
Just came acrosss this article

Linus fires latest shot in GNOME Wars

As far as I know, Linus Torvalds was the gentleman who started Linux OS by putting the first bit of code together, so why he is against another open source movement called GNOME. I did get some hints from the articled that underline his anger at GNOME, but what actually is the story here. Can any one, particularly from the open source community please explain it to me in simple terms. Thanks.

>so why he is against another open source movement called GNOME
He isn't exactly mad at the whole idea behind GNOME; there's nothing wrong with wanting to create a window manager for Linux.

What he's saying is that GNOME is an oversimplified interface for idiots. Basically he likes the added power that KDE gives. He also disapproves of the developers behind it, in other words he says they don't want to fix and patch for updates; don't want to admit it has problems, yada yada yada.

He then goes and releases a bunch of fixes for GNOME just to prove how bad he says it really is.

So now you might be interested in which side I take. Neither. I use Enlightenment; GNOME and KDE use way too much memory. :p

i liek GNOME.

In case the OP is not a linux user let me explain:

KDE and GNOME are the main desktops

Gnome = simple, good looking, just works (kinda like OSX :) )

KDE = more options for configurability, doesn treat you like an idiot
(mire windowsey feel too)

i liek GNOME.

In case the OP is not a linux user let me explain:

KDE and GNOME are the main desktops

Gnome = simple, good looking, just works (kinda like OSX :) )

KDE = more options for configurability, doesn treat you like an idiot
(mire windowsey feel too)

Thanks mate, was just curiuos about the whold drama posted all over the net.

im using GNOME too...lalalala... and i have'nt experience any difficulty using it...

I like gnome too. I find kde a bit tacky and memory hungry. Gnome just works.

I like GNOME most of the time, but Linus is right that sometimes it assumes you don't know anything. I mostly like it because it's aesthetically pleasing and does everything I want it to.

Another downside is the amount of RAM it uses, but that's a gripe for another day.

It uses much less than KDE in my experience

If you are using SuSE or Fedora knome will use vast amounts of memory due to Beagle desktop search. This has now been scrapped.

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