When I was surfing for SEO tips, I got these –
SEO is much pronounced today because,

What’s the point of having a website if it no one can find it?
Around the world all organizations have their websites; few of them generate more visibility and revenue. “Attracting the right visitors” is the basic purpose of SEO.

Search Engine Optimization
• Generates new traffic and prospects.
• Offers B2B networking opportunities for your business, and
• Strengthens online exposure at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.
I found these info. from SEO tips.
If you too find any such info. like this you can share with me.

You will get tons of SEO tips and info from Daniweb, try digging in old threads.

Unless they posted just because they wanted to plug their site, which a mod snipped. Use a real forum signature, people! :-P

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