularjs). I have questiong regarding angularjs and php how to pass url parameter to php variable? public_profile.php?user_id=7 I know basics of angularjs routing, and it works fine. The problem is when …

Member Avatar for Sanket_17
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

I am having a problem understanding the following ... I am an okay web developer. I am not great. But I want to make money from my skills. Having said that, when I go to websites like Freelancer to search for a project to work on everyone is asking for …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Paplu

![WhatsApp_Image_2024-09-24_at_6.48.00_PM.jpeg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/13a53e2c778a9eb1d9f9055cdd5ceeb9.jpeg) ![WhatsApp_Image_2024-09-24_at_6.48.00_PM_(2).jpeg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/c1e539c7bd293b3d7bf99779bd43a179.jpeg) ![WhatsApp_Image_2024-09-24_at_6.48.00_PM_(1).jpeg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/ff2865a364a3277cbd970fedd88efb3e.jpeg) here is three Sql table name of them - 1. orders 2.order_item 3. target_value I am trying Two way here is may two code : 1 SELECT I.target_id as Iid, I.target_date as Idate, I.customer_name as Icust, I.target_product as Icat, I.target_pay as Ipay, I.target_rec as Irec, I.active as …

Member Avatar for Paplu
Member Avatar for ruhiparveen0310
Member Avatar for borobhaisab

Good Evening Folks, I got some basic questions on Tablets. Which Tablet do you recommend I buy to use for php programming ? I never bought a Tablet before. Now taken an interrst to buy one but need to buy one suitable for programming. I Always program using pc or …

Member Avatar for QuintinFields
Member Avatar for DDL_972
Member Avatar for yan336484
Member Avatar for ComNaD

If you have a Form that gets user input, submits and adds to a MySQL db. You want to be alerted via email, and also send an email to the user thanking them. You decide PHPMailer is the safest way, but want to use PDO to avoid Injection hacks. What …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for seo-specialist

**Dear members of Daniweb.com,** Allow me to introduce myself: I'm **Somsak Döppers**. With extensive expertise in WordPress, PHP, web design, Python, MySQL, and SEO since 2007, I serve as a **Senior SEO Specialist**. I've had the honor of winning the SEO contest twice in 2011 and 2012. If you have …

Member Avatar for Chris Hüneke
Member Avatar for NIYATI_1

I needed an audio recorder which can record multiple audio and also upload multiple audios.Audio recorder function into our application program in PHP.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ianhaneybs

I have text that is displayed from a database and I have managed to remove the first h3 tag in the text by using the following code but I would also like to remove the two <br> tags that are before the paragraph of text <h2 class="productsummaryheading mb-0">Product Summary</h2> <?php …

Member Avatar for simhakidsden

The End.