Please anybody tell me about off page optimization.

Usually refers to link building strategies as an effort to increase ranking for content that in itself cannot sustain a decent ranking.

I forgot to add the another off-site considerations.

Something that is imporatnt for regional searches is that the web site be hosted within the country and preferably with a country extension for domain ( .ca for Canada ). Watch out for trashy servers as your web site can suffer unknowingly due to bad IP sharing neighbours.

Obviously I am a firm believer of concentrating on the on-site elements that are within your control but if you are going on a link hunt, know that other people's links are quite volatile and the wrong ones can take some time for the search engine to forgive.

So is Off Page Optimization something that we really shouldn't worry about? I have been wondering what this meant when I've seen it bandied about but it's never really clearly explained. I've been concentrating on on page optimization on my websites and not really worrying too much about anything else, at least at this point.

off-site optimization is definitely something to be concerned with.

Sometimes it's out of your control, but with whatever control you do have of it, you want to use it to your benefit.

optimized anchor text, optimized title tags, relevant sites linking to you, sites linking to you with a lot of authority (ie,,,, etc)

The more authoritative inbound links you can get, the higher you will appear in the SERPs (search engine result pages)

Offpage optimization is about building links and relationships.

It refers to all off page search engine optimization steps taken to improve the rank of your website. e.g. keywords density is an ON PAGE task whereas back links and forum posting s are off page or off-site search engine optimization techniques or steps.

But still its not clear to me about Off-page-optimization.
what is the use of Off-page-optimization?

thanks for your reply.

Off page optimization refers to anything that is not directly hosted on your site. The most important and largest aspect of "off page optimization" is link development.

This is because in general the site with the highest quantity and quality of inbound links from other websites will rank the highest on search engines.

There are many different ways to develop links. Developing links does not mean your on page factors are bad or that your content is not good. Developing inbound links helps to draw attention to your site. Any good marketer wants to draw attention to their project.

If your site is poor quality it will be hard to convince people to link to you. If your site is great it will be easier to convince people to link to you. That is why link development is important but should also be done in conjunction with good content development.

Good Luck!

what kind of link development is needed in Off-page optimization?

Off-page optimization are more on link building. Forum posting with sig is one example of link building. There are more ways to build links like directory submission, article submission, blog comment, social bookmarkings and others...

Off-page optimization (off-page SEO) are strategies for search engine optimization that are done off the pages of a website to maximize its performance in the search engines for target keywords related to the page content. Examples of off-page optimization include linking, and placing keywords within link anchor text.


I forgot to add the another off-site considerations.

Something that is imporatnt for regional searches is that the web site be hosted within the country and preferably with a country extension for domain ( .ca for Canada ). Watch out for trashy servers as your web site can suffer unknowingly due to bad IP sharing neighbours.

Hi Canadafred,

Who would be considered a "bad IP sharing neighbour"?

Obviously I am a firm believer of concentrating on the on-site elements that are within your control but if you are going on a link hunt, know that other people's links are quite volatile and the wrong ones can take some time for the search engine to forgive.

Speaking of wrong" kind of links, does anyone know whether linking to a low quality directory could harm search engine indexing?

Offpage optimization is about building links and relationships.

What kind of links are required to build links?

Off-page optimization (off-page SEO) are strategies for search engine optimization that are done off the pages of a website to maximize its performance in the search engines for target keywords related to the page content. Examples of off-page optimization include linking, and placing keywords within link anchor text.


But can you tell me the step-by-step procedure of OFF PAGE OPTIMIZATION.

Please anybody tell me about off page optimization.

Off-page optimization are all about linkbuilding. These incluces, directory submission, social bookmarkings, blog comment, article submission, link exchange and many more....

Hi There are two parts in seo 1 - On page optimization ans 2 - Off page Optimization.

Off page means which we submitted on other sites for link popularity.

Off-page optimization usually refers to link building like forum posting, directory submission, article submission, social bookmarkings and other techniques where you can get backlinks.


I hope you would have got a pretty clear idea about off-page optimization by the replies you got....

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