i havent chosen a major yet iwill have to very soon. i want to get into game programming as a Courier but i worry.
1)doesnt pay well.
2)i hear all the programmers complaining all the time.
3)i work way too many hours for penuts.
4) there are way to many programmers out there and another one is not needed.
5)some programmers from poorer countries are willing to work for much less (such as inia etc).

so what i really want to know from all you university ppl is do you like what you are doing?
do you regrat the decision? how hard is it?

i also want to knwo some info on the job opertunities that you can get. what is the most wanted feilds. the salary range. and some of the positive points.

if you guys can help me with my life changing decision i would be eternaly gratefull

I definitely would like to answer this question but I have a dentist appointment in 2 hours and need to run into the shower now. Expect my answer later!!

You're back from the dentist... where is our reply? :P

Okay, okay. I'll answer ya now.

For one ... well, for two, because I know that inscissor agrees with me, the computer science department at Hofstra University (where we attend) is pretty damn piss poor. Much of the problem is that it's not accredited, but that's another thing entirely. (There are actually other posts on this forum regarding that.)

In any case, years ago, programmers emerging from college with a computer science degree were highly sought after. They encompass both computer know-how, programming, technical, engineering, as well as math skills. However, in the more recent years (with the downfall of the economy), and especially after 9-11, finding a job hasn't been so easy. Unfortunately, many of the people I know from school who recently graduated can't even find jobs in the computer field at all!

Perhaps this will come to an end (hopefully) when the economy picks up in a few years. Unfortunately, it's the truth for now. However, a computer science degree shouldn't be underestimated. While there may not be a plethora of available jobs right now, the degree is still very prestigious and indicates a lot of know-how. In addition, computer scientists don't necessarily need to be hardcore code monkeys. They have the flexibility to go into hardware, software, math theory, artificial intelligence, web development, game development, graphic design, etc etc there are just so many available options.

Therefore, while the hardcore code monkey (who just programs algorithms that are dictated to them) might have a hard time finding a job nowadays ... the important thing to remember is: As with any job, a well-rounded background can get you just about anywhere and open up a whole range of possibilities.

So do I regret my decision to be a computer science major? In some ways, yes, I do. I'm not really enjoying all this math theory type stuff. In addition, it's a real lot of work. However, computer programming is really a passion of mine. I think most of my problem is the university I go to (and the professors who teach at it!)

If you plan on going into computer science, don't think all you're going to be doing is hardcore programming. Most of it is, unfortunately, math theory and developing algorithms. But a lot of data structures, and a LOT of discrete math!!

btw, I would reallllly like Dan to comment here (hint hint)

Good use of the word plethora :-). God I love that word.

Nice word. I think the two longest words that I know are humuhumunukunukuapua and pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis. I can actually spell these words without looking and say them 10 times fast. :) But anyways...

The topics regarding your questions have been beaten to death already by me and a few others here. I've written a few posts that were long enough to be essays, so that should help you out. I don't know what else to say. Just keep in mind about these things:

1. You never stop learning.
2. The most important stuff you'll learn in life will not be from school.
3. You don't really know about anything until you've continuously tried it for a period of time. (e.g. I wanted to be a computer science major in high school, and it took me quite some time after first being in college to realize what it was about and see that I was dead wrong. It was nothing like I expected it to be.)
4. Research any topic carefully. Spend more than a week on it if you can, before making any important decisions.
5. Consult people that are wiser and are already successful. Ask them for advice.
6. When going for a job, you are hired because the company needs people to help it grow and benefit. They are not there to help you. Remember, a company is a business, and a business exists to make money. Never let them take advantage as far a salary.
7. Keep up with the latest news in your field.

Here are some posts that you should look at:

Computer Science


Game Programming


Why I Do Web Development

It starts with computer science...

If you've read some of my posts, you'll know that I do web development as a profession. Has computer science helped me in becoming a web developer? Probably not. In all honesty, I would probably know more about web development if I wasn't in computer science. How is this? Well, the time spent in taking math and science classes, I would spend reading up on topics that relate to my field of work. So why am I in computer science?

1. Certain classes train me to think a certain way. As much as I hate most of the classes, classes like data structures, operating systems, databases, from a theory perspective do have their benefits. While a lot of the stuff that I do for work is on the practical side, knowing what goes on behind the scenes has giving me an egde on creating software. I can code better, understand it better, as well as appreciate it more. All this from computer science. Classes like physics, calculus, and discrete math are obsolete for me - for my profession.

2. The most important. Looks good on a resume. People know that computer science requires a lot of work, compared to other majors. The dropout rate can be quite significant at times. Knowing that you kept up with it for all those years and didn't quit, shows character. The stereotype that computer science majors get can also be a benefit sometimes. (A lot of people think computer science majors are all Linux geeks that work long hours and are capable of working long nights. Most are thought as above IQ.)

3. Required. Sometimes you will never get promoted because you don't have that degree. Even if you know everything, a degree is required.

I started computer science originally because I was told I was good with computers. That originally meant that I knew QBASIC, some C++, DOS, and was good at using Windows. People would even call me a computer hacker because I could send e-mail anonymously and hexedit programs. All this praise made me decide to do something related with computers in college. In high school I asked what field I should go into if I liked computers. I was told "computer science." I wish I had a time machine so I can slap that advisor.

Overall, I have no regrets in my life. In high school, I liked tinkering with computer programming, but even before then, I was more into the arts. I was in every kind of school band you could think of and I played the sax and piano since God knows how long. I also had a thing for art. You can check out http://inscissor.deviantart.com to see what I've done.

After the first year in college, I started wondering what I wanted to do. Then it hit me. What better way to put together everything that I liked and form one solid entitity. So there and then I decided on web development. Web development as you know involves programming and is very related to web design, which is the graphical aspect of it (creating layouts, images, etc.). Music can also play a role, e.g., Flash movies.

Before making a solid decision on web dev, I contacted a lot of people and read quite a bit of books and articles about its future. Web development is here to stay for quite a while. The web is here to stay, and is growing exponentially. Web applications are higher in demand, and a lot of old legacy data, and also desktop applications, are being ported to be web accessible. Companies such as Microsoft, Oracle, and Sun are all contributing to the world of web development with their applications. I'm confident that I made the right decision. Web development is an enjoyable and fun field and it pays well too.

So that's my story. There's actually more to it, but I don't have the energy to type it all. Ultimately, I feel I have to say this, keep in mind that even after you receive your computer science degree, you're probably not going to know anything "real world." Real world knowledge must be picked up on your own while you're in college. It could be through internship or reading books. Last thing you want to do is wait until you graduate, because chances are, you won't know anything and you'll have a hard time finding a job that pays over $12/hour.

i've read all the articals and links posted. it was alot of work there were massive enteries.
and everything i read isnt very encouraging. first off i knew that cs had math but not to that extent. i despise math.
so over all i got the enpression that you guys dont like ur uni and hate the study.
its really hard.
and once you finish you cant get a job.

i was also told because i was good with pcs. and built my own computer at the age of 12
i have a passion for programming. i know alot about hardware and networking.
and have hacked websites and computers that i should be a cs major.

over all i get nothing out of it. i just learn to program on my own. if thats the case. true i probably wont get a job. i love programming but i dont want to be poor doing it. long hours and low pay is not the way i want to live.

i mean i know this si sorta blunt. but ever since i got into programing my social life is driffting. and what worries me is that it matter not. i enjoy what i do.

but say i do get a job what can i expect per month?

my decision has come down to attending fullsail for a year:
1)because i love game programming
2)give me a chance to try it and if i want to continue i can it will help me in uni.

i'm not in the states and my family sorta lives in cali so i was hoping if any one can tell me of a school like fullsail that is in cali.

you guys have been a great help. thanks

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